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Search: su=rituals & festivals
Found: 58 Record 1-58

BookAbeng, Nazaire Bitoto (2005)
Afrikanische Mythen, Riten und Lebensformen in der Begegnung mit Islam, Christentum und Moderne: Das Beispiel Kamerun
Frankfurt am Main: IKO-Verlag. 159p.

Periodical articleVahed, G.H.M. (2005)
Contesting meanings and authenticity: Indian Islam and Muharram 'performances' in Durban, 2002
Journal of Ritual Studies. Volume 19 #2. p. 129-145.

Book chapterEvers Rosander, E. (2004)
Going to Porokhane and not going to Porokhane: Mourid women in Senegal and Spain
In: Eade, J.; Coleman, S. (eds.), Reframing pilgrimage: Cultures in motion. London: Routledge.

Book chapterFicquet, É. (2004)
Le rituel du café, contribution musulmane à l'identité nationale éthiopienne
In: O Islão na África Subsariana. p. 159-165.

Periodical articleMommersteeg, Geert (2004)
Djenné demande de la pluie: prières et rituels pour obtenir la pluie dans une ville sahélienne
Djenné Patrimoine Informations. Volume 16. p. 11-14.

Periodical articleRasmussen, Susan J. (2004)
See this publication'These are dirty times': Transformations of gendered spaces and Islamic ritual protection in Tuareg herbalists' and marabouts' albaraka blessing powers
Journal of Ritual Studies. Volume 18 #2. p. 43-60.

Book chapterEvers Rosander, E. (2003)
Mourid women and pilgrimage in Senegal and Spain
In: Ruuth, A. (ed.), Rite and power. Uppsala: Swedish Institute of Mission Research.

Periodical articleVahed, Goolam H. (2003)
See this publicationA Sufi Saint's Day in South Africa: The Legend of Badsha Peer
Abstract presentSouth African Historical Journal. Volume 49. p. 96-122.

Periodical articleAhmed, A. Chanfi (2002)
See this publicationRites de mort aux Comores et chez les Swahili: entre islam savant et culture locale
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 72 #2. p. 187-201.

Periodical articleKifleyesus, Abbebe (2002)
See this publicationMuslims and Meals: The Social and Symbolic Function of Foods in Changing Socio-Economic Environments
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 72 #2. p. 245-276.

Periodical articleFortier, Corinne (2001)
See this publicationLe lait, le sperme, le dos. Et le sang? Représentations physiologiques de la filiation et de la parenté de lait en islam malékite et dans la société maure
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 41 #161. p. 97-138.

Periodical articleDeclich, F. (2000)
Sufi experience in rural Somali: A focus on women
Social Anthropology. Volume 8 #3. p. 295-318.

Periodical articleAhmed, Hussein (1999)
See this publicationFaith and Trade: The Market Stalls around the Anwar Mosque in Addis Ababa during Ramadan
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 19 #2. October. p. 261-268.

Periodical articleCoulon, Christian (1999)
See this publicationThe Grand Magal in Touba: A Religious Festival of the Mouride Brotherhood of Senegal
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 98 #391. April. p. 195-210.

Periodical articleKarim, G.M. (1998)
Medical implications of trance rituals
Journal of the Islamic Medical Association of South Africa. Volume 4 #2. p. 46-56.

Dissertation / thesisKarim, G.M. (1998)
Performance, trance, possession and mysticism: An analysis of the 'Ratib al-Rifa'iyyah' in South Africa
Ph.D. dissertation. University of Cape Town. 232p.

Periodical articleMark, Peter; Jong, Ferdinand de; Chupin, Clemence (1998)
Ritual and Masking Traditions in Jola Men's Initiation
African Arts. Volume 31 #1. Winter. p. 36-47.

Periodical articleMurphy, William P. (1998)
See this publicationThe Sublime Dance of Mende Politics: An African Aesthetic of Charismatic Power
Abstract presentAmerican Ethnologist. Volume 25 #4. November. p. 563-582.

Periodical articleOseni, Z.I. (1997)
An appraisal of Walimatu khatmi-l-Qur'an in Nigeria
Islam and the Modern Age. Volume 28 #1. p. 47-59.

Periodical articleBlanchy, Sophie; Cheikh, Mwanesha; Saïd, Moussa; Allaoui, M.; Issihaka, M. (1996)
Rituels de protection dans l'archipel des Comores
Abstract presentIslam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #10. p. 121-142.

Book chapterClaudot-Hawad, H. (1996)
Ordre sacré et ordre politique chez les Touaregs de l'Aïr: l'exemple du pèlerinage aux lieux saints
In: L'islam pluriel au Maghreb. p. 223-239.

Book chapterMoraes Farias, P.F. de (1996)
Borgu in the cultural map of the Muslim diasporas of West Africa
In: The cloth of many colored silks: Papers on history and society, Ghanaian and Islamic in honor of Ivor Wilks. p. 259-286.

BookAdetona, Abdul Lateef Mobolaji (1995)
The abuse of Islamic rites and ceremonies in the contemporary Nigerian society
Lagos: Al-Basit Productions. 47p.

Periodical articleAguilar, M.I. (1995)
Recreating a religious past in a Muslim setting: 'Sacrificing' coffee-beans among the Waso Boorana of Garba Tulla, Kenya
Ethnos. Volume 60 #1-2. p. 41-58.

Periodical articleDa Costa, Y. (1995)
The politics of relgion: A case study of Id al-Adha issue in the Cape Peninsula
Journal for Islamic Studies. Volume 15. p. 27-46.

Book chapterSanten, J.C.M. van (1995)
We attend but no longer dance: Changes in Mafa funeral practices due to Islamization
Abstract presentIn: Baroin, C.; others (eds.), Mort et rites funéraires dans le bassin du lac Tchad. Paris: Éditions de l'ORSTOM. p. 163-186.

BookTall, A. (1995)
Niche des secrets: recueil d'arcanes mystiques dans la tradition soufie (islamique)
Abstract presentDakar: Librairie islamique. 184p.

Book chapterFoucher, E. (1994)
The cult of Muslim saints in Harar: Religious dimension
In: Zewde, B.; Pankhurst, R.; Beyene, T. (eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference of Ethiopian Studies. Addis Ababa: Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa University. p. 71-79.

Book chapterFisher, H.J. (1993)
Sujud and symbolism: A case study in the ambiguity of symbolic ritual action in the Quran and in Western Africa
In: Threefold wisdom: Islam, the Arab world and Africa. p. 72-88.

Book chapterFisseha, G. (1993)
Die Pilgerfahrt zum Grabmahl von Scheich Husain
In: Forkl, H. (ed.), Die Gärten des Islam. p. 323-324.

Book chapterGonnin, G. (1993)
La 'fête des Dyonandé' en pays toura: fête 'profane' ou fête musulmane?
In: Chrétien, Jean Pierre (ed.), L'invention religieuse en Afrique: histoire et religion en Afrique noire. Paris: ACCT-Karthala. p. 297-306.

Periodical articlePenrad, J. (1993)
Retombées sociales de la mort individuelle: tombes et cimetières à Zanzibar
La transmission du savoir dans le monde musulman périphérique: lettre d'information. Volume 13. p. 96-106.

Book chapterBrandily, M. (1992)
Au Tibesti, un rituel préislamique
In: L'Islam au Tchad. p. 45-55.

Book chapterTubiana, M. (1992)
Rituels de fertilité et islam
In: L'Islam au Tchad. p. 57-66.

Periodical articleBaroin, C. (1990)
La mort chez les Daza du Niger
Abstract presentTravaux du Laboratoire d'anthropologie et de préhistoire des pays de la Méditerranée occidentale. p. 119-123.

Dissertation / thesisEbrahim, B. (1990)
Qawwali as a religio-cultural institution and its implications among Indian Muslims in Durban
master thesis. University of Cape Town. 41p.

BookEile, L. (1990)
Jando: The rite of circumcision and initiation in East African Islam
Lund: Plus ultra. 190p.

Periodical articleMark, P. (1990)
L'islam et les masques d'initiation casamançais
Abstract presentIslam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #4. p. 25-31.

Periodical articleMommersteeg, Geert (1989)
See this publicationDjenné vraagt om regen: Islamitische regenrituelen in een stad in de Sahel
Etnofoor. Volume 2 #1. p. 71-83.

BookDrewal, M.T. (1988)
'Id al-Kabir: The Yoruba version
Abstract presentp. 228-276.

Periodical articleKnappert, J. (1988)
The function of Arabic in the Islamic ritual
Journal for Islamic Studies. Volume 8. p. 42-52.

Periodical articleAdelowo, E. Dada (1987)
Death and burial in Yoruba Qur'anic and Biblical religion
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 19 #2. p. 104-117.

Dissertation / thesisThera, M. (1986)
Les festivités du XVe centenaire de l'hégire au Mali
mémoire de fin d'études. ENA, Bamako.

Dissertation / thesisChambers, R. (1985)
The ratiep: A study of ritual and culture
B.A. thesis. University of Cape Town.

Book chapterBraukämper, U. (1984)
Notes on the Islamicization and the Muslim shrines of the Harar Plateau
In: Labahn, T. (ed.), Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Somali Studies. Volume II: Archaeology and history. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag. p. 145-174.

Periodical articleVanker, A.F. (1983)
The tomb of Soofie Sahib
Al-'Ilm (Durban). Volume 3. p. 107-113.

Dissertation / thesisBoyd, A.W. (1980)
To praise the prophet. A processual symbolic analysis of Mawlidi: A Muslim ritual in Lamu, Kenya
Ph.D. dissertation. Indiana University. 180p.

BookMark, P. (1978)
Continuity of religious ritual among the Muslim Diola: The Buluf rain ceremony
Abstract presentWaltham: African studies association. 20p.

Periodical articleCaplan, A.P. (1976)
See this publicationBoys' Circumcision and Girls' Puberty Rites among the Swahili of Mafia Island, Tanzania
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 46 #1. p. 21-33.

Periodical articleDoi, A.I. (1976)
The African and Christian view of 'dying saviour' and the Islamic concept of sacrifice
Islam and the Modern Age. Volume 7 #3. p. 5-23.

BookBesmer, F.E. (1974)
Kídàn dárán sállà: Music for the eve of the Muslim festivals of Id al-fitr and Id al-kabir in Kano, Nigeria
Bloomington, IN: African Studies Program, Indiana University. 84p.

Periodical articleEguchi, Paul Kazuhisa (1973)
The chants of the Fulbe rites of circumcision
Abstract presentKyoto University African Studies. Volume 8. p. 205-231.

Periodical articleMartin, Esmond B. (1972)
Maulidi Festivities at Lamu
Kenya Past and Present. Volume 1 #3. July. p. 16-21.

Periodical articleParkin, David J. (1970)
See this publicationPolitics of ritual syncretism: Islam among the non-Muslim Giriama of Kenya
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 40 #3. July. p. 217-233.

Periodical articleAdesanya, S.A. (1968)
Marriage according to the local Islamic rites of Southern Nigeria
Journal of Islamic and Comparative Law. Volume 2. p. 26-44.

Periodical articleNicolas, G. (1968)
Processus oblatifs à l'occasion de l'intronisation de chefs traditionnels en pays Hausa (République du Niger)
Tiers Monde. Volume 33. p. 43-93.

Periodical articleBarclay, Harold B. (1965)
Process in the Arab Sudan
Human Organization. Volume 24 #1. Spring. p. 43-48.

Periodical articleGhazali, A.K. (1960)
Sierra Leone Muslims and sacrificial rituals
The Sierra Leone Bulletin of Religion. Volume 2. p. 27-32.

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