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Found: 58 | Record 1-58 |
Abeng, Nazaire Bitoto (2005) | |
Afrikanische Mythen, Riten und Lebensformen in der Begegnung mit Islam, Christentum und Moderne: Das Beispiel Kamerun | |
Frankfurt am Main: IKO-Verlag. 159p. |
Vahed, G.H.M. (2005) | |
Contesting meanings and authenticity: Indian Islam and Muharram 'performances' in Durban, 2002 | |
Journal of Ritual Studies. Volume 19 #2. p. 129-145. |
Evers Rosander, E. (2004) | |
Going to Porokhane and not going to Porokhane: Mourid women in Senegal and Spain | |
In: Eade, J.; Coleman, S. (eds.), Reframing pilgrimage: Cultures in motion. London: Routledge. |
Ficquet, É. (2004) | |
Le rituel du café, contribution musulmane à l'identité nationale éthiopienne | |
In: O Islão na África Subsariana. p. 159-165. |
Mommersteeg, Geert (2004) | |
Djenné demande de la pluie: prières et rituels pour obtenir la pluie dans une ville sahélienne | |
Djenné Patrimoine Informations. Volume 16. p. 11-14. |
Rasmussen, Susan J. (2004) | |
'These are dirty times': Transformations of gendered spaces and Islamic ritual protection in Tuareg herbalists' and marabouts' albaraka blessing powers | |
Journal of Ritual Studies. Volume 18 #2. p. 43-60. |
Evers Rosander, E. (2003) | |
Mourid women and pilgrimage in Senegal and Spain | |
In: Ruuth, A. (ed.), Rite and power. Uppsala: Swedish Institute of Mission Research. |
Vahed, Goolam H. (2003) | |
A Sufi Saint's Day in South Africa: The Legend of Badsha Peer | |
South African Historical Journal. Volume 49. p. 96-122. |
Ahmed, A. Chanfi (2002) | |
Rites de mort aux Comores et chez les Swahili: entre islam savant et culture locale | |
Journal des africanistes. Volume 72 #2. p. 187-201. |
Kifleyesus, Abbebe (2002) | |
Muslims and Meals: The Social and Symbolic Function of Foods in Changing Socio-Economic Environments | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 72 #2. p. 245-276. |
Fortier, Corinne (2001) | |
Le lait, le sperme, le dos. Et le sang? Représentations physiologiques de la filiation et de la parenté de lait en islam malékite et dans la société maure | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 41 #161. p. 97-138. |
Declich, F. (2000) | |
Sufi experience in rural Somali: A focus on women | |
Social Anthropology. Volume 8 #3. p. 295-318. |
Ahmed, Hussein (1999) | |
Faith and Trade: The Market Stalls around the Anwar Mosque in Addis Ababa during Ramadan | |
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 19 #2. October. p. 261-268. |
Coulon, Christian (1999) | |
The Grand Magal in Touba: A Religious Festival of the Mouride Brotherhood of Senegal | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 98 #391. April. p. 195-210. |
Karim, G.M. (1998) | |
Medical implications of trance rituals | |
Journal of the Islamic Medical Association of South Africa. Volume 4 #2. p. 46-56. |
Karim, G.M. (1998) | |
Performance, trance, possession and mysticism: An analysis of the 'Ratib al-Rifa'iyyah' in South Africa | |
Ph.D. dissertation. University of Cape Town. 232p. |
Mark, Peter; Jong, Ferdinand de; Chupin, Clemence (1998) | |
Ritual and Masking Traditions in Jola Men's Initiation | |
African Arts. Volume 31 #1. Winter. p. 36-47. |
Murphy, William P. (1998) | |
The Sublime Dance of Mende Politics: An African Aesthetic of Charismatic Power | |
American Ethnologist. Volume 25 #4. November. p. 563-582. |
Oseni, Z.I. (1997) | |
An appraisal of Walimatu khatmi-l-Qur'an in Nigeria | |
Islam and the Modern Age. Volume 28 #1. p. 47-59. |
Blanchy, Sophie; Cheikh, Mwanesha; Saïd, Moussa; Allaoui, M.; Issihaka, M. (1996) | |
Rituels de protection dans l'archipel des Comores | |
Islam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #10. p. 121-142. |
Claudot-Hawad, H. (1996) | |
Ordre sacré et ordre politique chez les Touaregs de l'Aïr: l'exemple du pèlerinage aux lieux saints | |
In: L'islam pluriel au Maghreb. p. 223-239. |
Moraes Farias, P.F. de (1996) | |
Borgu in the cultural map of the Muslim diasporas of West Africa | |
In: The cloth of many colored silks: Papers on history and society, Ghanaian and Islamic in honor of Ivor Wilks. p. 259-286. |
Adetona, Abdul Lateef Mobolaji (1995) | |
The abuse of Islamic rites and ceremonies in the contemporary Nigerian society | |
Lagos: Al-Basit Productions. 47p. |
Aguilar, M.I. (1995) | |
Recreating a religious past in a Muslim setting: 'Sacrificing' coffee-beans among the Waso Boorana of Garba Tulla, Kenya | |
Ethnos. Volume 60 #1-2. p. 41-58. |
Da Costa, Y. (1995) | |
The politics of relgion: A case study of Id al-Adha issue in the Cape Peninsula | |
Journal for Islamic Studies. Volume 15. p. 27-46. |
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We attend but no longer dance: Changes in Mafa funeral practices due to Islamization | |
In: Baroin, C.; others (eds.), Mort et rites funéraires dans le bassin du lac Tchad. Paris: Éditions de l'ORSTOM. p. 163-186. |
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Niche des secrets: recueil d'arcanes mystiques dans la tradition soufie (islamique) | |
Dakar: Librairie islamique. 184p. |
Foucher, E. (1994) | |
The cult of Muslim saints in Harar: Religious dimension | |
In: Zewde, B.; Pankhurst, R.; Beyene, T. (eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference of Ethiopian Studies. Addis Ababa: Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa University. p. 71-79. |
Fisher, H.J. (1993) | |
Sujud and symbolism: A case study in the ambiguity of symbolic ritual action in the Quran and in Western Africa | |
In: Threefold wisdom: Islam, the Arab world and Africa. p. 72-88. |
Fisseha, G. (1993) | |
Die Pilgerfahrt zum Grabmahl von Scheich Husain | |
In: Forkl, H. (ed.), Die Gärten des Islam. p. 323-324. |
Gonnin, G. (1993) | |
La 'fête des Dyonandé' en pays toura: fête 'profane' ou fête musulmane? | |
In: Chrétien, Jean Pierre (ed.), L'invention religieuse en Afrique: histoire et religion en Afrique noire. Paris: ACCT-Karthala. p. 297-306. |
Penrad, J. (1993) | |
Retombées sociales de la mort individuelle: tombes et cimetières à Zanzibar | |
La transmission du savoir dans le monde musulman périphérique: lettre d'information. Volume 13. p. 96-106. |
Brandily, M. (1992) | |
Au Tibesti, un rituel préislamique | |
In: L'Islam au Tchad. p. 45-55. |
Tubiana, M. (1992) | |
Rituels de fertilité et islam | |
In: L'Islam au Tchad. p. 57-66. |
Baroin, C. (1990) | |
La mort chez les Daza du Niger | |
Travaux du Laboratoire d'anthropologie et de préhistoire des pays de la Méditerranée occidentale. p. 119-123. |
Ebrahim, B. (1990) | |
Qawwali as a religio-cultural institution and its implications among Indian Muslims in Durban | |
master thesis. University of Cape Town. 41p. |
Eile, L. (1990) | |
Jando: The rite of circumcision and initiation in East African Islam | |
Lund: Plus ultra. 190p. |
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L'islam et les masques d'initiation casamançais | |
Islam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #4. p. 25-31. |
Mommersteeg, Geert (1989) | |
Djenné vraagt om regen: Islamitische regenrituelen in een stad in de Sahel | |
Etnofoor. Volume 2 #1. p. 71-83. |
Drewal, M.T. (1988) | |
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p. 228-276. |
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The function of Arabic in the Islamic ritual | |
Journal for Islamic Studies. Volume 8. p. 42-52. |
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Death and burial in Yoruba Qur'anic and Biblical religion | |
Orita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 19 #2. p. 104-117. |
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Les festivités du XVe centenaire de l'hégire au Mali | |
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The ratiep: A study of ritual and culture | |
B.A. thesis. University of Cape Town. |
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Notes on the Islamicization and the Muslim shrines of the Harar Plateau | |
In: Labahn, T. (ed.), Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Somali Studies. Volume II: Archaeology and history. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag. p. 145-174. |
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The tomb of Soofie Sahib | |
Al-'Ilm (Durban). Volume 3. p. 107-113. |
Boyd, A.W. (1980) | |
To praise the prophet. A processual symbolic analysis of Mawlidi: A Muslim ritual in Lamu, Kenya | |
Ph.D. dissertation. Indiana University. 180p. |
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Continuity of religious ritual among the Muslim Diola: The Buluf rain ceremony | |
Waltham: African studies association. 20p. |
Caplan, A.P. (1976) | |
Boys' Circumcision and Girls' Puberty Rites among the Swahili of Mafia Island, Tanzania | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 46 #1. p. 21-33. |
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The African and Christian view of 'dying saviour' and the Islamic concept of sacrifice | |
Islam and the Modern Age. Volume 7 #3. p. 5-23. |
Besmer, F.E. (1974) | |
Kídàn dárán sállà: Music for the eve of the Muslim festivals of Id al-fitr and Id al-kabir in Kano, Nigeria | |
Bloomington, IN: African Studies Program, Indiana University. 84p. |
Eguchi, Paul Kazuhisa (1973) | |
The chants of the Fulbe rites of circumcision | |
Kyoto University African Studies. Volume 8. p. 205-231. |
Martin, Esmond B. (1972) | |
Maulidi Festivities at Lamu | |
Kenya Past and Present. Volume 1 #3. July. p. 16-21. |
Parkin, David J. (1970) | |
Politics of ritual syncretism: Islam among the non-Muslim Giriama of Kenya | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 40 #3. July. p. 217-233. |
Adesanya, S.A. (1968) | |
Marriage according to the local Islamic rites of Southern Nigeria | |
Journal of Islamic and Comparative Law. Volume 2. p. 26-44. |
Nicolas, G. (1968) | |
Processus oblatifs à l'occasion de l'intronisation de chefs traditionnels en pays Hausa (République du Niger) | |
Tiers Monde. Volume 33. p. 43-93. |
Barclay, Harold B. (1965) | |
Process in the Arab Sudan | |
Human Organization. Volume 24 #1. Spring. p. 43-48. |
Ghazali, A.K. (1960) | |
Sierra Leone Muslims and sacrificial rituals | |
The Sierra Leone Bulletin of Religion. Volume 2. p. 27-32. |
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