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Search: su=peace
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Periodical articleJeangene Vilmer, Jean-Baptiste (2021)
See this publicationPeace without freedom in Eritrea: causes and consequences of the Ethio-Eritrean rapprochement
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 15 #1. p. 23-42.

Periodical articleBayeh, Endalcachew (2020)
See this publicationThe proliferation of overlapping sub-regional organisations in Eastern Africa: An opportunity for or a challenge to the security of the region?
African Studies. Volume 79 #1. p. 125-142.

Periodical articleCharbonneau, Bruno; Chafer, Tony; Wyss, Marco (2017)
See this publicationWhose 'West Africa'? The regional dynamics of peace and security
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 35 #4. p. 405-406.

Periodical articleCharbonneau, Bruno (2017)
See this publicationWhose 'West Africa'? The regional dynamics of peace and security
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 35 #4. p. 407-414.

Periodical articleCharbonneau, Bruno (2017)
See this publicationIntervention in Mali: building peace between peacekeeping and counterterrorism
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 35 #4. p. 415-431.

Periodical articleHorst, Cindy (2017)
See this publicationImplementing the Women, Peace and Security agenda? Somali debates on women's public roles and political participation
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 11 #3. p. 389-407.

Periodical articleIdemudia, Uwafiokun (2017)
See this publicationBusiness and peace in the Niger Delta: what we know and what we need to know
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 26 #1. p. 41-61.

Periodical articleAdebayo, Joseph Olusegun (2016)
See this publicationFostering nonviolent elections in Africa through conflict-sensitive reportage of elections
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 25 #3. p. 303-315.

Periodical articleBirantamije, Gérard (2016)
La rhétorique autour des opérations internationales de maintien de la paix: changement de discours et changement par les discours?
Éthique & société. Volume 12 #1-2. p. 47-75.

Periodical articleMebenga Tamba, Luc (2016)
Seeking peace through Bëti funeral rites in South Cameroon
African Study Monographs. Volume 37 #1. p. 29-44.

Periodical articleNtacobishimiye, Innocent (2016)
La paix dans la région des grands lacs: de la sécurité comme cessation des hostilités à la paix intérieure
Éthique & société. Volume 12 #1-2. p. 15-46.

Periodical articleEmmanuel, Nikolas (2015)
See this publicationPeace incentives: economic aid and peace processes in Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Conflict and Peacebuilding Review. Volume 5 #2. p. 1-32.

Periodical issueHendricks, Cheryl (ed.) (2015)
See this publicationSpecial issue: gender, peace and security in Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 24 #4. 113p.

Periodical articleOmeje, Kenneth (2015)
See this publicationPromoting peace and conflict-sensitive higher education in Sub-Saharan Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Conflict and Peacebuilding Review. Volume 5 #2. p. 33-56.

Periodical articleOmeje, Kenneth (2015)
See this publicationStrengthening peace research and peace education in African universities
Abstract presentAfrican Sociological Review. Volume 19 #1. p. 16-33.

Periodical articleHart, Amy (2014)
Peace in the land of upright people: religion and violence in Burkina Faso
Abstract presentJournal for the Study of Religion. Volume 27 #2. p. 172-194.

Periodical issueMalenge, Jean-Baptiste (ed.) (2014)
Projet missionnaire et paix
Abstract presentRevue africaine des sciences de la mission = African review of mission studies. Volume 19 #37. 156p.

Periodical articleMakuvaza, Ngoni (2013)
Peace and conflict in Zimbabwe - a call for peace education (a contribution to the constitution making process): a paper presented to the Philosophical Society of Zimbabwe - 27 November, 2010)
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 25 #2. p. 240-260.

Periodical articleKingah, Stephen; Van Langenhove, Luk (2012)
See this publicationDeterminants of a regional organisation's role in peace and security: the African Union and the European Union compared
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of International Affairs. Volume 19 #2. p. 201-222.

Periodical issueOffor, Francis (ed.) (2012)
Politics and development
Abstract presentEssence. Volume 9 #1. 107p.

Periodical articleUdelsmann Rodrigues, Cristina (2012)
Pobreza em Angola: efeito da guerra, efeitos da paz
Revista angolana de sociologia: RAS. #9. p. 113-123.

Periodical articleYaruingam, A.S.; Singh, Pushpraj (2012)
Religion: peace and development in Africa
Indian Journal of African Studies. Volume 18 #1-2. p. 1-16.

Periodical articleSelassie, Bereket Habte (2011)
See this publicationDemocracy and peace in the age of globalization: old problems, new challenges for Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 54 #1. p. 19-31.

Periodical articleMwanzi, Helen Oronga A. (2010)
Reflections on orality and cultural expression: orality as a peace culture
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 80 #1-2. p. 63-74.

Periodical articleSserwadda, G. (2010)
NRM's legacy: security, peace, democracy and development
6th of February. Volume 23 #1. January. p. 10-16.

Periodical articleWaliaula, S.; Okong'o, B. (2009)
Fostering peace in Kenya today through football cultures
Maarifa (Eldoret, Kenya). Volume 3 #1. p. 41-48.

Periodical articleAchoka, J.S.; Okoth, P.G. (2008)
Education and peace in conflict scenarios: the case of Mt. Elegon Region in Kenya
International Journal of Disaster Management and Risk Reduction. Volume 1 #2. June. p. 36-45.

Periodical articleDewo, Tenna (2008)
The concept of peace in the Oromo 'gadaa' system: its mechanisms and moral dimensions
Abstract presentThe journal of Oromo studies. Volume 15 #1. p. 139-179.

Periodical articleIgreja, Victor (2008)
See this publicationMemories as weapons: the politics of peace and silence in post-civil war Mozambique
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 34 #3. p. 539-556.

Periodical articleKimengi, I.N.; Chang'ach, J. (2008)
Education and traditional systems of reconciliation and peace
Educator (Eldoret, Kenya). Volume 2 #1. p. 151-158.

Periodical articleKogo, I.K.; Kiyeny, I.; Chepkuto, P.K.; Kwonyoike, J.K. (2008)
The role of communication in mid-wifing transitional justice, peace and reconciliation in Africa: a case of post election violence in Kenya
Educator (Eldoret, Kenya). Volume 2 #1. p. 181-193.

Periodical articleMedhina T. (2008)
Peace and development in Ethiopia: today and tomorrow
Economic Focus (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Volume 10 #5. August. p. 8-15.

Periodical articleMulinge, M.M. (2008)
Botswana, Africa's haven of ethnic peace and harmony: status and future prospects
African Journal of Sociology. Volume 6 #1. p. 61-85.

Periodical articleNyerere, J.K. (2008)
The courage of reconciliation
Law and Management Journal. Volume 1 #1. June. p. 25-38.

Periodical articlePéclard, Didier (2008)
Dossier 'L'Angola dans la paix: autoritarisme et reconversions'
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #110. p. 5-121.

Periodical articleSumani, W.M. (2008)
Work in the promotion of justice, peace and reconciliation in Africa
AFER. Volume 50 #3-4. September-December. p. 302-324.

Periodical articleChibuko, P.C. (2007)
Globalization: a questionable option for Africa
AFER. Volume 49 #1-2. March-June. p. 3-18.

Periodical articleDaley, Patricia (2007)
See this publicationThe Burundi Peace Negotiations: An African Experience of Peace-Making
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 34 #112. June. p. 333-352.

Periodical articleJegede, Charles Obafemi (2007)
An inquiry into the meaning and nature of peace in 'Ifa': a Yoruba divination system
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 39 #2. p. 1-21.

Periodical articleMukoma wa Ngugi (2007)
The meaning of peace
Wajibu. Volume 22 #4. November-December. p. 4-5.

Periodical articleNgoma, Naison (2007)
The role of civil society organisations in the African Union's post-conflict policy: towards peace, post-conflict reconstruction and sustainable development in Africa
OSSREA Bulletin. Volume 4 #1. February. p. 24-37.

Periodical articleOlaoba, O.B. (2007)
Perspectives of non-violence and peace in African religion
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 39 #2. p. 76-87.

Periodical articleShimiyu, P.M. (2007)
Upholding of human dignity as the priori condition for peaceful co-existence in Africa: a reflection on Kant's pure, practical principle
Eastern Africa Journal of Humanities and Sciences. Volume 7 #2. July-December. p. 43-59.

Periodical articleUvin, Peter (2007)
See this publicationHuman security in Burundi: the view from below (by youth)
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 16 #2. p. 38-52.

Periodical articleEsambu M. (2006)
Le rôle des organisations régionales dans le maintien de la paix et de la sécurité internationales face à la montée en puissance du leadership américain après la bipolarité
Likundoli. Série A, Mémoire et enquêtes d'histoire congolaise. Volume 10 #1-2. p. 296-309.

Periodical articleKimaro, L. (2006)
Sports as an agent for promotion of gender equity, international peace and understanding
Eastern Africa Journal of Humanities and Sciences. Volume 6 #1. January-June. p. 81-101.

Periodical articleMulamba M.N. (2006)
Alliances stratégiques et conflits armés dans la région des Grands Lacs: exemples du Rwanda et de la Republique Democratique du Congo
Likundoli. Série A, Mémoire et enquêtes d'histoire congolaise. Volume 10 #1-2. p. 310-329.

Periodical articleMuluma Mananga G. Tizi, Albert (2006)
Le processus de paix dans l'environnement post-électoral en RDC
Abstract presentCongo-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 46 #405. p. 171-188.

Periodical articleYogolelo T. (2006)
La question de nationalité en République Démocratique du Congo et la paix dans la region des Grandes Lacs africains
Likundoli. Série A, Mémoire et enquêtes d'histoire congolaise. Volume 10 #1-2. p. 11-55.

Periodical articleBarke, A. (2005)
Mecanismes de prevention et de résolution des conflits en régime de democratie, conditions optimales et obstacles
Éthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #75. 2ème semestre. p. 229-242.

Periodical articleBikundo, E. (2005)
A 'right to peace' and prosecuting the crime of aggression
East African Law Journal. Volume 2. p. 78-90.

Periodical articleChege, W. (2005)
Professor Wangari Maathai
Wajibu. Volume 20 #3. August-Oct.. p. 9-10.

Periodical articleChingono, Mark F. (2005)
Critical reflections on conflict resolution and peacebuilding in Mozambique
Studia Africana. #16. p. 51-59.

Periodical articleCramer, Christopher (2005)
War to peace transition in Mozambique: fantasy and reality in economic policy
Studia Africana. #16. p. 60-68.

Periodical articleKlingebiel, Stephan (2005)
See this publicationAfrica's New Peace and Security Architecture: Converging the Roles of External Actors and African Interests
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 14 #2. p. 35-44.

Periodical articleMajtenyi, C. (2005)
A woman prophet in the Sudan: Awut Deng
Wajibu. Volume 20 #3. August-Oct.. p. 7-8.

Periodical articleMatshedisho, Knowledge Raji (2005)
Development and peace in Africa
African Journal of International Affairs. Volume 8 #1-2. p. 105-121.

Periodical articlePrunier, Gérard (2005)
Après la mort de John Garang, la paix soudanaise en question
Géopolitique africaine. #19-20. p. 59-64.

Periodical articleAwad, Ahmed Isse (2004)
Reflections on the National Somali Reconciliation Conference
OSSREA Bulletin. Volume 1 #3. October. p. 34-40.

Periodical articleLecoutre, Delphine (2004)
Le Conseil de paix et de sécurité de l'Union africaine, clef d'une nouvelle architecture de stabilité en Afrique?
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #212. p. 131-162.

Periodical articleMakobero, D. (2004)
Surmonter le traumatisme: un défi pour les burundais
Au coeur de l'Afrique. Volume 70 #3-4. juil.-déc.. p. 384-401.

Periodical articleMalaquias, Assis (2004)
Angola after the civil war: toward positive peace?
OSSREA Bulletin. Volume 1 #3. October. p. 40-47.

Periodical articleMangu, André Mbata B. (2004)
Democratic Republic of Congo: The Long Road from War to Peace and Challenges for Peaceful Transition and National Reconstruction
Africa Insight. Volume 34 #2-3. p. 31-38.

Periodical articleMissiaen, V. (2004)
Integrity of creation, justice, peace and development
Wajibu. Volume 19 #3. September-October. p. 13-16.

Periodical articleNdema, B. (2004)
More LRA commanders surrender
6th of February. Volume 17 #7. July. p. 11-12.

Periodical articleNdikumasabo, J. (2004)
Les thèmes clés des messages pontificaux liés à la construction de la paix dans le monde aujourd'hui
Au coeur de l'Afrique. Volume 70 #3-4. juil.-déc.. p. 248-283.

Periodical articleNeethling, Theo (2004)
Keeping the Peace between Ethiopia and Eritrea: Reflections on the Role of the UN and Other Role-Players
Africa Insight. Volume 34 #1. p. 56-64.

Periodical articleNiyokindi, N. (2004)
La réconciliation entre nous et avec Dieu, pour arriver à l'amour véritable et aboutir au retour de la paix
Au coeur de l'Afrique. Volume 70 #3-4. juil.-déc.. p. 284-326.

Periodical articleAgaba, M.B. (2003)
Karamojong youth turn to commercial cattle rustling
6th of February. Volume 16 #10. October. p. 9-10.

Periodical articleAyissi, L. (2003)
Repenser la paix dans l'hyperviolence contemporaine
Éthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #71. 2ème semestre. p. 165-180.

Periodical articleBakibinga, D.J. (2003)
The role of peace education in the promotion of tolerance
Uganda Living Law Journal. Volume 1 #1. June. p. 94-103.

Periodical articleBrittain, Victoria (2003)
Première victime de guerres sans fin
Abstract presentGéopolitique africaine. #10. p. 153-164.

Periodical articleHarris, David (2003)
Post-conflict elections or post-elections conflict: Sierra Leone 2002 and patterns of voting in sub-Saharan Africa
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. #5-6. p. 39-49.

Periodical articleKebotsamang, M. (2003)
Masire's long and bumpy journey
Kutlwano. Volume 41 #8-9. August-September. p. 44-46.

Periodical articleKipré, Pierre (2003)
De la guerre et de la paix en Afrique
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #207. p. 133-146.

Periodical articleMbongopasi Udumbula, J.P. (2003)
Democratie, violence et non-violence
Revue philosophique de Kinshasa. Volume 17 #32. juil.-déc.. p. 63-76.

Periodical articleOnega, P.K.K. (2003)
The Amnesty Commission
Uganda Living Law Journal. Volume 1 #1. June. p. 108-111.

Periodical articleStrydom, Hennie (2003)
Peace and security under the African Union
South African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 28. p. 59-81.

Periodical articleAyissi, L. (2002)
The question of peace in the contradiction between 'self' and 'the other' in Africa
Dialogue & Reconciliation. Volume 2 #2. 1st semester. p. 209-215.

Periodical articleBueya, E. (2002)
Pour une éthique chrétienne de la résistance: réflexion à partir de l'engagement pastoral de Mgr Emmanuel Kataliko
Hekima Review. #27. May. p. 43-55.

Periodical articleCoelho, J.P.B.; Macaringue, P. (2002)
Da paz negativa à paz positiva: uma perspectiva histórica sobre o papel das Forças Armadas Moçambicanas num contexto de segurança em transformação
Estudos moçambicanos. #20. p. 41-90.

Periodical articleEl Rayes, Nagah (2002)
Le concept de paix dans la stratégie égyptienne
Géopolitique africaine. #7-8. p. 153-159.

Periodical articleJohn Paul II, Pope, 1920- (2002)
Il n'y a pas de paix sans justice, il n'y a pas de justice sans pardon': message du Pape Jean-Paul II pour la Journée mondiale de la paix, le 1er janvier 2002
Congo-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 42 #362. février. p. 69-77.

Periodical articleKambudzi, A.M. (2002)
As peace & security shift to the market place in Africa: what next?
Southern Africa Political & Economic Monthly. Volume 14 #10. p. 18-22.

Periodical articleKapp, P.H. (2002)
31 mei 1902 - 31 mei 2002: twee vredes, twee visies, een toekoms: die betekenis van die Anglo-Boereoorlog vir vandag en môre
Abstract presentTydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 42 #4. p. 273-281.

Periodical articleLalá, A. (2002)
Dez anos de Paz em Moçambique: da visão normativa à perspectiva realista
Estudos moçambicanos. #20. p. 19-40.

Periodical articleMacuacua, L. (2002)
O AGP dez anos depois: novos desafios para Moçambique
Estudos moçambicanos. #20. p. 5-18.

Periodical articleMalache, A. (2002)
Revisitando o acordo geral de paz: subsídios para uma reflexão sobre o serviço militar obrigatório
Estudos moçambicanos. #20. p. 91-140.

Periodical articleMande, W.M. (2002)
War and the debt burden in the great lakes region
Nkumba Business Journal. Volume 4. October. p. 178-193.

Periodical articleMbillah, J.A. (2002)
Inter-faith relations and the quest for peace in Africa
Encounter (Nairobi, Kenya). #1. June. p. 3-15.

Periodical articleMboubou, G. (2002)
Non-violence or the controversial birth of peace
Dialogue & Reconciliation. Volume 2 #2. 1st semester. p. 195-207.

Periodical articleMboui, J. (2002)
Opus justitiae pax
Dialogue & Reconciliation. Volume 2 #2. 1st semester. p. 129-151.

Periodical articleOuamba, F. (2002)
From a culture of violence to one of non-violence in Africa
Dialogue & Reconciliation. Volume 2 #2. 1st semester. p. 167-193.

Periodical articlePigasse, Jean-Paul (2002)
Congo-Brazzaville: les leçons de la Transition
Abstract presentGéopolitique africaine. #7-8. p. 255-262.

Periodical articleSolomon, Hussein (2002)
From New York to Lusaka and Beyond: Angola's Tortuous Road to Peace
Africa Insight. Volume 32 #4. p. 52-58.

Periodical articleSserwadda, G. (2002)
LRA terrorism: why all this time
6th of February. Volume 15 #10. October. p. 5-10.

Periodical articleTilahun S. (2002)
Tradition, schooling, and the prospects of global peace: a critical look
I.E.R. Flambeau. Volume 9 #2. June. p. 1-7.

Periodical articleMasamba ma Mpolo, J. (2001-2002)
De l'éthnicisme et du narcissisme à la paix: une proposition psycho-pastorale
Revue congolaise de théologie protestante. Volume 14-15 #14-15. p. 47-62.

Periodical articleAsante, E. (2001)
Peace and development in West Africa: the role of the Church
Africa Challenge, All Africa Journal of Theology. Volume 1 #1. January. p. 64-69.

Periodical articleGikanzi, D. (2001)
Peace and solidarity: the themes of the African Caravan
Wajibu. Volume 16 #1. April-May. p. 2-4.

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