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Search: su=cosmology
Found: 3 Record 1-3

BookEl-Aswad, el-Sayed (2002)
Religion and folk cosmology: scenarios of the visible and invisible in rural Egypt
Westport, CT: Praeger. 206p.

Periodical articleTamari, Tal (2001)
Notes sur les représentations cosmogoniques dogon, bambara et malinké et leurs parallèles avec la pensée antique et islamique
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 71 #1. p. 93-111.

Book chapterPaques, V. (1978)
The Gnawa of Morocco: the Derdeba ceremony
Abstract presentIn: The nomadic alternative: modes and models of interaction in the African-Asian deserts and steppes. p. 319-329.

Search: su=cosmology
Found: 3 Record 1-3

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