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Search: su=religious songs
Found: 15 Record 1-15

Periodical articleAdekoya, J.S. (2008)
Thematic study of songs that promote Islamic teachings in Yorubaland
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 40 #2. p. 103-127.

BookMajdouli, Zineb (2007)
Trajectoires des musiciens Gnawa: approche ethnographique des cérémonies domestiques et des festivals de Musiques du monde
Paris: L'Harmattan. Arts de la piste et de la rue. 242p.

Periodical articleRausch, Margaret (2006)
See this publicationIshelhin Women Transmitters of Islamic Knowledge and Culture in Southwestern Morocco
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 11 #2. June. p. 173-192.

Periodical articleOlivier, Emmanuelle (2004)
La petite musique de la ville: musique et construction de la citadinité à Djenné (Mali)
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 74 #1-2. p. 97-123.

Periodical articleGoodman-Singh, David R. (2002)
The space of Africanness: using Gnawa music in Morocco as evidence of North African slavery and slave culture
Journal of Asian and African Studies (Tokyo). #64. p. 75-99.

Periodical articleMcLaughlin, Fiona (2000)
See this publication'In the name of God I will sing again, Mawdo Malik the Good': Popular music and the Senegalese Sufi 'tariqas'
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 30 #2. p. 191-207.

BookKapteijns, Lidwien; Ali, Mariam Omar (1995)
Sittaat: Somali women's songs for 'The mothers of the believers'
Boston: Boston University, African Studies Center. Discussion papers in the African humanities; 25.

Dissertation / thesisOsman, Ahmed Ibrahim (1995)
In praise of the Prophet: the performance and thematic composition of the Sudanese religious oral poetry
Abstract presentPh.D. dissertation. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 366p.

Periodical articleNa'allah, Abdul Rasheed (1994)
The influence of traditional oral poetry on modern religions (Islam and Christianity) among the Yoruba (Nigeria )
Abstract presentFrankfurter afrikanistische Blätter. #6. p. 65-74.

Periodical articleGueunier, Noël J. (1993)
'Aucune langue n'est indigne de louer Dieu': poèmes musulmans malgaches en dialecte sakalava (deuxième recueil)
Abstract presentÉtudes océan Indien. #16. p. 87-103.

BookWaugh, Earle H. (1989)
The munshidin of Egypt: Their world and their song
Abstract presentColumbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press. Studies in comparative religion. 246p.

Periodical articleGueunier, N.J. (1985)
'Le monde est une mer par grandes marées': poèmes musulmans malgaches en dialecte sakalava
Abstract presentÉtudes océan Indien. #6. p. 151-182.

Dissertation / thesisHaafkens, J. (1983)
Chants musulmans en peul: textes de l'héritage religieux de la Communauté musulmane de Maroua, Cameroun
Abstract presentLeiden: Brill. 422p.

Periodical articleSaid, Inzoudine; Ahmed Chamanga, Mohamed; Gueunier, Noël-Jacques (1982)
Un qasida arabe en l'honneur de Sayyid Ahmad al Kabir, missionnaire de l'Islam à Madagascar de 1896 à 1919
Abstract presentÉtudes océan Indien. Volume 1. p. 137-148.

Dissertation / thesisBoyd, Alan W. (1980)
To praise the prophet: a processual symbolic analysis of 'maulidi', a Muslim ritual in Lamu, Kenya
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 179p.

Search: su=religious songs
Found: 15 Record 1-15

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