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Search: su=female dress
Found: 9 Record 1-9

BookAkhtar, Iqbal (2016)
The Khoja of Tanzania: discontinuities of a postcolonial religious identity
Leiden: Brill. Studies on religion in Africa. 226p.

BookRenne, Elisha P. (ed.) (2013)
Veiling in Africa
Abstract presentBloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. African expressive cultures. 238p.

BookBéji, Hélé (2011)
Islam pride: derrière le voile
Paris: Gallimard. 146p.

Periodical articleHawkins, Simon (2011)
See this publicationWho wears 'hijab' with the president: constructing a modern Islam in Tunisia
Journal of Religion in Africa. Volume 41 #1. p. 35-58.

Periodical articleSanten, José C.M. van (2010)
See this publication'My 'veil' does not go with my jeans': veiling, fundamentalism, education and women's agency in northern Cameroon
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 80 #2. p. 275-300.

Periodical articleNaidu, Maheshvari (2009)
Seeing (through) the gaze: marking religious and cultural differences onto Muslim female bodies
Abstract presentJournal for the Study of Religion. Volume 22 #2. p. 23-42.

Periodical articleOba, Abdulmumini A. (2009)
The hijab in educational institutions and human rights: perspectives from Nigeria and beyond
Identity, Culture and Politics: an Afro-Asian Dialogue. Volume 10 #1. July. p. 51-74.

Periodical articleLeBlanc, Marie Nathalie (2000)
See this publicationVersioning Womanhood and Muslimhood: 'Fashion' and the Life Course in Contemporary Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 70 #3. p. 442-481.

Periodical articleYahya-Othman, Saida (1997)
If the cap fits: Kanga names and women's voice in Swahili society
Abstract presentAfrikanistische Arbeitspapiere: Schriftenreihe des Kölner Instituts für Afrikanistik. #51. p. 135-149.

Search: su=female dress
Found: 9 Record 1-9

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