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Periodical articleAdama, Hamadou; Amadou, A.M. (1998)
See this publicationModibbo al-Hajj Usmanu (1884-1970): The life of a Muslim teacher and judge in Bogo (North Cameroon)
Abstract presentSudanic Africa. Volume 9. p. 71-89.

BookChande, Abdin N. (1998)
See this publicationIslam, Ulamaa and community development in Tanzania: a case study of religious currents in East Africa
San Francisco: Austin & Winfield. 285p.

Book chapterLoimeier, Roman (1998)
Cheikh Touré, un musulman sénégalais dans le siècle: du réformisme à l'islamisme
In: Islam et islamismes au sud du Sahara. p. 155-168.

Periodical articleould al-Bara, Yahya (1998)
See this publicationLe milieu culturel et social des fuqahâ maures
Abstract presentNomadic Peoples. Volume 2 #1-2. p. 198-214.

Periodical articleFall, Cheikh Tidiane (1997)
Al-Hajj Abbas Sall (1909-1990)
Abstract presentIslam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #11. p. 163-172.

Book chapterGrandin, Nicole (1997)
Politiques d'enseignement religieux et culture arabico-islamique au Soudan
Abstract presentIn: Madrasa: la transmission du savoir dans le monde musulman. p. 246-266.

Book chapterKagabo, J.H. (1997)
'Ilm wa ta'lîm': savoir et enseignement islamiques en Afrique de l'Est
Abstract presentIn: Madrasa: la transmission du savoir dans le monde musulman. p. 267-276.

Periodical articleDadoo, Yousuf (1996)
See this publicationMaulvi Cachalia: The Contributions of a Thinker-Activist in the Political Liberation of South Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 16 #1. January. p. 129-133.

Periodical articleJeppie, Shamil (1996)
See this publicationLeadership and Loyalties: The Imams of Nineteenth Century Colonial Cape Town, South Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 26 #2. May. p. 139-162.

Periodical articleO'Fahey, Rex S.; Vikør, Knut S. (1996)
See this publicationA Zanzibari Waqf of Books: The Library of the Mundhiri Family
Abstract presentSudanic Africa. Volume 7. p. 5-23.

Periodical articleSoares, Benjamin; Hunwick, John O. (1996)
See this publicationFalkeiana IV: The Shaykh as the Locus of Divine Self-Disclosure: A Poem in Praise of Shaykh Hamahu 'Ilah
Abstract presentSudanic Africa. Volume 7. p. 97-112.

Periodical articleBoubrik, Rahal (1995)
Shaykh Muhammad al-Mâmî: éléments d'une biographie
Abstract presentIslam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #9. p. 49-55.

Periodical articleKassim, Mohamed M. (1995)
See this publicationIslam and Swahili Culture on the Banadir Coast
Abstract presentNortheast African Studies. Volume 2 #3. p. 21-37.

Periodical articleRobinson, David (1995)
Hedging bets: Shaikh Mamadu Mamudu of Futa Toro
Abstract presentIslam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #9. p. 83-98.

Periodical articleSaid Abasse, Alloui (1995)
Itinéraires biographiques de quatre membres de l'élite comorienne de Marseille: éléments pour une sociologie de l'islam comorien
Abstract presentIslam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #9. p. 99-116.

BookGaffney, Patrick D. (1994)
The prophet's pulpit: Islamic preaching in contemporary Egypt
Abstract presentBerkeley, CA: University of California Press. Comparative studies on muslim societies #20. 367p.

Periodical articleLoimeier, Roman (1994)
Cheikh Touré: du réformisme à l'islamisme, un musulman sénégalais dans le siècle
Abstract presentIslam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #8. p. 55-66.

BookMcHugh, Neil (1994)
Holymen of the Blue Nile: the making of an Arab-Islamic community in the Nilotic Sudan, 1500-1850
Abstract presentEvanston, IL: Northwestern University Press. Series in Islam and society in Africa. 280p.

Periodical articleSakaï, Shinzo (1994)
Alfa Boari Karabenta de Dia
Abstract presentIslam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #8. p. 67-84.

Book chapterCoulon, C. (1993)
Les nouveaux oulémas et le renouveau islamique au Nord-Nigéria
Abstract presentIn: Le radicalisme islamique au sud du Sahara: da'wa, arabisation et critique de l'Occident. p. 123-149.

Periodical articleKukah, Matthew Hassan (1993)
An assessment of the intellectual response of the Nigerian ulama to the shari'a debate since independence
Abstract presentIslam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #7. p. 35-55.

BookLaminu, Hamsatu Zanna (1993)
Scholars and scholarship in the history of Borno
Abstract presentZaria: The Open Press. 149p.

Periodical articleAjetunmobi, Musa A. (1991)
See this publicationIslamic Scholars of Ilorin and Their Place in Yorubaland
Abstract presentJournal of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 12 #1. January. p. 135-147.

Periodical articleBarbier, J.-C. (1991)
El-Hadj Bukari dit 'Modjolobo' ou la guerre des fétiches à Sokodé
Abstract presentIslam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #5. p. 73-102.

Periodical articleHarrak, Fatima (1991)
Ulama et société au Maroc du XVIIIème siècle
Abstract presentRevue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 18 #61-62. p. 49-65.

Book chapterKagabo, José (1991)
Réseaux d'ulama 'swahili' et liens de parenté: une piste de recherche
Abstract presentIn: Les Swahili entre Afrique et Arabie / (sous la dir. de) Françoise Le Guennec-Coppens et Pat Caplan. - Paris [etc.]: Karthala. p. 59-72.

Periodical articleLambek, Michael J. (1990)
See this publicationThe Practice of Islamic Experts in a Village on Mayotte
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 20 #1. February. p. 20-40.

Periodical articleAhmed, Hussein (1989)
See this publicationThe Life and Career of Shaykh Talha B. Ja'far (c. 1853-1936)
Abstract presentJournal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 22. November. p. 13-30.

BookFarsy, Abdallah Salih; Pouwels, Randall L. (eds.) (1989)
The Shafi ulama of East Africa, ca. 1830-1970: a hagiographic account
Abstract presentMadison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison, African Studies Program. African primary texts; 2. 215p.

BookSanneh, Lamin O. (1989)
The Jakhanke Muslim clerics: a religious and historical study of Islam in Senegambia
Abstract presentLanham, MD: University Press of America. 339p.

Periodical articleKassis, Hanna E. (1988)
Iyad's Doctrinal Views and Their Impact on the Maghreb
Abstract presentMaghreb Review. Volume 13 #1-2. January-April. p. 49-56.

Book chapterLast, Murray (1988)
Charisma and medicine in Northern Nigeria
Abstract presentIn: Charisma and brotherhood in African Islam. p. 183-204.

Periodical articleCoulon, C. (1987)
Les nouveaux ulama et la résurgence islamique au Nord-Nigeria
Abstract presentIslam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #1. p. 27-48.

Periodical articleElmasri, F.H. (1987)
See this publicationSheikh al-Amin bin Ali al-Mazrui and the Islamic Intellectual Tradition in East Africa
Abstract presentJournal of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 8 #2. July. p. 229-237.

Periodical articleHunwick, John Owen (1987)
Neo-Hanbalism in southern Nigeria: The reformist ideas of al-Hâjj Adâm al-Ilûrî of Agege
Abstract presentIslam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #1. p. 18-26.

Periodical articleAbdallah, Fadel I. (1986)
The Role of the 'Ulama' in the Resistance against the Moroccan Invasion of the Sudan
Abstract presentCurrent Bibliography on African Affairs. Volume 19 #1. p. 47-60.

Periodical articleBowen, Donna Lee (1985)
The Paradoxical Linkage of the 'Ulama' and Monarch in Morocco
Abstract presentMaghreb Review. Volume 10 #1. January-February. p. 3-9.

Periodical articleBrenner, Louis (1985)
Three Fulbe Scholars in Borno
Abstract presentMaghreb Review. Volume 10 #4-6. July-December. p. 107-113.

Periodical articleCheikh, Abd El Wedoud Ould; Saison, Bernard (1985)
See this publicationLe theologien et le somnambule: un épisode récent de l'histoire almoravide en Mauritanie
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 19 #2. p. 301-317.

Periodical articleTom, Abdullahi Osman El- (1985)
See this publicationDrinking the Koran: The Meaning of Koranic Verses in Berti Erasure
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 55 #4. p. 414-431.

Periodical articleSpaulding, Jay L. (1984)
See this publicationThe Fall of a Wayward Saint
Abstract presentNortheast African Studies. Volume 5 #3. p. 43-50.

BookSaad, Elias N. (1983)
Social history of Timbuktu: the role of Muslim scholars and notables, 1400-1900
Abstract presentCambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. Cambridge studies in Islamic civilization. 324p.

BookBerque, Jacques (1982)
Ulémas, fondateurs, insurgés du Maghreb: XVIIe siècle
Abstract presentParis: Sindbad. La bibliothèque arabe, Collection Hommes et sociétés. 297p.

BookPetry, Carl F. (1981)
The civilian elite of Cairo in the later Middle Ages
Abstract presentPrinceton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Princeton studies on the Near East. 475p.

Periodical articlePilaszewicz, Stanislaw (1981)
Homiletic poetry of Al-Haji 'Umaru
Abstract presentAfricana Bulletin. #30. p. 73-110.

Periodical articleSanneh, Lamin O. (1981)
See this publicationFuta Jallon and the Jakhanke Clerical Tradition. Part One: The Historical Setting
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 12 #1. p. 38-64.

BookBâ, Amadou Hampaté (1980)
Vie et enseignement de Tierno Bokar: le sage de Bandiagara
Abstract presentParis: Éditions du Seuil. Points, Série Sagesses #23. 254p.

Book chapterBrenner, L. (1979)
Muhammed al-Amin al-Kanimi and religion and politics in Bornu
Abstract presentIn: Studies in West African Islamic history. p. 160-176.

Book chapterNorris, H.T. (1979)
Muslim Sanhaja scholars of Mauritania
Abstract presentIn: Studies in West African Islamic history. p. 147-159.

Book chapterWillis, J.R. (1979)
The writings of Al-Hajj'Umar Al-Futi and Shaykh Mukhtar B. Wadi at Allah: literary themes, sources and influences
Abstract presentIn: Studies in West African Islamic history. p. 177-210.

Periodical articleBrabant, J.M. (1978)
Le meutre du Muphti Kahoul: autopsie d'une 'machination policière'
Abstract presentRevue algérienne des sciences juridiques, politiques et économiques. Volume 15 #4. p. 196-204.

BookDesai, Barney; Marney, Cardiff (1978)
The killing of the Imam
Abstract presentLondon: Quartet Books. 146p.

Periodical articleHunwick, John O. (1978)
Salih al-Fullani of Futa Jallon: an eighteenth-century scholar and mujaddid
Abstract presentBulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 40 #4. p. 879-885.

Periodical articleLevtzion, Nehemia (1978)
See this publicationIslam in West African Politics: Accommodation and Tension between the 'Ulama' and the Political Authorities
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 18 #71. p. 333-345.

Dissertation / thesisRyan, Patrick J. (1978)
Imale: Yoruba participation in the Muslim tradition: a study of clerical piety
Abstract presentMissoula, Mont.: Scholars Press. Harvard dissertations in religion #11. 332p.

Periodical articleWillis, John R. (1978)
See this publicationThe Torodbe Clerisy: A Social View
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 19 #2. p. 195-212.

Periodical articleGreen, Arnold H. (1977)
On identifying and delimiting the corps of Tunisi Ulama
Abstract presentRevue d'histoire maghrébine. #7-8. p. 150-164.

Periodical articleKaniki, M.H.Y. (1977)
The Idara rebellion of 1931: a reappraisal
Abstract presentJournal of the Historical Society of Sierra Leone. Volume 1 #2. p. 57-64.

Book chapterLavers, J.E. (1977)
Diversions on a journey or the travels of Shaykh Ahmed Al-Yamani (1630-1712) from Halfaya to Fez
Abstract presentIn: The Central Bilad al-Sudan: tradition and adaptation. p. 216-232.

BookZouber, Mahmoud A. (1977)
Ahmad Baba de Tombouctou (1556-1627), sa vie et son oeuvre
Abstract presentParis: G.-P. Maisonneuve et Larose. Publications du Département d'Islamologie de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne; 3. 213p.

BookBadawi, Zaki (1976)
The reformers of Egypt: a critique of Al-Afghani, 'Abduh and Ridha
Abstract presentSlough: Open Press.

Periodical articleSanneh, Lamin O. (1976)
See this publicationThe Origins of Clericalism in West African Islam
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 17 #1. p. 49-72.

BookRabinow, Paul (1975)
Symbolic domination: cultural form and historical change in Morocco
Abstract presentChicago: University of Chicago Press. 107p.

Periodical articleBatran, 'Abd-Al-Aziz A. (1973)
See this publicationA Contribution to the Biography of Shaikh Muhammed ibn 'Abd-al-Karim ibn Muhammad ('Umar-a'Mar) al-Maghili, al-Tilimsani
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 14 #3. p. 381-394.

Periodical articleGerresch, Claudine (1973)
Jugements du moniteur du Sénégal sur al-Hajj 'Umar, de 1857 à 1864
Abstract presentBulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 35 #3. p. 574-592.

Periodical articleGaye, El-Hadji Mouhamadou Sakhir; Sylla, Assane (1972)
La vie de Seydina Mouhamadou Limâmou Laye par Cheikh Mahtar Lô
Abstract presentBulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 34 #3. p. 497-523.

Periodical articleGbadamosi, G.O. (1972)
The imamate question among Yoruba muslims
Abstract presentJournal of the Historical Society of Nigeria. Volume 6 #2. p. 229-237.

Periodical articleDoi, A.R.I. (1971)
See this publicationThe Yoruba Mahdi
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 4 #2. p. 119-136.

Periodical articleSylla, Assane (1971)
Les persecutions de Seydina Mouhamadou Limamou Lâye par les autorités coloniales
Abstract presentBulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 33 #3. p. 590-641.

Periodical articleBrown, K. (1970)
Histoire culturelle de salé: profil d'un alim du 19e siècle
Abstract presentBulletin économique et social du Maroc. Volume 32 #116. p. 49-62.

Periodical articleFisher, H. (1970)
See this publicationThe early life and pelgrimage of Al-Hajj Muhammad Al-Amin the Soninke (d. 1887)
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 11 #1. p. 51-69.

Periodical articleDumont, Fernand (1969)
Amadou Bamba, apotre de la non-violence (1850-1927)
Abstract presentNotes africaines: bulletin d'information et de correspondance de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire. #121. p. 20-24.

Periodical articleHamidu Alkali, Al-Hajj (1968)
The 'Mahdi' of Toranke
Abstract presentKano Studies. Volume 1 #4. p. 92-95.

Periodical articleRondot, P. (1966)
Le Mahdisme
Abstract presentLe mois en Afrique: revue française d'études politiques africaines. #5. p. 48-60.

Book chapterLewis, I.M. (1965)
Shaikhs and warriors in Somaliland
Abstract presentIn: African systems of thought. p. 204-220.

BookHampâté Bâ, Âmadou; Cardaire, Marcel (1957)
Tierno Bokar, le sage de Bandiagara
Abstract presentParis: Présence Africaine. 124p.

Search: su=ulema
Found: 176 First Previous Record 101-176

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