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Found: 515 | Record 1-100 |
Almeida, Marcos Abreu Leitão de (2023) | |
Escravos e Penhorados como 'mercadorias' na África Central Antiga? Sobre o Conceito de Alienação no Baixo Rio Congo (300 AEC - c. 1482) | |
Locus: Revista de História. Volume 29 #1. p. 56-86. |
Ballarin, Marie-Pierre (2023) | |
L'histoire des Mbotela de Frere Town: histoire(s) et récits d'une famille de 'rescapés' de Mombasa (Kenya, xixe-xxie siècles) | |
Esclavages & Post-esclavages. Volume 8. |
Becker, Felicitas; Nyanto, Salvatory S.; Giblin, John; McDougall, Ann; Meckelburg, Alexander; Pelckmans, Lotte (2023) | |
Researching the Aftermath of Slavery in Mainland East Africa: Methodological, Ethical, and Practical Challenges | |
Slavery & Abolition. Volume 44 #1. p. 131-156. |
Campo Tejedor, Alberto del (2023) | |
'Bestia muy maliciosa'. La 'animalización' de los negroafricanos en los siglos XVI y XVII entre el estigma y la ridiculización | |
Historia social. Volume 105. p. 3-21. |
Curto, José C. (2023) | |
A família Fortunato da Costa de Portugal a Angola, via São Tomé, c. 1808 a 1859 | |
Afro-Ásia. Volume 67. p. 97-141. |
Curto, José C. (2023) | |
Uma Vila Esclavagista: Proprietários e seus Cativos em Moçâmedes, 1855 | |
Revista Brasileira de História. Volume 43 #93. p. 225-263. |
Hofmann, Philipp (2023) | |
Christian Missionaries, Slavery, and the Slave Trade: The Third Order of Saint Francis in Eighteenth-Century Angola | |
African Economic History. Volume 31 #1. p. 65-92. |
Jesus, Gabriel Silva de (2023) | |
Os homens marítimos, as manifestações religiosas e o tráfico de escravos entre a Bahia e a costa atlântica africana na Idade Barroca (1750-1808) | |
Afro-Ásia. Volume 67. p. 52-96. |
Nerín Abad, Gustau (2023) | |
Omertà en Zanzíbar. Un comerciante de esclavos catalán en el Índico, entre el tráfico de esclavos y las dinámicas imperiales | |
Historia y política: Ideas, procesos y movimientos sociales. Volume 49. p. 153-183. |
Odijie, Michael Ehis (2023) | |
Emancipation in the Gold Coast: The Abolitionist Views of James Hutton Brew | |
Slavery & Abolition. Volume 44 #1. p. 109-130. |
Vogel, Kathleen M. (2023) | |
Comparative Analysis of Human Trafficking in Caribbean and African Islands from the Annual Trafficking in Persons Report | |
Journal of Global South Studies. Volume 40 #1. p. 83-115. |
Anderson, Richard (2022) | |
Abolition's Adolescence: Apprenticeship as 'Liberation' in Sierra Leone, 1808-1848 | |
The English Historical Review. Volume 137 #586. p. 763-793. |
Asaaju, Morenikeji (2022) | |
'They Gave Me Nothing': Marriage, Slavery and Divorce in Twentieth-Century Abeokuta | |
Slavery & Abolition. Volume 43 #2. p. 346-365. |
Boubrik, Rahal (2022) | |
Courtiers et marchands d'esclaves au Maroc sous la colonisation française | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 57 #1. p. 343-368. |
Costa, Valéria; Gomes, Flávio (2022) | |
Dos tripulantes da história: o africano Duarte José Martins da Costa entre a 'rede miúda' do tráfico atlântico (Rio de Janeiro - Angola - Recife - Benim, séc. XIX) | |
Afro-Ásia. Volume 65. p. 203-245. |
Delius, Sarah (2022) | |
The Same in All but Name? The Intersections of Marriage and Slavery in Sierra Leone, 1890-1930 | |
Slavery & Abolition. Volume 43 #2. p. 320-345. |
Elbl, Ivana (2022) | |
Sand and Dreams: Daily Slave Purchases at the Portuguese Coastal Outpost of Arguim (Mauritania, Saharan West Africa) (1519-1520) | |
Portuguese Studies Review. Volume 30 #1. p. 325-354. |
Farias, J.B. (2022) | |
Um novo cativeiro? O fim do tráfico de escravizados e os engagés à temps no Senegal (1817-1848) | |
Afro-Ásia. Volume 65. p. 281-337. |
Fernández Chaves, Manuel F. (2022) | |
El 'trato e avenencia del reino de Angola para el Brasil e Indias de Castilla' de 1594-1600: Gestión y organización de la trata de esclavos en una época de transición | |
Revista de Indias. Volume 82 #284. p. 9-44. |
Ferreira, Roquinaldo; Reginaldo, Lucilene (2022) | |
Vida e morte de um príncipe do Congo: Nicolau de Água Rosada e o fim do tráfico de escravizados na África Centro-Ocidental | |
Afro-Ásia. Volume 65. p. 246-280. |
Gharala, Norah L.A. (2022) | |
'From Mozambique in Indies of Portugal': Locating East Africans in New Spain | |
Journal of Global Slavery. Volume 7 #3. p. 243-281. |
Lempereur, Samuel (2022) | |
'The Land is Asking for History'. Marriages, Land, and Post-Slavery in Southern Benin | |
Slavery & Abolition. Volume 43 #2. p. 394-413. |
Morelli, Ettore (2022) | |
Bonded: Elite Marriage and Slavery in Nineteenth-Century Lesotho | |
Slavery & Abolition. Volume 43 #2. p. 285-318. |
Pádua, Mário (2022) | |
O Colonialismo e a Guerra Colonial: O tráfico de escravos | |
O Pelourinho: Boletin de Relaciones transfronterizas. Volume 26. p. 305-350. |
Quick, Joel; Rossi, Benedetta (2022) | |
Slavery and Marriage in African Societies | |
Slavery & Abolition. Volume 43 #2. p. 245-284. |
Seymour, Eleanor; Apio, Eunice; Rossi, Benedetta (2022) | |
Captive Wives or Conjugal Slaves? The Slavery-Marriage Nexus in Northern Uganda Since the Mid-Nineteenth Century | |
Slavery & Abolition. Volume 43 #2. p. 414-443. |
Silva Júnior, Carlos Francisco da (2022) | |
A Bahia e a Costa da Mina no alvorecer da Segunda Escravidão (c. 1810-1831) | |
Afro-Ásia. Volume 65. p. 91-147. |
Silva, Filipa Ribeiro da (2022) | |
Portuguese Slave Legislation and the First Wave of Uprisings by Enslaved Africans in the Iberian Atlantic World, 1400s-1500s | |
E-Journal of Portuguese History. Volume 20 #1. p. 24-39. |
Somda, Dominique (2022) | |
Le secret dans les archives. Pour une généalogie des silences sur l'esclavage au Sud de Madagascar | |
Esclavages & Post-esclavages. Volume 6. |
Walden, Justine (2022) | |
Capuchins, Missionaries, and Slave Trading in Precolonial Kongo-Angola, West Central Africa (17th Century) | |
Journal of Early Modern History. Volume 26 #1-2. p. 38-58. |
Whatley, Warren (2022) | |
How the International Slave Trades Underdeveloped Africa | |
The Journal of Economic History. Volume 82 #2. p. 403-441. |
Wheat, David; Schultz, Kara D. (2022) | |
The Early Slave Trade from Angola to Spanish America and Brazil, 1575-1595 | |
Anuario de Estudios Americanos. Volume 79 #2. p. 487-514. |
Addobbati, Andrea; Bregoli, Francesca (2021) | |
Les esclaves livournais à Alger. La question juive et le théâtre politique en Toscane à la fin du xviiie siècle | |
Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales. Volume 76 #1. p. 7-45. |
Becker, Felicitas (2021) | |
'Looking for Life': Traces of Slavery in the Structures and Social Lives of Southern Swahili Towns | |
Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage. Volume 10 #1-2. p. 87-109. |
Bellagamba, Alice (2021) | |
Fally Kebbeh and Mamadi Kumba: Emancipation and Slave Ancestry in the Twentieth-Century Urban Gambia | |
Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage. Volume 10 #1-2. p. 66-86. |
Bonacci, Giulia (2021) | |
La promesse de l'Afrique. Chief M. K. O. Abiola et les réparations pour l'esclavage et le colonialisme, 1990-1993 | |
Esclavages & Post-esclavages. Volume 5. |
Delgado, Érika Melek (2021) | |
Freedom Narratives: The West African Person as the Central Focus for a Digital Humanities Database | |
History in Africa. Volume 48. p. 35-59. |
Gardini, Marco (2021) | |
Fear of the Dark: Urban Insecurity and the Legacies of Slavery in Antananarivo, Madagascar | |
Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage. Volume 10 #1-2. p. 110-127. |
Goodwin, Joshua; Ivins, Erica; Roberts, Richard; Wall, Rebecca (2021) | |
The Registers of Slave Liberation in Colonial Senegal: Preliminary Analysis of the Evidence from 1894 to 1903 | |
Esclavages & Post-esclavages. Volume 5. |
Keefer, Katrina (2021) | |
Poro, witchcraft and red water in early colonial Sierra Leone: G.R. Nylander's ethnography and systems of authority on the Bullom Shore | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 55 #1. p. 39-55. |
Klein, Martin A. (2021) | |
Urban Slavery in West and West Central Africa during the Transatlantic Slave Trade | |
Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage. Volume 10 #1-2. p. 46-65. |
Leigh, Devin (2021) | |
The View from 'White Man's Bay': The Captain John Matthews Papers on Sierra Leone at the Firestone Memorial Library, Princeton University | |
History in Africa. Volume 48. p. 383-396. |
McDougall, E. Ann (2021) | |
Introduction: African Cities and Urban Slavery in Historiographical Perspective | |
Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage. Volume 10 #1-2. p. 1-45. |
McDougall, E. Ann (2021) | |
'But I Am Confident: God Will Not Leave Us This Way': From Slavery to Post-Slavery in Nouakchott's bidonvilles, Mauritania | |
Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage. Volume 10 #1-2. p. 161-190. |
Neto, José Luís; Neto, José Carlos; Parreira, Pedro (2021) | |
A Maurícia no final do século XVIII: um modelo socioeconómico esclavagista, pelos olhos de um frade português | |
Boletim do Núcleo Cultural da Horta. Volume 30. p. 237-253. |
Oualdi, M'hamed (2021) | |
Commémorer l'abolition de l'esclavage en Tunisie. Les droits des citoyens noirs et l'histoire des esclaves d'origines européennes | |
Esclavages & Post-esclavages. Volume 4. |
Oxby, Clare (2021) | |
Born into Bondage? Iklan Lives along the Rural-Urban Continuum (Tuareg, Sahel) | |
Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage. Volume 10 #1-2. p. 128-160. |
Pelckmans, Lotte (2021) | |
'Récits cinétiques': le déplacement comme récit de contestation des wahayu, concubines de statut servile dans les régions frontalières du Niger et du Nigeria | |
Esclavages & Post-esclavages. Volume 4. |
Rodrigo y Alharilla, Martin (2021) | |
Les factoreries négrières espagnoles des côtes africaines (1815-1860) | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 410-411. p. 143-168. |
Russo, Mariagrazia (2021) | |
Antonio Albergati, coletor em Portugal (1622-1624): uma presença contra a escravidão. Documentos inéditos em bibliotecas romanas | |
RiMe. Rivista dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea. Volume 8 #3. p. 145-162. |
Silva, Daniel B. Domingues da; Fields, Abigail; Macuácua, Elcídio Rui; Modi, Aneri R.; Zacarias, Ivan C. (2021) | |
Between Oceans and Continents: Slavery in Portuguese Mozambique through Digital Methods in Collaborative Research | |
Journal of World History. Volume 32 #2. p. 261-280. |
Silva, Maria Cardeira da (2021) | |
Sustainable emotions: the front and backstages of slavery in Gorée Island | |
Etnográfica. Volume 25 #2. p. 437-464. |
Souza, Alan de Carvalho (2021) | |
A importância do café para São Tomé e Príncipe frente à proibição do comércio de escravizados pela Inglaterra | |
Afro-Ásia. Volume 63. p. 40-67. |
Alfagali, Crislayne; Tavares, Jéssica Dantas; Reis, Lara Oliveira; Santos, Mariany Mathias Rosa dos; Araujo, Thaiany Izidio de; Araujo, Gabriella Oliveira Silva (2020) | |
Angola e Brasil nas tramas do comércio das almas | |
Temporalidades - Revista Discente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da UFMG. Volume 12 #1. p. 882-894. |
Chapdelaine, Robin P. (2020) | |
Marriage Certificates and Walker Cards: Nigerian Migrant Labor, Wives, and Prostitutes in Colonial Fernando Pó | |
African Economic History. Volume 48 #2. p. 1-36. |
Chétima, Melchisedek (2020) | |
Slavery and its Aftermath in the Mandara Mountains | |
The Historical Journal. Volume 63 #5. p. 1181-1203. |
Curto, José C. (2020) | |
Women along the Catumbela River, 1797: land ownership, agricultural production, labour and trade | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 54 #3. p. 373-393. |
Cândido, Mariana P. (2020) | |
The Expansion of Slavery in Benguela during the Nineteenth Century | |
International Review of Social History. Volume 65 #S28. p. 67-92. |
Farias, Juliana Barreto (2020) | |
'Não há cativo que não queira ser livre!': Significados da escravidão e da liberdade entre marinheiros do Senegal, século XIX | |
Varia Historia. Volume 36 #71. p. 395-431. |
Ferreira, Roberto Guedes; Ferreira, Roquinaldo (2020) | |
Apagando a nota que diz escrava Efigênia da Silva, o batismo, o compadrio, os nomes, as cabeças, as crias, o tráfico, a escravidão e a liberdade (Luanda, c. 1770-c. 1811) | |
e-a Revista Almanack. Volume 26. p. 1-57. |
Hiralal, Kalpana (2020) | |
Voices and Memories of Indentured Women in Natal | |
African Economic History. Volume 48 #1. p. 74-90. |
Kariya, Kota (2020) | |
Free Choice Theory and the Justification of Enslavement in the Early Sokoto Caliphate | |
Islamic Africa. Volume 11 #1. p. 1-41. |
Keefer, Katrina; Lehman, Eric; McGill, Michael; Mattia, Gabriela (2020) | |
Documenting and Digitizing with Dignity: Ethical Considerations and the West African Frontier Force Personnel Records | |
Esclavages & Post-esclavages. Volume 3. |
Kelley, Sean (2020) | |
Enslavement in Upper Guinea during the Era of the Transatlantic Slave Trade: Biographical Perspectives | |
African Economic History. Volume 48 #1. p. 46-73. |
Lempereur, Samuel (2020) | |
A Path from Slavery to Freedom: The Case of the Ologoudou Family in Southern Benin | |
African Economic History. Volume 48 #1. p. 20-45. |
Lindsay, Lisa A. (2020) | |
Slavery, Absorption, and Gender: Frederick Cooper and the Power of Comparison | |
History in Africa. Volume 47. p. 65-74. |
Martino, Enrique (2020) | |
Money, Indenture, and Neo-slavery in the Spanish Gulf of Guinea, 1820s to 1890s | |
Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung. Volume 30 #5-6. p. 560-580. |
McMahon, Elisabeth (2020) | |
'Siendi' (I won't go): concubines' activism in the abolition of slavery in the Zanzibar Protectorate | |
Slavery & Abolition. Volume 41 #2. p. 395-412. |
North, Samuel (2020) | |
Remembering Slavery in Urban Cape Town: Emancipation or Continuity? | |
International Review of Social History. Volume 65 #S28. p. 197-223. |
O'Dell, Emily Jane (2020) | |
Yesterday is not Gone. Memories of Slavery in Zanzibar and Oman in Memoirs, Fiction, and Film | |
Journal of Global Slavery. Volume 5 #3. p. 357-401. |
Pardue, Jeff (2020) | |
Antislavery and Imperialism: The British Suppression of the Slave Trade and the Opening of Fernando Po, 1827-1829 | |
Itinerario: Journal of Imperial and Global Interactions. Volume 44 #1. p. 178-195. |
Pereira, Jairzinho Lopes (2020) | |
The Roman Catholic Missionaries' attitudes towards slavery in the Archipelago of Cape Verde (sixteenth and seventeenth Centuries) | |
Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique. Volume 115 #1-2. p. 58-87. |
Richards, Jake Subryan (2020) | |
The Adjudication of Slave Ship Captures, Coercive Intervention, and Value Exchange in Comparative Atlantic Perspective, ca. 1839-1870 | |
Comparative Studies in Society and History. Volume 62 #4. p. 836-867. |
Rodet, Marie (2020) | |
Documenting the History of Slavery on Film in Kayes, Mali | |
Journal of Global Slavery. Volume 5 #1. p. 89-104. |
Rossi, Benedetta (2020) | |
Beyond the Atlantic Paradigm: Slavery and Abolitionism in the Nigerien Sahel | |
Journal of Global Slavery. Volume 5 #2. p. 238-268. |
Sparks, Randy J. (2020) | |
On the frontlines of slave trade abolition: British consuls combat state capture in Cuba and Mozambique | |
Atlantic Studies: Global Currents. Volume 17 #3. p. 327-347. |
Sparks, Randy J. (2020) | |
The peopling of an African slave port: Annamaboe and the Atlantic world | |
e-a Revista Almanack. Volume 24. 39p. |
Thiébaut, Rafaël (2020) | |
French Slave Trade on Madagascar: A Quantitative Approach | |
Journal of Social History. Volume 54 #1. p. 34-65. |
Thiébaut, Rafaël (2020) | |
Construire une base de données sur la traite des esclaves dans l'océan Indien. L'exemple du cas français à Madagascar au xviiie siècle | |
Esclavages & Post-esclavages. Volume 3. |
Unangst, Matthew (2020) | |
Manufacturing Crisis: Anti-slavery 'Humanitarianism' and Imperialism in East Africa, 1888-1890 | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 48 #5. p. 805-825. |
Andrade, Álvaro Pereira de; Sotomayor, Ana Maria B.; Rodrigues, Jorge José Martins (2019) | |
Estimated unit cost of the slaves in the second half of the 18th century | |
De Computis: Revista Española de Historia de la Contabilidad. Volume 16 #1. p. 49-76. |
Boutier, Jérémy (2019) | |
Récit d'un esclave né dans un camp de marrons de l'Île Bourbon: la légende de Farla par Sully Brunet | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 404-405. p. 167-174. |
Cecere, Giuseppe (2019) | |
From Ethiopian Slave to Egyptian Sufi Master? Yaqut al-Habashi in Mamluk and Ottoman Sources | |
Northeast African Studies. Volume 19 #1. p. 85-138. |
Farrer, Guilherme (2019) | |
Estratégias e influências das comunidades de muçulmanos e baneanes em Moçambique: um estudo através da legislação sobre a posse de escravos (1727-1752) | |
Afro-Ásia. Volume 59. p. 103-129. |
Gonçalves, Paulo Cesar (2019) | |
Na vaga do trabalho escravo: o tráfico de trabalhadores engajados de Moçambique para a Ilha Reunião no pós-abolição da escravidão colonial francesa | |
Topoi. Revista de História. Volume 20 #42. p. 578-603. |
Gooding, Philip (2019) | |
Slavery, 'respectability,' and being 'freeborn' on the shores of nineteenth-century Lake Tanganyika | |
Slavery & Abolition. Volume 40 #1. p. 147-167. |
Kea, Ray (2019) | |
Crossroads and Exchanges in the Scandinavian Atlantic and Atlantic West Africa: Framing Texts of Eighteenth-Century African Christians | |
Itinerario: Journal of Imperial and Global Interactions. Volume 43 #2. p. 262-282. |
Lopes, Gustavo Acioli; Menz, Maximiliano M. (2019) | |
Vestindo o escravismo: o comércio de têxteis e o Contrato de Angola (século XVIII) | |
Revista Brasileira de História. Volume 39 #80. p. 109-134. |
Lopes, Gustavo Acioli; Marques, Leonardo (2019) | |
O outro lado da moeda: estimativas e impactos do ouro do Brasil no tráfico transatlântico de escravos (Costa da Mina, c. 1700-1750) | |
Clio: Revista de Pesquisa Histórica. Volume 37 #2. p. 59-38. |
Lovejoy, Henry B. (2019) | |
Mapping Uncertainty: The Collapse of Oyo and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, 1816-1836 | |
Journal of Global Slavery. Volume 4 #2. p. 127-161. |
Marques, Alexandre (2019) | |
A travessia de escravos dos sertões de Angola para os sertões de Pernambuco (1750-1810) | |
Clio: Revista de Pesquisa Histórica. Volume 37 #2. p. 58-81. |
Menz, Maximiliano (2019) | |
Uma comunidade em movimento: os traficantes de escravos de Lisboa e seus agentes no Atlântico , c. 1740-1771 | |
Clio: Revista de Pesquisa Histórica. Volume 27 #2. p. 39-57. |
Neves, Maria Teresa Avelino (2019) | |
Donas, forras, and slaves: Women's role in Cape Verdean former regime's society | |
Diálogos com a Arte - Revista de Arte, Cultura e Educação. Volume 9. p. 134-150. |
Oliveira, Bruno Ribeiro (2019) | |
Caravaneiros Árabe-suaílis no tempo de tippu tip: organização caravaneira e modos de operação, 1850-1905 | |
Historiæ. Volume 10 #2. p. 107-124. |
Rönnbäck, Klas; Theodoridis, Dimitrios (2019) | |
African agricultural productivity and the transatlantic slave trade: evidence from Senegambia in the nineteenth century | |
The Economic History Review. Volume 72 #1. p. 209-232. |
Séhou, Ahmadou (2019) | |
Esclavage, émancipation et citoyenneté dans les lamidats de l'Adamaoua (Nord-Cameroun) | |
Esclavages & Post-esclavages. Volume 1. |
Aguilar Escobar, Antonio (2018) | |
La Casa de la Misericordia de Sevilla y su aportación al rescate de cautivos en Berbería en los siglos XVII y XVIII | |
Archivo hispalense: Revista histórica, literaria y artística. Volume 101 #306-308. p. 13-35. |
Almeida, Suely (2018) | |
Rotas atlânticas: o comércio de escravos entre Pernambuco e a Costa da Mina (c.1724-c.1752) | |
História (São Paulo). Volume 37. p. 1-31. |
Alpers, Edward A. (2018) | |
'Le caractère d'une traite d'esclaves déguisée (the nature of a disguised slave trade)'? Labor recruitment for La Réunion at Portuguese Mozambique, 1887-1889 | |
Ufahamu. Volume 40 #1. p. 3-32. |
Evans, Chris; Rydén, Goran (2018) | |
'Voyage Iron': An Atlantic Slave Trade Currency, its European Origins, and West African Impact | |
Past and Present. Volume 239 #1. p. 41-70. |
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