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Search: ge=Malawi
Found: 52 Record 1-52

BookDicks, Ian D. (2012)
An African worldview: the Muslim Amacinga Yawo of Southern Malawi
Zomba: Kachere Series. Kachere series #32. 510p.

BookTurnbull, William Joseph (2009)
Building bridges: lessons learnt from a Christian-Muslim dialogue in Mangochi, Malawi = Kumanga Mulatho: maphunziro ochokera ku Christian Muslim dialogue ku Mangochi, Malawi
Lilongwe: Centre for Social Concern.

Periodical (2008)
Blantyre, Malawi: ULAMA Council of Malawi.

Periodical articleKalilombe, P.A. (2008)
Muslim-Christian dialogue on social teaching
Religion in Malawi. #15. November-Nov. 2009. p. 28-31.

Dissertation / thesisKol, Willemijn van (2007)
Ummah in Zomba: transnationale invloeden op de reformistische islam in Malawi
Utrecht: Universiteit van Utrecht.

BookBaumgart dos Santos, Marion (2006)
Consensus: combating gender based violence through Islam, tradition, and law
Zomba, Malawi: Kachere Series. 114p.

BookPaas, Steven; Mwakanandi, D.S. (eds.) (2006)
Beliefs and practices of Muslims: the religion of our neighbours
Zomba: Good Messenger Publications. 182p.

BookSantos, Marion B.d. (2006)
Concensus: Combating Gender Based Violence through Islam, Tradition, and Law
Zomba, Malawi: Kachere Series. Kachere Texts #27. 114p.

Periodical articleChakanza, J.C. (2002)
Christian-Islam co-existence and development in Malawi
African Ecclesiastical Review. Volume 44 #3-4. p. 153-168.

Periodical articleChakanza, J.C. (2002)
Christian-Islam co-existence and development in Malawi
AFER. Volume 44 #3-4. June-Aug.. p. 153-168.

Periodical articleMumisa, Michael (2002)
See this publicationIslam and Proselytism in South Africa and Malawi
Abstract presentJournal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 22 #2. October. p. 275-298.

Book chapterAlpers, E.A. (2000)
East Central Africa
In: The history of Islam in Africa. p. 303-325.

Book chapterBone, D.S. (2000)
Islam in Malawi: An annotated bibliography
In: Malawi's Muslims: Historical Perspectives. p. 196-216.

Book chapterBone, D.S. (2000)
The development of Islam in Malawi and the response of the Christian churches c.1860-1986
In: Malawi's Muslims: Historical Perspectives. p. 113-152.

Book chapterBone, D.S. (2000)
Modernists and marginalisation
In: Malawi's Muslims: Historical Perspectives. p. 69-88.

Book chapterBone, D.S. (2000)
An outline history of Islam in Malawi
In: Malawi's Muslims: Historical Perspectives. p. 13-26.

BookBone, David S. (ed.) (2000)
Malawi's Muslims: Historical Perspectives
Abstract presentBlantyre: Christian Literature Association in Malawi. Kachere book #9. 220p.

BookChakanza, J.C. (2000)
Islam in Malawi week 1998
Zomba: University of Malawi. 40p.

Periodical articleMahomed, Imuran S. (2000)
The Development of Tariqas in Malawi: Qadriyah, Shadhiliyah and Sukuti
Religion in Malawi. #10. November. p. 19-24.

Book chapterMatiki, A.J.I. (2000)
Problems of Islamic education in Malawi
In: Malawi's Muslims: Historical Perspectives. p. 153-163.

Book chapterPanjwani, I.A.G. (2000)
Muslims in Malawi
In: Malawi's Muslims: Historical Perspectives. p. 181-195.

Periodical articleSicard, S. von (2000)
See this publicationThe Arrival of Islam in Malawi and the Muslim Contribution to Development
Abstract presentJournal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 20 #2. October. p. 291-311.

Book chapterThorold, A. (2000)
The Yao tariqa and the Sukuti movement
In: Malawi's Muslims: Historical Perspectives. p. 90-112.

Periodical articleMatiki, Alfred Jana (1999)
See this publicationThe Social and Educational Marginalization of Muslim Youth in Malawi
Abstract presentJournal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 19 #2. October. p. 249-259.

Periodical articleForster, Peter G. (1997)
Religion and the State in Tanzania and Malawi
Journal of Asian and African Studies. Volume 32 #3-4. December. p. 163-184.

Periodical articleThorold, Alan (1997)
See this publicationThe Politics of Mysticism: Sufism and Yao Identity in Southern Malawi
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 15 #1. January. p. 107-117.

Periodical articleMsiska, Augustine W.C. (1995)
See this publicationThe spread of Islam in Malawi and its impact on Yao rites of passage, 1870-1960
Abstract presentThe Society of Malawi Journal. Volume 48 #1. p. 49-86.

Periodical articleMatiki, Alfred J. (1994)
Problems of Islamic Education in Malawi
Religion in Malawi. #4. February. p. 18-22.

Book chapterConstantin, F. (1993)
Leadership, Muslim identities and East African politics tradition, bureaucratization and communication
In: Muslim identity and social change in Sub-Saharan Africa. p. 36-58.

Periodical articleSicard, S. von (1993)
See this publicationIslam in Malawi
Abstract presentJournal of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 14 #1-2. January. p. 107-115.

Book chapterThorold, A. (1993)
Metamorphoses of the Yao Muslims
In: Muslim identity and social change in Sub-Saharan Africa. p. 79-90.

Periodical articleMandivenga, Ephraim C. (1991)
Resurgence of Islam: Implications for African Spirituality and Dialogue
Religion in Malawi. #3. p. 12-16.

Periodical articleMatiki, Alfred J. (1991)
See this publicationProblems of Islamic Education in Malawi
Abstract presentJournal of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 12 #1. January. p. 127-134.

Periodical articleNkrumah, G.G. (1991)
See this publicationIslam in Southern Africa
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 18 #52. p. 94-97.

Dissertation / thesisMatiki, A.J.I. (1988)
Islamic education in Malawi: Successes and failures
B.A. thesis. University of Malawi, Zomba.

Periodical articleBone, David S. (1987)
The Development of Islam in Malawi and the Response of the Christian Churches: 1940-1986
Abstract presentBulletin on Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa. Volume 5 #4. October. p. 7-24.

Dissertation / thesisMalango, B.A. (1987)
Christian-Muslim dialogue in Malawi: A study of Christian-Muslim relations in the tribal context of a developing African country
master thesis. University of Dublin. 130p.

Periodical articleThorold, A. (1987)
Yao conversion to Islam
Cambridge Anthropology. Volume 12 #2. p. 18-28.

Periodical articleThorold, Alan (1987)
See this publicationYao Conversion to Islam
The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology. Volume 12 #2. p. 18-28.

Periodical articleBone, David S. (1985)
See this publicationThe Muslim Minority in Malawi and Western Education
Abstract presentJournal of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 6 #2. July. p. 412-419.

Periodical articleBone, David S. (1984)
The Christian Missionary Response to the Development of Islam in Malawi, 1875-1940
Abstract presentBulletin on Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa. Volume 2 #3. July. p. 1-23.

BookBone, D.S. (1983)
Towards a history of Islam in Malawi
Abstract presentLimbe: University of Malawi. 16p.

BookBone, D.S. (1983)
Islam in Malawi: An annotated bibliography
Abstract presentZomba: University of Malawi. Sources for the study of religion in Malawi; 11. 15p.

BookConstantin, F.; Bone, David S.; Mandivenga, Ephraim C. (1983)
Les communautés musulmanes d'Afrique orientale
Abstract presentPau, France: Université de Pau et des pays de l'Adour, Centre de recherche et d'étude sur les pays d'Afrique orientale. Travaux et documents du CREPAO, no. 1 #1.

BookMandivenga, Ephraim C. (1983)
Islam in Zimbabwe
Abstract presentGweru, Zimbabwe: Mambo Press. 81p.

Periodical articleBone, David S. (1982)
See this publicationIslam in Malawi
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 13 #2. p. 126-138.

Periodical articleKettani, Ali (1982)
See this publicationMuslim East Africa: An overview
Abstract presentJournal of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 4 #1-2. p. 104-119.

Periodical articlePanjwani, Ibrahim A.G. (1980)
See this publicationMuslims in Malawi
Journal of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 2 #1. Winter. p. 158-168.

Book chapterGreenstein, R. (1975)
The Nyasaland government's policy towards African Muslims, 1900-25
Abstract presentIn: From Nyasaland to Malawi; studies in colonial history. p. 144-168.

Dissertation / thesisGreenstein, R.C. (1974)
A history of Islam in Malawi: Yao and Chewa
Ph.D. dissertation. Syracuse University.

BookLanfry, J. (1969)
Eglise et islam en Afrique orientale et au Burundi: Rapport de voyage 18 avril - 28 juillet, 1968
Rome. 154p.

Book chapterShepperson, G. (1966)
The jumbe of Kota Kota and some aspects of the history of Islam in British Central Africa
Abstract presentIn: Islam in tropical Africa. p. 193-204.

Search: ge=Malawi
Found: 52 Record 1-52

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