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Search: su=political repression | ||||||||
Found: 113 | Record 1-100 |
Otiono, Nduka (2021) | |
Dream delayed or dream betrayed: politics, youth agency and the mobile revolution in Africa | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 55 #1. p. 121-140. |
Bush, Ray; Greco, Elisa (2019) | |
Egypt under military rule | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 46 #162. p. 529-534. |
Greco, Elisa; Wiegratz, Jörg; Zeilig, Leo (2019) | |
Not quite post-political | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 46 #160. p. 171-181. |
Angelo, Anaïs (2017) | |
Jomo Kenyatta and the repression of the 'last' Mau Mau leaders, 1961-1965 | |
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 11 #3. p. 442-459. |
Bekoe, Dorina A. (2017) | |
The contradictions of pre-election violence: the effects of violence on voter turnout in Sub-Saharan Africa | |
African Studies Review. Volume 60 #2. p. 73-92. |
Masuku, Bongani; Limb, Peter (2016) | |
Swaziland: the struggle for political freedom and democracy | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 43 #149. p. 518-527. |
Soyapi, Caiphas; Kotzé, Louis J. (2016) | |
Environmental justice and slow violence: Marikana and the post-apartheid South African mining industry in context | |
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 49 #4. p. 393-415. |
Strauss, Helene (2016) | |
Managing public feeling: temporality, mourning and the Marikana Massacre in Rehad Desai's 'Miners shot down' | |
Critical Arts: A Journal of Media Studies. Volume 30 #4. p. 522-537. |
Allo, Awol; Tesfaye, Beza (2015) | |
Spectacles of illegality: mapping Ethiopia's show trials | |
African Identities. Volume 13 #4. p. 279-296. |
Baker, Bruce (2015) | |
Unchanging public order policing in changing times in East Africa | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 53 #3. p. 365-389. |
Holmes, Carolyn E. (2015) | |
Marikana in translation: print nationalism in South Africa's multilingual press | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 114 #455. p. 271-294. |
Victor, Stephanie (2015) | |
The politics of remembering and commemorating atrocity in South Africa: the Bhisho massacre and its aftermath, 1992-2012 | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 41 #1. p. 83-102. |
Bozzini, David (2014) | |
Surveillance, répression et construction collective de l'insécurité en Érythrée | |
Politique africaine. #135. p. 137-157. |
Hagmann, Tobias (2014) | |
Punishing the periphery: legacies of State repression in the Ethiopian Ogaden | |
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 8 #4. p. 725-739. |
Hayem, Judith (2014) | |
Marikana: répression étatique d'une mobilisation ouvrière indépendante | |
Politique africaine. #133. p. 111-130. |
Mehta, Brinda (2014) | |
Commemorating the 'disappeared': maternal activism and the Algerian civil war in Fatima Bourega-Gallaire's 'La beauté de l'icône' | |
Research in African Literatures. Volume 45 #2. p. 26-45. |
Saul, John S. (2014) | |
'When freedom died' in Angola: Alves and after | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 41 #142. p. 609-622. |
Alexander, Peter (2013) | |
Marikana massacre: a turning point in South African history? | |
CODESRIA Bulletin. #1-2. p. 36-40. |
Black, Joseph William (2013) | |
Offended Christians, anti-mission churches and colonial politics: one man's story of the messy birth of the African Orthodox Church in Kenya | |
Journal of Religion in Africa. Volume 43 #3. p. 261-296. |
Hansen, Ketil Fred (2013) | |
A democratic dictator's success: how Chad's President Deby defeated the military opposition in three years (2008-2011) | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 31 #4. p. 583-599. |
Jennings, Eric (2013) | |
L'oeil de Vichy à Madagascar: le règne de terreur d'un chef de district en Imerina | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 53 #211. p. 625-648. |
Lima, Juliana (2013) | |
Des 'printemps arabes' à la 'nouvelle révolution' en Angola: mobilisation et contestation politique dans l'après-guerre | |
Afrique contemporaine. #245. p. 23-36. |
Ndlovu, Morgan (2013) | |
Living in the Marikana world: the state, capital and society | |
International Journal of African Renaissance Studies. Volume 8 #1. p. 46-58. |
Peterson, Derek R.; Taylor, Edgar C. (eds.) (2013) | |
Rethinking Idi Amin's Uganda | |
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 7 #1. p. 58-182. |
Banda, Paul Chiudza; Kayira, Gift Wasambo (2012) | |
The 1959 State of Emergency in Nyasaland: process and political implications | |
The Society of Malawi Journal. Volume 65 #2. p. 1-19. |
Dugassa, Begna (2012) | |
Denial of leadership development and the underdevelopment of public health: the experience of the Oromo people in Ethiopia | |
The journal of Oromo studies. Volume 19 #1-2. p. 139-174. |
Egya, Sule E. (2012) | |
Historicity, power, dissidence: the third-generation poetry and military oppression in Nigeria | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 111 #444. p. 424-441. |
Press, Robert M. (2012) | |
Sierra Leone's peaceful resistance to authoritarian rule | |
African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review. Volume 2 #1. p. 31-57. |
Sory, Issa (2012) | |
L'Université de Ouagadougou: territoire de la contestation et de la répression des étudiants | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 10 #1. p. 171-194. |
Weldehaimanot, Simon M. (2012) | |
The role of Eritrea's diaspora in regional peace and human rights | |
East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 18 #1. p. 177-201. |
East, Elizabeth A. (2011) | |
The framing of problems and solutions by NGOs, corporations and States: the case of Oromia, Ethiopia | |
The journal of Oromo studies. Volume 17 #2. p. 131-156. |
Gobe, Éric (2011) | |
Les avocats, l'Ancien Régime et la révolution: profession et engagement public dans la Tunisie des années 2000 | |
Politique africaine. #122. p. 179-197. |
Hibou, Béatrice (2011) | |
Dossier 'La Tunisie en révolution?' | |
Politique africaine. #121. p. 5-67. |
Jalata, Asafa (2011) | |
Urban centers in Oromia: consequences of spatial concentration of power in multinational Ethiopia | |
The journal of Oromo studies. Volume 17 #2. p. 39-73. |
Manson, Andrew (2011) | |
'Punching above its weight': the Mafikeng Anti-Repression Forum (Maref) and the fall of Bophuthatswana | |
African Historical Review. Volume 43 #2. p. 55-83. |
Straus, Scott (2011) | |
Briefing: 'It's sheer horror here': patterns of violence during the first four months of Côte d'Ivoire's post-electoral crisis | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 110 #440. p. 481-489. |
Ali, Bashir (2010) | |
Repression of Sudanese civil society under the National Islamic Front/National Congress Party | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 37 #126. p. 437-450. |
Azarvan, Amir (2010) | |
Terror, oil and repression in Algeria | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 15 #2. p. 231-253. |
Death, Carl (2010) | |
Troubles at the top: South African protests and the 2002 Johannesburg Summit | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 109 #437. p. 555-574. |
Jalata, Asafa (2010) | |
The Tigrayan-led Ethiopian State, repression, terrorism and gross human rights violations in Oromia and Ethiopia | |
Horn of Africa. Volume 28. p. 47-82. |
Mbengué Nguimè, Martin (2010) | |
La liberté académique en crise au Cameroun de 1997 à 2007: acteurs de l'histoire, faits et défis de l'enseignement supérieur | |
Rio dos Camaroes: revue camerounaise d'histoire et des traditions. #1. p. 199-210. |
Weldehaimanot, Simon M. (2010) | |
African law of coups and the situation in Eritrea: a test for the African Union's commitment to democracy | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 54 #2. p. 232-257. |
Chouli, Lila (2009) | |
La domestication des étudiants du campus de Ouagadougou: la crise de juin 2008 | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 7 #3. p. 1-28. |
Fontein, Joost (2009) | |
Anticipating the 'tsunami': rumours, planning and the arbitrary State in Zimbabwe | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 79 #3. p. 369-398. |
Roque, Paula Cristina (2009) | |
Élections législatives en Angola: les raisons de la victoire triomphale du MPLA | |
Lusotopie. Volume 16 #1. p. 3-23. |
Bayart, Jean-François (2008) | |
Hégémonie et coercition en Afrique subsaharienne: la 'politique de la chicotte' | |
Politique africaine. #110. p. 123-152. |
Mazambani, Ishmael (2008) | |
The law as an instrument of oppression and violation of children's rights in Southern Rhodesia, 1959-1980 | |
OSSREA Bulletin. Volume 5 #1. p. 29-44. |
Press, Robert M. (2008) | |
Candles in the wind: resisting repression in Liberia (1979-2003) | |
Africa Today. Volume 55 #3. p. 3-22. |
Sibanda, Fortune; Makahamadze, Tompson; Maposa, Richard Shadreck (2008) | |
'Hawks and doves': the impact of operation Murambatsvina on Johane Marange Apostolic Church in Zimbabwe | |
Exchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 37 #1. p. 68-85. |
Bratton, Michael; Masunungure, Eldred (2007) | |
Popular Reactions to State Repression: Operation Murambatsvina in Zimbabwe | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 106 #422. January. p. 21-45. |
Jalata, Asafa (2007) | |
Ethiopia on the fire of competing nationalisms: the Omoro people's movement, the State and the West | |
Horn of Africa. Volume 25. p. 90-134. |
Munhande, Contantine (2007) | |
State, civil society and the democratization process in Zimbabwe, 1995-2005 | |
OSSREA Bulletin. Volume 4 #1. February. p. 18-24. |
Okafor, Obiora Chinedu (2007) | |
The Precarious Place of Labour Rights and Movements in Nigeria's Dual Economic and Political Transition, 1999-2005 | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 51 #1. p. 68-94. |
Phimister, Ian; Raftopoulos, Brian (2007) | |
Desperate days in Zimbabwe | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 34 #113. p. 573-580. |
Pommerolle, Marie-Emmanuelle (2007) | |
Routines autoritaires et innovations militantes: le cas d'un mouvement étudiant au Cameroun | |
Politique africaine. #108. p. 155-172. |
Tabaire, Bernard (2007) | |
The Press and Political Repression in Uganda: Back to the Future? | |
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 1 #2. July. p. 193-211. |
Shale, Victor (2006) | |
Operation Murambatsvina: The Dynamics and Escalation of Zimbabwean Intra-State Conflict | |
African Journal on Conflict Resolution. Volume 6 #2. p. 107-125. |
Bangoura, Mohamed (2005) | |
La Guinée, terre de violence | |
Géopolitique africaine. #17. p. 193-199. |
Bracking, Sarah (2005) | |
Development Denied: Autocratic Militarism in Post-Election Zimbabwe | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 32 #104-105. p. 341-357. |
Kagoro, Brian (2005) | |
The Prisoners of Hope: Civil Society and the Opposition in Zimbabwe | |
African Security Review. Volume 14 #3. p. 19-29. |
Kagwanja, Peter (2005) | |
Zimbabwe's March 2005 Elections: Dangers and Opportunities | |
African Security Review. Volume 14 #3. p. 5-18. |
Pillay, Suren (2005) | |
Locations of Violence: Political Rationality and Death Squads in Apartheid South Africa | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 23 #3. November. p. 417-429. |
Atieno Odhiambo, E.S. (2004) | |
Ethnic Cleansing and Civil Society in Kenya, 1969-1992 | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 22 #1. January. p. 29-42. |
Kisiangani, Emmanuel N. (2004) | |
Rethinking Conflict Trajectories: South Africa and Kenya Revisited | |
African Security Review. Volume 13 #4. p. 101-114. |
Manyozo, Linje (2004) | |
Hegemony, ideology and political journalism in democratic Malawi's broadcasting media | |
Africa Media Review. Volume 12 #2. p. 73-92. |
Vairel, Frédéric (2004) | |
Le Maroc des années de plomb: équité et réconciliation? | |
Politique africaine. #96. p. 181-195. |
Corduwener, Jeroen (2003) | |
Rwanda in de Grote-Merenregio: buitenlandse expansie, binnenlandse onderdrukking | |
Internationale spectator: tijdschrift voor internationale politiek. Volume 57 #2. p. 99-103. |
El-Ghobashy, Mona (2003) | |
The sociologist & the Egyptian State | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 30 #96. p. 329-334. |
Galy, Michel (2003) | |
La spirale ethnique libérienne | |
Géopolitique africaine. #12. p. 163-173. |
Hodounou, Valentin (2003) | |
Liberia: une utopie devenue cauchemar | |
Géopolitique africaine. #12. p. 153-162. |
Hultin, Jan (2003) | |
Rebounding Nationalism: State and Ethnicity in Wollega, 1968-1976 | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 73 #3. p. 402-426. |
Dicklitch, Susan (2002) | |
A Basic Human Rights Approach to Democracy in Uganda | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 20 #2. July. p. 203-222. |
Duffield, Mark (2002) | |
Aid and Complicity: The Case of War-Displaced Southerners in the Northern Sudan | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 40 #1. March. p. 83-104. |
Klopp, Jacqueline M.; Orina, Janai R. (2002) | |
University Crisis, Student Activism, and the Contemporary Struggle for Democracy in Kenya | |
African Studies Review. Volume 45 #1. April. p. 43-76. |
Osamba, Joshia O. (2001) | |
Violence and the Dynamics of Transition: State, Ethnicity and Governance in Kenya | |
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 26 #1-2. p. 37-54. |
Pigou, Piers (2001) | |
The apartheid State and violence: what has the Truth and Reconciliation Commission found? | |
Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies. Volume 28 #2. p. 207-233. |
Cahen, Michel (2000) | |
Mozambique: l'instabilité comme gouvernance? | |
Politique africaine. #80. p. 111-135. |
Ndiaye, Serigne (2000) | |
Student Activism and the Repressive State: Reflections on the Political History of Senegal since Independence | |
Ufahamu. Volume 28 #1. p. 125-138. |
Pears, Pamela A. (2000) | |
The Sleep of the Just and Everything it Awakens: The Totalitarianism of the Colonial System in Algeria | |
SORAC Journal of African Studies. Volume 1. April. p. 47-56. |
Hountondji, Paulin J. (1999) | |
Violence et langage: problèmes du passage à la démocratie | |
African Sociological Review. Volume 3 #1. p. 56-74. |
Kienle, Eberhard (1998) | |
More than a response to Islamism: the political deliberalization of Egypt in the 1990s | |
Middle East Journal. Volume 52 #2. p. 219-235. |
Worby, Eric (1998) | |
Tyrrany, Parody, and Ethnic Polarity: Ritual Engagements with the State in Northwestern Zimbabwe | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 24 #3. September. p. 561-578. |
Yamb, Gervais (1997) | |
Thanatocratie, servitude ou démocratie? Essai sur le sens du jeu de la mort sur la scène politique africaine | |
Zaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 37 #311. janvier. p. 29-47. |
Sicherman, Carol (1996) | |
Kenya: Creativity and Political Repression: The Confusion of Fact and Fiction | |
Race and Class. Volume 37 #4. p. 61-70. |
Soyinka, Wole (1996) | |
The National Question in Africa: Internal Imperatives | |
Development and Change. Volume 27 #2. April. p. 279-300. |
Kom, Ambroise (1993) | |
Intellectuels africains et enjeux de la démocratie: misère, répression et exil | |
Politique africaine. #51. p. 61-69. |
Ngbwapkwa Te Mobusa (1993) | |
L'exploitation du caoutchouc par l'État indépendant du Congo dans le territoire de Banzyville, district de l'Ubangi (1900-1908) | |
Civilisations. Volume 41 #1-2. p. 291-306. |
Yao, Kouassi (1993) | |
La Côte d'Ivoire pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale entre fidélité et rupture (1939-1945) | |
Africa: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 48 #4. p. 549-576. |
Jagwanth, Saras (1992) | |
Policing of the conflict in the greater Pietermaritzburg area: a perception study | |
South African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 8 #4. p. 536-555. |
Marchal, R. (1991) | |
Surveillance et répression en postcolonie | |
Politique africaine. #42. p. 40-50. |
Omara-Otunnu, Amii (1991) | |
The Challenge of Democratic Pluralism in Uganda | |
Issue. Volume 20 #1. Winter. p. 41-49. |
Anonymous (1990) | |
Liberia: flight from terror: testimony of abuses in Nimba County (Liberia): an Africa Watch report, April 1990 | |
Liberian Studies Journal. Volume 15 #1. p. 142-161. |
Mbembe, A. (1990) | |
Pouvoir, violence et accumulation | |
Politique africaine. #39. p. 7-24. |
Musambachime, Mwelwa C. (1990) | |
Military Violence against Civilians: The Case of Congolese and Zairian Military in the Pedicle, 1890-1988 | |
International Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 23 #4. p. 643-664. |
Bangura, Yusuf (1988) | |
Crisis and repression in Africa: national selfdetermination undermined | |
Zeitschrift für Afrikastudien. #2. p. 7-21. |
Sesay, Kadiatu (1988) | |
Hopes of a harvest festival!: some southern African voices | |
African Literature Today. #16. p. 61-76. |
Sundiata, Ibrahim K. (1988) | |
The Roots of African Despotism: The Question of Political Culture | |
African Studies Review. Volume 31 #1. April. p. 9-31. |
Van Der Vyver, J.D. (1988) | |
The State president and indemnity under the Defence Act | |
South African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 4 #2. p. 153-166. |
Van Der Vyver, J.D. (1988) | |
State sponsored terror violence | |
South African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 4 #1. p. 55-75. |
Armstrong, A. (1987) | |
Torture, inhuman and degrading treatment and the admissibility of evidence | |
The Zimbabwe Law Review. Volume 5. p. 95-107. |
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