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Search: su=traditional rulers
Found: 28 Record 1-28

Periodical articleBogen Sinderud, Marte (2013)
Royal concubinage in Ngaoundere, northern Cameroon, ca.1900-1960
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 46 #1. p. 1-25.

BookTouzani, Amina (2013)
Le contre-pouvoir des ouléma: dans le Maroc traditionnel
Casablanca: Éditions Croisée des Chemins. 201p.

Periodical articleAdebayo, Ibrahim R. (2010)
The role of traditional rulers in the islamization of Osun State (Nigeria)
Abstract presentJournal for Islamic Studies. Volume 30. p. 60-77.

Dissertation / thesisMahibou, Sidi Mohamed (2010)
Abdullahi Dan Fodio et la théorie du gouvernement islamique
Paris: L'Harmattan. Collection 'Croyances du monde'. 280p.

BookSeydou, Christiane (2010)
L'épopée peule de Boûbou Ardo Galo: héros et rebelle
Paris: Karthala. Paroles en miroir #5. 278p.

Dissertation / thesisMouline, Mohammed Nabil (2009)
Le califat imaginaire d'Ahmad al-Mansûr: pouvoir et diplomatie au Maroc au XVIe siècle
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 396p.

BookSulaiman, Ibraheem (2009)
The African caliphate: the life, works & teaching of Shaykh Usman dan Fodio (1754-1817)
London: Diwan. 318p.

BookBouyerdene, Ahmed (2008)
Abd El-Kader: l'harmonie des contraires
Paris: Éditions du Seuil. 348p.

BookMoumouni, Seyni (2008)
Vie et oeuvre du Cheikh Uthmân Dan Fodio (1754-1817): de l'islam au soufisme
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 222p.

BookQuick, Abdullah Hakim (2007)
In the heart of a West African Islamic revival: Shaykh Uthman Dan Fodio (1774-1804)
Cairo: Al-Falah. 228p.

BookShimada, Yoshihito (ed.) (2006)
The hierarchy and the multi and super-ethnic regional formation concerning African traditional kingdoms
Abstract presentNagoya: Comparative Studies in Social and Human Sciences, Nagoya University. African traditional kingdoms studies #3. 360p.

BookUmar, Muhammad Sani (2006)
Islam and colonialism: intellectual response of Muslims of Northern Nigeria to British colonial rule
Leiden: Brill. Islam in Africa #5. 295p.

Periodical articleAdama, Hamadou (2002)
La 'faada' et l'apprentissage démocratique dans les lamidats du Nord-Cameroun
Abstract presentL'Afrique politique. p. 173-190.

Periodical articleMoumouni, Seyni (2002)
'Actualité du cheikh 'Uthmân dan Fodio (1754-1817): un héritage convoité': essai d'une analyse des discours religieux et historiques relatifs au concept de la bonne gouvernance
Abstract presentL'Afrique politique. p. 111-120.

Conference paperAnonymous (2000)
Centenaire du souvenir: 'Almami Samori Touré 1898-1998'
Abstract presentConakry: Éditions Universitaires. 266p.

Periodical articleFerhat, Halima (1999)
Chérifisme et enjeux du pouvoir au Maroc
Oriente moderno. Volume 79. p. 473-481.

Periodical articleSebti, Abdelahad (1999)
Chérifisme, symbole et histoire
Oriente moderno. Volume 79. p. 629-638.

BookKasozi, A.B.K.; Ssebulime, M. (1996)
The life of Prince Badru Kakungulu Wasajja: and the development of a forward looking Muslim community in Uganda 1907-1991
Kampala: Progressive Publishing House. 268p.

Periodical articleOyelade, E.O. (1995)
The ruler factor in the Islamization of the Yoruba 1840-1940
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 27 #1. p. 22-34.

Periodical articleSchilder, Kees (1993)
See this publicationLocal rulers in North Cameroon: the interplay of politics and conversion
Abstract presentAfrika Focus. Volume 9 #1-2. p. 43-72.

BookBoyd, Jean; Maishanu, H.M. (1991)
Sir Siddiq Abubakar III: Sarkin Musulmi
Abstract presentIbadan: Spectrum Books. 152p.

BookZeltner, Jean-Claude (1988)
Les pays du Tchad dans la tourmente 1880-1903
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Racines du présent. 285p.

Periodical articleDussart, Françoise (1984)
Les aleas d'une politique militaire integrative: le cas de Samori
Abstract presentCultures et développement. Volume 16 #3-4. p. 611-628.

Conference paperGroff, D.H. (1978)
Kouao Bile's water: the rationality of religious conversion in a West African town
Abstract presentWaltham: African studies association. 24p.

Book chapterDuffield, M.R. (1977)
Fulani Mahdism and revisionism in Sudan: 'hijra' or compromise with colonialism?
Abstract presentIn: The Central Bilad al-Sudan: tradition and adaptation. p. 283-305.

Periodical articleMason, Michael (1977)
See this publicationThe antecedents of nineteenth-century Islamic government in Nupe
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 10 #1. p. 63-76.

Periodical articleMasri, F.H. el (1963)
The Life of Shehu Usuman Dan Fodio before the Jihad
Abstract presentJournal of the Historical Society of Nigeria. Volume 2 #4. December. p. 435-448.

Dissertation / thesisLarby, Kirstin Amanda (19**)
'King of men': the religious and secular work of Alhadji Najiru in Numuyel, the Gambia

Search: su=traditional rulers
Found: 28 Record 1-28

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