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Search: au=0000000047077487
Found: 5 Record 1-5

Periodical articleSanni, Amidu (2011)
Arabic studies in the Nigerian university system: retrospections, introspections, and projections
Abstract presentJournal of Oriental and African Studies. Volume 20. p. 95-116.

Periodical articleSanni, Amidu (2008)
Terror in the name of God and the society: the Nigerian youth and the economy of violence
Abstract presentJournal of Oriental and African Studies. Volume 17. p. 87-102.

Periodical articleSanni, Amidu (2007)
The Nigerian Muslim youth and the shari'a controversy: issues in violence engineering in the public sphere
Abstract presentJournal of Oriental and African Studies. Volume 16. p. 119-133.

Periodical articleSanni, Amidu Olelakan (2006)
Challenges and realities in the healing and power-accession custom of the Yoruba Muslims of Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of Oriental and African Studies. Volume 15. p. 145-156.

BookSanni, Amidu (ed.) (2003)
An unfamiliar guest in a familiar household: Arabic and Islamic studies: in honour of Isaac Adejoju Ogunbiyi
Abstract presentBariga Lad Lak: Debo Prints. 232p.

Search: au=0000000047077487
Found: 5 Record 1-5

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