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Search: su=spirit possession
Found: 66 Record 1-66

BookFavre-Chatagny, Denise (2016)
Le captage à Madagascar: guérir par le verbe
Paris: L'Harmattan. 251p.

Periodical articleLarsen, Kjersti (2014)
See this publicationBodily selves: identity and shared realities among humans and spirits in Zanzibar
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 44 #1. p. 5-27.

BookMackenrodt, Lisa (2011)
Swahili spirit possession and Islamic healing in contemporary Tanzania: the Jinn fly on Friday
Hamburg: Kovac. Fern/Sehen: Perspektiven der Sozialanthropologie #4. 216p.

Dissertation / thesisPasian, Michela (2010)
Anthropologie du rituel de possession Bori en milieu Hawsa au Niger: quand les génies cohabitent avec Allah
Paris: L'Harmattan. Collection anthropologie critique. 265p.

Periodical articleSpadola, Emilio (2009)
See this publicationWriting cures: religious and communicative authority in late modern Morocco
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 14 #2. p. 155-168.

Dissertation / thesisMaarouf, Mohammed (2007)
Jinn eviction as a discourse of power: a multidisciplinary approach to Moroccan magical beliefs and practices
Leiden: Brill. Islam in Africa #8. 337p.

BookMajdouli, Zineb (2007)
Trajectoires des musiciens Gnawa: approche ethnographique des cérémonies domestiques et des festivals de Musiques du monde
Paris: L'Harmattan. Arts de la piste et de la rue. 242p.

Periodical articleO'Brien, Susan M. (2007)
La charia contestée: démocratie, débat et diversité musulmane dans les 'États charia' du Nigeria
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #106. p. 46-68.

BookKim, Caleb Chul-Soo (2004)
Islam among the Swahili in East Africa
Nairobi, Kenya: Acton Publishers. African religion in global contexts. 224p.

Periodical articleKurcz, Maciej (2004)
The contemporary Dhikr: different aspects of the Sudanese religious expression
Africana Bulletin. #52. p. 67-83.

Periodical articleMcIntosh, Janet (2004)
See this publicationReluctant Muslims: Embodied Hegemony and Moral Resistance in a Giriama Spirit Possession Complex
Abstract presentJournal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. Volume 10 #1. March. p. 91-112.

BookClaisse, Pierre-Alain (2003)
Les Gnawa marocains de tradition loyaliste
Paris: L'Harmattan. Histoire et perspectives méditerranéennes. 186p.

BookAhmed, A. Chanfi (2002)
Ngoma et mission islamique (Da'wa) aux Comores et en Afrique orientale: une approche anthropologique
Paris: L'Harmattan. 266p.

BookKrasberg, Ulrike (2002)
Die Ekstasetänzerinnen von Sîdî Mustafa: eine theater-ethnologische Untersuchung
Berlin: Reimer. 244p.

Periodical articleMasquelier, Adeline M. (2002)
From hostage to host: Confessions of a spirit medium in Niger
Abstract presentEthos. Volume 30 #1. p. 49-76.

Dissertation / thesisKim, C.C. (2001)
Supernaturalism in Swahili Islam with special reference to the therapeutic cults of jinn possession
Ph.D. dissertation. Fuller Graduate Schools.

Book chapterLarsen, Kjersti (2001)
Spirit possession as oral history: Negotiating Islam and social status. The case of Zanzibar
In: Scarcia Amoretti, B. (ed.), Islam in East Africa. New sources (Archives. Manuscripts and written historical sources. Oral history, Archaeology). International colloquium, Rome, 2-4 December 1999. Roma: Herder. p. 275-296.

BookMasquelier, Adeline M. (2001)
Prayer has spoiled everything: Possession, power, and identity in an Islamic town of Niger
Durham: Duke University Press. 348p.

Periodical articleO'Brien, Susan M. (2001)
Spirit Discipline: Gender, Islam, and Hierarchies of Treatment in Postcolonial Northern Nigeria
Abstract presentInterventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies. Volume 3 #2. p. 222-241.

Periodical articleSoumana, Amadou (2001)
Le culte de possession par les génies holley au Niger: une transgression de l'éthique islamique par le biais thérapeutique
Abstract presentÉthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #66-67. p. 123-130.

BookMakris, G.P. (2000)
Changing masters: Spirit possession and identity construction among slave descendants and other subordinates in the Sudan
Evanston: Northwestern University Press. 432p.

Dissertation / thesisO'Brien, S. (2000)
Power and paradox in Hausa bori: Discourses of gender, healing and Islamic tradition in Northern Nigeria
Ph.D. dissertation. University of Wisconsin. 299p.

Dissertation / thesisSengers, Gerda Cornelia (2000)
Vrouwen en demonen: Zar en korangenezing in hedendaags Egypte
Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. 269p.

Book chapterKenyon, Susan M. (1999)
The Case of the Butcher's Wife: Illness, Possession and Power in Central Sudan
Abstract presentIn: Spirit possession: modernity & power in Africa. p. 89-108.

BookNisula, T. (1999)
Everyday spirits and medical interventions: Ethnographic and historical notes on therapeutic conventions in Zanzibar Town
Saarijärvi: Finnish Anthropological Society.

Periodical articleO'Brien, Susan (1999)
See this publicationPilgrimage, Power, and Identity: The Role of the Hajj in the Lives of Nigerian Hausa Bori Adepts
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 46 #3-4. Summer/Fall. p. 11-40.

BookChlyeh, Abdelhafid (1998)
Les Gnaoua du Maroc: itinéraires initiatiques, transe et possession
Grenoble: Pensée sauvage. 158p.

Book chapterMercier, J. (1997)
Les dieux naissent bâtards: dynamique de la possession polythéiste en Ethiopie
Abstract presentIn: Surgy, A.d. (ed.), Religion et pratiques de puissance. Paris: L'Harmattan. p. 95-104.

Dissertation / thesisAbdelsalam, S. (1996)
Techniques thérapeutiques islamique: le voleur et le visiteur. Confrontation entre deux systèmes thérapeutiques dans le Soudan (region de Gazira) - celui du zar et celui du djinn
thèse de doctorat. Université Paris-VII. 501p.

Book chapterMasquelier, Adeline (1996)
Mediating Threads: Clothing and the Texture of Spirit/Medium Relations in 'Bori' (Southern Niger)
Abstract presentIn: Clothing and Difference: Embodied Identities in Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa. p. 66-93.

Periodical articleMercier, Jacques (1996)
See this publicationLes métaphores nuptiale et royale du zar: contributions à l'étude critique de la relation entre le dieu et son adepte dans les cultes de possession
Abstract presentNortheast African Studies. Volume 3 #2. p. 127-148.

Periodical articleKenyon, S.M. (1995)
Zar as modernization in contemporary Sudan
Anthropological Quarterly. Volume 68 #2. p. 107-120.

Dissertation / thesisLarsen, Kjersti (1995)
Where humans and spirits meet: Incorporating difference and experiencing otherness in Zanzibar Town
Ph.D. dissertation. University of Oslo.

Periodical articleMasquelier, Adeline M. (1995)
See this publicationConsumption, Prostitution, and Reproduction: The Poetics of Sweetness in Bori
Abstract presentAmerican Ethnologist. Volume 22 #4. November. p. 883-906.

Periodical articleMasquelier, Adeline M. (1994)
See this publicationLightning, Death and the Avenging Spirits: Bori Values in a Muslim World
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 24 #1. February. p. 2-51.

Periodical articleMatory, James Lorand (1994)
See this publicationRival Empires: Islam and the Religions of Spirit Possession among the Oyo-Yoruba
American Ethnologist. Volume 21 #3. August. p. 495-515.

BookLambek, Michael (1993)
Knowledge and practice in Mayotte: local discourses of Islam, sorcery, and spirit possession
Abstract presentToronto: University of Toronto Press. Anthropological horizons #3. 468p.

Dissertation / thesisMasquelier, Adeline M. (1993)
Ritual Economies, Historical Mediations: The Poetics and Power of Bori among the Mawri of Niger
Ph.D. dissertation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 410p.

Book chapterMasquelier, Adeline M. (1993)
Narratives of power, images of wealth: The ritual economy of 'Bori' in the market
Abstract presentIn: Modernity and Its Malcontents: Ritual and Power in Postcolonial Africa. p. 3-33.

Dissertation / thesisO'Brien, Susan (1993)
Spirit possession as historical source: Gender, Islam, and healing in Hausa bori
master thesis. University of Wisconsin-Madison. 139p.

Periodical articlePelizzari, Elisa (1992)
See this publicationDue riti di possessione a confronto: il culto di Sheekh Xussen e il Mingis
Abstract presentAfrica: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 47 #3. p. 355-374.

BookLewis, Ioan M.; Safi, Ahmed al-; Hurreiz, Sayyid Hamid (eds.) (1991)
Women's Medicine: The Zar-Bori Cult in Africa and beyond
Abstract presentBased on an international African seminar held at the University of Khartoum, Sudan Republic, in January 1988. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press for the International African Institute. International African Seminars New Series #5. 299p.

Book chapterTubiana, J. (1991)
Zar and buda in northern Ethiopia
In: Women's medicine: The Zar-Bori cult in Africa and beyond. p. 19-33.

BookBoddy, Janice (1989)
Wombs and alien spirits: women, men and the Zar cult in Northern Sudan
Abstract presentMadison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press. New directions in anthropological writing. 399p.

Book chapterDahl, G. (1989)
Possession as cure: The Ayaana cult of Waso Borana
Abstract presentIn: Culture, experience and pluralism: essays on African ideas of illness and healing. p. 151-165.

Dissertation / thesisDia, A. (1989)
Education islamique et psychothérapie moderne en Afrique: le cas des originaires du Fouta
thèse de doctorat. Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar. 217p.

BookErlmann, Veit; Magagi, Habou (1989)
Girkaa: une cérémonie d'initiation au culte de possession bòorii des Hausa de la région de Maradi (Niger)
Abstract presentBerlin: Reimer. 173p.

Dissertation / thesisGiles, L.L. (1989)
Spirit possession on the Swahili coast: Peripheral cults or primary texts? (Kenya and Tanzania)
Ph.D. dissertation. University of Texas, Austin. 554p.

Periodical articlePrunier, G. (1989)
Le zar bori au Soudan: culte de possession ou lutte des sexes?
Les cahiers de l'Orient. Volume 13. p. 23-28.

BookStoller, Paul (1989)
Fusion of the worlds: An ethnography of possession among the Songhay of Niger
Abstract presentChicago: University of Chicago Press. 243p.

Periodical articleGiles, Linda L. (1987)
See this publicationPossession Cults on the Swahili Coast: A Re-Examination of Theories of Marginality
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 57 #2. p. 234-258.

Periodical articleMasquelier, A.M. (1987)
Cooking the Bori way: The logic of healing in the Hausa possession cult
Chicago Anthropology Exchange. Volume 16. p. 96-103.

Book chapterNagar, Samia al Hadi al (1987)
Women and spirit possession in Omdurman
Abstract presentIn: The Sudanese woman. p. 92-115.

Dissertation / thesisMalle, Y. (1985)
Le culte de possession en milieu bamanan: le 'Jine-don' dans le district de Bamako. Etude clinique du 'Jiné-bana'
mémoire de fin d'études. ENSUP, Bamako.

Periodical articleShahi, A.a. (1984)
Spirit possession and healing: The zar among the Shaygiyya of the Northern Sudan
British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Bulletin. Volume 11 #1. p. 28-44.

BookBesmer, F.E. (1983)
Horses, musicians and gods: The Hausa cult of possession-trance
Abstract presentSouth Hadley: Bergin & Garvey. 290p.

Dissertation / thesisBoddy, J.P. (1982)
Parallel worlds: Humans, spirits, and zar possession in rural Northern Sudan
Ph.D. dissertation. University of British Columbia.

BookLambek, M.J. (1981)
Human spirits: A cultural account of trance in Mayotte
Abstract presentCambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cambridge studies in cultural systems; 6. 219p.

Book chapterConstantinides, P. (1978)
Women's spirit possession and urban adaptation in the Muslim Northern Sudan
In: Women united, women divided: Cross-cultural perspectives on female solidarity. p. 185-205.

Periodical articleTanner, R.E.S. (1978)
See this publicationWord and spirit in contemporary African religious practice and thought: some issues raised by translation into Swahili
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 9 #2. p. 123-135.

Periodical articleBesmer, Fremont E. (1977)
See this publicationInitiation into the Bori Cult: A Case Study in Ningi Town
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 47 #1. p. 1-13.

Periodical articleBesmer, F.E. (1975)
Borii: Structure and process in performance
Folia Orientalia. Volume 16. p. 101-130.

Dissertation / thesisNagar, S.a.a. (1973)
Spirit possession and social change in Omdurman
master thesis. University of Khartoum.

Dissertation / thesisConstantinides, P. (1972)
Sickness and the spirits: A study of the zaar spirit possession cult in the Northern Sudan
Ph.D. dissertation. University of London.

Book chapterGray, R.F. (1969)
The Shetani Cult among the Segeju of Tanzania
In: Beattie, J.; Middleton, J. (eds.), Spirit mediumship and society in Africa. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. p. 171-187.

Periodical articleKing, A.V.A. (1967)
A Bori liturgy from Katsina
African Language Studies. Volume 7. p. 105-125.

Search: su=spirit possession
Found: 66 Record 1-66

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