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Search: su=religious education
Found: 12 Record 1-12

Periodical articleBaylocq, Cédric; Hlaoua, Aziz (2016)
See this publicationDiffuser un 'islam du juste milieu'? Les nouvelles ambitions de la diplomatie religieuse africaine du Maroc
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #257. p. 113-128.

BookLo, Mbaye; Haron, Muhammed (eds.) (2016)
Muslim institutions of higher education in postcolonial Africa
Abstract presentNew York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. 302p.

Periodical articleUsuanlele, Uyilawa (2014)
British colonial administration, development of Islam and Islamic education in a non-Muslim society: the Benin division (Nigeria) experience 1897-1960
Abstract presentContemporary Journal of African Studies. Volume 2 #2. p. 65-96.

BookUganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) (2013)
U.A.C.E arts: history, economics, IRE & CRE: 1999 - 2013
Kampala: UNEB.

Periodical articleNoibi, Mubarak Ademola (2010)
Political corruption and the Nigerian democratic environment: the role of religion
Abstract presentJournal of Oriental and African Studies. Volume 19. p. 233-243.

BookAssaba, Claude (2002)
L'éducation dans la société africaine
Paris: L'Harmattan. Cahiers africains de recherche en éducation #1. 161p.

Periodical articleMuutu, V.; Swadener, B. (1995)
The Islamic integrated education project
Early Childhood Education & Care News. Volume 12. April. p. 12-14.

Periodical articleHaar, G. ter (1988)
See this publicationReligious education in africa: traditional, Islamic, and Christian
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 17 #50. p. 1-84.

Periodical articlePruess, James (1983)
See this publicationThe 'Koran' School, the 'Western' School, and the Transmission of Religious Knowledge: A Comparison from the Sudan
Abstract presentNortheast African Studies. Volume 5 #2. p. 5-39.

BookMaatoug, Hadi (1979)
Islamische Bildung und Erziehung und ihre Bedeutung für die gegenwärtige Pädagogik in Tunesien
Abstract presentFrankfurt am Main: Lang. 142p.

Book chapterFitzgerald, M.L. (1975)
Religious education among Muslims in Uganda
Abstract presentIn: Conflict and Harmony in Education in Tropical Africa. p. 200-211.

Book chapterHubbard, J.P. (1975)
Government and Islamic education in Northern Nigeria
Abstract presentIn: Conflict and harmony in education in Tropical Africa / ed. by G.N. Brown and M. Hiskett. p. 152-167.

Search: su=religious education
Found: 12 Record 1-12

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