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Search: su=Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment | ||||||||
Found: 8379 | Record 1-100 |
Flahive, Robert (2023) | |
Settler colonialism within the settler state: remaking the past through the built environment in Casablanca | |
Settler Colonial Studies. Volume 13 #3. p. 305-324. |
Gariba, Joshua Awienagua (2023) | |
Youth and Social Navigation in the Alavanyo and Nkonya Land Conflict in Ghana | |
Nordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 32 #1. p. 50-65. |
Mamdouh-Salem, Marwa (2023) | |
Revisiting the Concept of 'Virtual Water' in Light of the Impact of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on Egypt's Water Interests | |
Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. Volume 46 #2. p. 12-38. |
Quitari, Garcia Neves (2023) | |
Políticas de investimentos agrícolas em Angola: projetos em concorrência e as tendências do século XXI | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. Volume 38. p. 9-19. |
Adalima, José Laimone (2022) | |
From coconut to land: changing livelihoods in Micaúne, Central Mozambique | |
Etnográfica. Volume 26 #1. p. 29-50. |
Akallah, Jethron Ayumbah (2022) | |
Wells and Boreholes: Resilient Water Provision in Nairobi | |
Journal of History of Science and Technology. Volume 16 #1. p. 48-72. |
Ba, Boubacar Demba; Descroix, Luc (2022) | |
Analyse de Quelques Conséquences du Conflit de Casamance sur les Ressources Forestières dans le Département de Bignona (Sénégal) | |
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. #42. |
Blanc, Guillaume (2022) | |
Aux sources d'une histoire environnementale globale: une boucle éthiopienne dans les archives de la nature | |
Sources. Matériaux & Terrains en études africaines. Volume 4. p. 283-331. |
Breitinger, Jan C. (2022) | |
A Lake to Serve: The Exploration, Modification, and Degradation of Lake Victoria, 1920s to 1960s | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 50 #1. p. 144-184. |
Caglioti, Angelo Matteo (2022) | |
'In this country, water means life'. Eritrea's erratic rivers and Italian irrigation projects between Adwa and Mussolini (1897-1934) | |
Contemporanea: Rivista di storia dell'800 e del '900. Volume 25 #2. p. 265-291. |
Castelo, Cláudia (2022) | |
Perturbações na paisagem pastoril do sudoeste angolano: ansiedade política e geografia aplicada no colonialismo tardio | |
Terra Brasilis. Volume 17. |
Cohen, Netta (2022) | |
Shades of White: African Climate and Jewish European Bodies, 1903-1905 | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 50 #2. p. 298-316. |
Correa, Silvio Marcus de Souza (2022) | |
Colonialismo alemão e privatização dos recursos naturais africanos | |
Tempo. Volume 28 #3. |
Edward, Frank (2022) | |
Planned Vulnerabilities? Street Flooding and Drainage Infrastructure in Colonial Dar es Salaam | |
Journal of History of Science and Technology. Volume 16 #1. p. 29-47. |
Gargallo, Eduard (2022) | |
'Experts', Settlers and Africans: The Production of Local Agricultural and Veterinary Knowledge in Southern Rhodesia (1897-1914) | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 50 #4. p. 639-671. |
Jossias, Elísio (2022) | |
Renegociar a comunidade e disputar territórios: posse e propriedade nas terras comunitárias na região do lago Niassa | |
Etnográfica. Volume 26 #1. p. 5-27. |
Kinder, John M. (2022) | |
'Our Faunal Defense in Africa': Imperial Survivalism, Anglo-American Conservation, and African Independence in the Twentieth Century | |
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History. Volume 23 #3. |
Leblond, Nelly (2022) | |
Sources compromises: ambiguïtés et impasses pédologiques au Mozambique | |
Sources. Matériaux & Terrains en études africaines. Volume 4. p. 125-160. |
Musandu, Phoebe (2022) | |
The Elephant in the Room: The Implications of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) proliferation in Kenya for Archiving and Historical Research | |
History in Africa. Volume 49. p. 159-183. |
Obika, Julaina (2022) | |
The Intimate Governance of Land in Northern Uganda | |
Nordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 31 #2. p. 136-152. |
Okonkwo, Uche Uwaezuoke; Ejikeme, Joy N.U.; Ukaogo, Victor Okoro (2022) | |
Horse-related title taking and animal cruelty in colonial eastern Nigeria: re-examining the economic rationale behind the introduction of humane killers | |
Rural History. Volume 33 #2. p. 195-206. |
Parker, James D. (2022) | |
Ecologies of Development: Ecophilosophies and Indigenous Action on the Tana River | |
History in Africa. Volume 49. p. 65-96. |
Peša, Iva (2022) | |
Histories of Empire and Environmental Legacies in Africa | |
Itinerario: Journal of Imperial and Global Interactions. Volume 46 #1. p. 172-183. |
Pimenta, José Ramiro (2022) | |
A Geografia colonial de Silva Teles (1860-1930) | |
Terra Brasilis. Volume 17. |
Rakotondrabe, Manohisoa; Girard, Fabien (2022) | |
Protocoles bioculturels communautaires et travail-frontière: jeux de scripts autour des ressources génétiques à Madagascar | |
Sources. Matériaux & Terrains en études africaines. Volume 4. p. 69-124. |
Rouillé-Kielo, Gaële (2022) | |
Protéger des 'eaux agitées': ce que les archives de l'association de riverains du lac Naivasha (années 1960-2010) révèlent des stratégies conservationnistes au Kenya | |
Sources. Matériaux & Terrains en études africaines. Volume 4. p. 241-281. |
Shihundu, Felix; Nyadera, Israel Nyaburi (2022) | |
The Geopolitics of Renewable Energy Transition in Eastern Africa | |
Journal of Global South Studies. Volume 39 #1. p. 134-159. |
Tchinda, Joel Boris Jiometio; Tchekote, Hervé; Moulende, Thérèse (2022) | |
Quand croissance de production ne rime pas avec amélioration des conditions de vie. Notes sur les salarié.e.s agricoles de Balessing (Ouest Cameroun) | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 245-246. p. 341-360. |
Tonolo, Giovanni (2022) | |
An Environmental History of Palm Oil Development in Dahomey in the Twentieth Century | |
Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung. Volume 32 #6. p. 726-749. |
Apeh, Apex Anselm; Opata, Christian Chukwuma; Amaechi, Chidi Mike; Njoku, Onwuka Ndukwe (2021) | |
Cattle rights versus human rights: herdsmen-farmer clashes in Nigeria | |
Rural History. Volume 32 #2. p. 197-216. |
Berriane, Yasmine (2021) | |
'La part des femmes'. La judiciarisation de l'accès des femmes aux terres collectives au Maroc | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 242. p. 417-438. |
Bruin, Karen de (2021) | |
From Viticulture to Commemoration: French Huguenot Memory in the Cape Colony (1688-1824) | |
Journal of the Western Society for French History. Volume 47. |
Capel, Chloé (2021) | |
Authority Beyond State and Tribe in the Early Medieval Maghrib: The Impact of Climate on the Economic, Social and Political Reorganisation of the Maghrib al-Aqsa in the Eighth-Ninth Centuries: The Case of Sijilmasa (Morocco) | |
Al-Masaq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean. Volume 33 #1. p. 47-65. |
Chipman, Leigh (2021) | |
Collapse, affluence, and collapse again: contrasting climatic effects in Egypt during the prolonged reign of al-Mustansir (1036-1094) | |
Mediterranean Historical Review. Volume 36 #2. p. 199-215. |
Chloé, Capel (2021) | |
Histoire hydraulique et histoire urbaine: Lorsque les pratiques d'irrigation renseignent les dynamiques de peuplement des villes. L'exemple de Sijilmassa | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 56 #4. p. 177-206. |
Come, Sérgio Feliciano; Nhongo, Eufrásio João Sozinho; Ferreira, Fernanda Machado (2021) | |
Mineração industrial e conflitos socio-ambientais: o caso da província de Tete, centro de Moçambique | |
AbeÁfrica: revista da associação brasileira de estudos africanos. Volume 5. p. 198-215. |
Conte, Chris (2021) | |
The Usambara Knowledge Project: Place as Archive in a Tanzanian Mountain Range | |
History in Africa. Volume 48. p. 83-102. |
Lafontaine Carboni, Julien; Gimeno Martín, Juan Carlos (2021) | |
Inmóviles, pero no quietos. La sedentarización de los saharauis como estrategia de adaptación y respuesta a la supervivencia. Sobre la posibilidad de un nomadismo inmóvil | |
Tabula Rasa: revista de humanidades. Volume 37. p. 17-48. |
Lucas, Joana (2021) | |
O património alimentar enquanto atração turística: a conversão da Dieta Mediterrânica em mercadoria, em Chefchaouen (Marrocos) | |
Etnográfica. Volume 25 #1. p. 231-253. |
Noyoo, Ndangwa (2021) | |
Mobilising Natural Resources for Sustainable Development: Copper mining and path dependence in Zambia | |
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. #41. p. 119-144. |
Page, Melvin E. (2021) | |
Up from the farm: a global microhistory of rural Americans and Africans in the First World War | |
Journal of Global History. Volume 16 #1. p. 101-121. |
Pepicelli, Renata (2021) | |
'People Want a Clean Environment': Historical Roots of the Environmental Crisis and the Emergence of Eco-Resistances in Tunisia | |
Studi Magrebini. Volume 19 #1. p. 37-62. |
Pergher, Roberta (2021) | |
Killing Fields: Environment, Agency, and the Fascist Conquest of Colonial Libya | |
Perspectivas - Journal of Political Science. Volume 25. p. 71-87. |
Skotnes-Brown, Jules (2021) | |
Domestication, Degeneration, and the Establishment of the Addo Elephant National Park in South Africa, 1910S-1930S | |
The Historical Journal. Volume 64 #2. p. 357-383. |
Tischler, Julia (2021) | |
'The Only Industry That Can Make Us Hold Our Own': Black Agrarianism in South Africa from a Transatlantic Perspective, ca. 1910-1930 | |
The American Historical Review. Volume 126 #4. p. 1396-1423. |
Vilela, João de Sousa; Pires, Cristiano; Geldenhuys, Coert J.; Figueiredo, Albano (2021) | |
Dependência, pressão e recuperação de recursos florestais no Parque Nacional do Limpopo (Moçambique) o caso das florestas de Mopane | |
Cadernos de Geografia. Volume 44. p. 21-35. |
Abba, A. Abba; Onyemachi, Nkiru D. (2020) | |
Weeping in the Face of Fortune: Eco-Alienation in the Niger-Delta Ecopoetics | |
Humanities. Volume 9 #31. |
Bargach, Jamila (2020) | |
Fog in Seven Movements: Connecting Anti-Atlas Villages to Fog Water | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 55 #4. p. 293-318. |
Bastião, Maria (2020) | |
O regime dos prazos na Ilha de Moçambique, 1763-1800 | |
Ler História. Volume 76. p. 31-53. |
Benkhallouq, Fatima Ez-zahra; Moubchir, Wahiba; Wahidi, Farid El (2020) | |
Le savoir local Amazigh: la transmission à l'épreuve | |
Antrope. Volume 12. p. 59-80. |
Bernardo, Bernardino José; Ombe, Zacarias; Jesus, Octávio Manuel de; Chichango, David Benjamin (2020) | |
The Lower Umbeluzi Geodiversity, uses and socio-environmental impacts: Case of Neighborhood September 7, Boane - Mozambique | |
Cadernos de Geografia. Volume 42. p. 93-102. |
Bussotti, Luca (2020) | |
Políticas Agrícolas e Usurpação de Terras em Moçambique Independente. Resistências, movimentos sociais, papel do Estado | |
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. #40. p. 37-62. |
Castelo, Cláudia (2020) | |
O projecto-piloto de extensão rural do Andulo (Angola): conhecimento, desenvolvimento e contra-subversão | |
Ler História. Volume 76. p. 153-178. |
Dye, Alan; La Croix, Sumner (2020) | |
Institutions for the taking: property rights and the settlement of the Cape Colony, 1652-1750 | |
The Economic History Review. Volume 73 #1. p. 33-58. |
Fernández García-Valcárcel, Aida; Regueiro Dubra, Raquel (2020) | |
El derecho al agua limpia y saneamiento y su influencia en la violencia de género en el campo de refugiados de Dadaab (Kenia) | |
Miscelánea Comillas: Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. Volume 78 #153. p. 703-729. |
Hassan, Hager Moddathir (2020) | |
The Dual Identity of White Nile's Seleim Pastoralists between North and South Sudan | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. #240. p. 967-972. |
Jones Sánchez, Alvar (2020) | |
La gestion de conflits à l'origine des conflits? 'Peacebuilding' et protection des ressources naturelles en Casamance | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. #239. p. 509-533. |
Kadiri, Zakaria (2020) | |
Imprévisible et bricolée: La modernisation rurale et agricole au Maroc | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 55 #4. p. 131-158. |
Kalb, Martin (2020) | |
The Dowsing Debate: Water, Science and Colonialism in German Southwest Africa | |
German History. Volume 38 #4. p. 568-593. |
Kamaljanova, Takhira A.; Burakanova, Galiya M. (2020) | |
Natural resource management (NRM) and peacebuilding in case of Liberia | |
Opción: Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. Volume 91. p. 1-832. |
Maravall, Laura (2020) | |
Factor endowments on the 'frontier': Algerian settler agriculture at the beginning of the 1900s | |
The Economic History Review. Volume 73 #3. p. 758-784. |
Nascimento Júnior, Lindberg; Neto, João Lima Sant'Anna (2020) | |
Risco climático em Maputo: uma análise a partir da produção do espaço urbano | |
AbeÁfrica: revista da associação brasileira de estudos africanos. Volume 4. p. 255-276. |
Parker, James (2020) | |
A Wasted Eden: Colonial Water Management and Ecological Change in Kitui, Kenya 1948-63 | |
Les Cahiers d'Afrique de l'Est / The East African Review. Volume 55. |
Soubira, Thomas (2020) | |
L'eau à Sigilmasa (Maroc): témoins écrits et matériels pour une hydro-histoire du Tafilalt (VIIIe-XVe siècles) | |
Afriques. Volume 11. |
Stamm, Volker (2020) | |
The rural economy of the upper Senegal valley before the consolidation of colonial rule (ca. A. D. 1680-1900) | |
Journal des africanistes. Volume 90 #1. p. 52-79. |
Teles, Edgar (2020) | |
Ivory Trade and Impact on Elephant Habitat and Population in Benguela: 1790 - 1810 | |
Environment and Ecology Research. Volume 8 #2. p. 41-58. |
Teles, Gonçalo Ribeiro (2020) | |
Guiné Bissau, terra de contrastes | |
Brotéria. Volume 191 #4. p. 251-258. |
Vekemans, Charlotte; Segers, Yves (2020) | |
Settler farming, agricultural colonisation and development in Katanga (Belgian Congo), 1910-1920 | |
Historia agraria: Revista de agricultura e historia rural. Volume 81. p. 195-226. |
Vicente, Filipa Lowndes (2020) | |
Quem merece possuir colónias, coleções e conhecimento? História natural em negociação entre Lisboa, Londres e Paris no longo século XIX | |
Reflexos: Revue pluridisciplinaire du monde lusophone. Volume 5. |
Vieira, Nina; Brito, Cristina; Garcia, Ana Catarina; Luz, Hilarino da; Noronha, Hermano; Pereira, Dúnia (2020) | |
The Whale in the Cape Verde Islands: Seascapes as a Cultural Construction from the Viewpoint of History, Literature, Local Art and Heritage | |
Humanities. Volume 9 #3. |
Zirari, Hayat (2020) | |
Entre alimentation (makla) et nutrition (taghdia): Arbitrages et réinvention au quotidien des pratiques alimentaires en contexte urbain | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 55 #4. p. 385-408. |
Afungang, Roland (2019) | |
A Cartography of Physiographic and Anthropogenic Factors influencing Vegetation in the Bamenda Mountain Region of Cameroon | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #32. p. 91-116. |
Ballouche, Aziz (2019) | |
Environnements et paysages précoloniaux du Sud-Ouest mauritanien (Brakna, Trarza) | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #32. p. 43-60. |
Ben-Meir, Yossef (2019) | |
Empowering Rural Participation and Partnerships in Morocco's Sustainable Development | |
Journal of Global Initiatives: Policy, Pedagogy, Perspective. Volume 14 #2. |
Boutrais, Jean (2019) | |
Cures salées, cures natronées pastorales en savanes centrafricaines | |
Journal des africanistes. Volume 89 #1. p. 84-115. |
Caillault, Sébastien (2019) | |
Les 'forêts classées': une empreinte coloniale dans les paysages végétaux. Approche par deux récits à l'ouest du Burkina Faso | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #32. p. 61-68. |
Catarino, Luís (2019) | |
Parque Natural das Lagoas de Cufada, Guiné-Bissau. Desafios, ameaças e perspetivas | |
Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa. Volume 35. p. 17-30. |
d'Eeckenbrugge, Geo Coppens; Schiavo, Michele; Caron, Elisa; Ongwen, Dismas; Kamau, Joseph Ireri; Rono, Bernard; Leclerc, Christian (2019) | |
Worldwide interconnections of Africa using crops as historical and cultural markers | |
Les Cahiers d'Afrique de l'Est / The East African Review. Volume 52. p. 7-41. |
Dube, Francis (2019) | |
Implications of border-making and border-crossing for the control of livestock diseases in colonial Southern Africa, 1890-1960 | |
Revista de Estudios Africanos. Volume 0. p. 119-143. |
Dzou Tsanga, Rémy (2019) | |
Le rôle des végétaux dans la metallurgie du fer au Cameroun: Des materiaux à la thérapie de fusion du metal | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #32. p. 159-170. |
El Motaki, Hanifa; El-Fengour, Abdelhak; El Bouzidi, Aissa (2019) | |
Soil degradation in Central Rif mountains area in northern Morocco: aspects of losses and failure of development programs | |
Cadernos de Geografia. Volume 40. p. 53-66. |
Francis, Helene Stephene (2019) | |
Negotiation on Biodiversity Conservation and its Future Prospects: Evidence from Tanzania's Burunge Wildlife Management Area | |
Les Cahiers d'Afrique de l'Est / The East African Review. Volume 53. |
Gormo, Jean (2019) | |
De 'l'endogénéité' à 'l'exogénéité' du paysage végétal dans la ville de Maroua (Extrême-Nord Cameroun) | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #32. p. 117-130. |
Heiss, Jan Patrick (2019) | |
Some Historical Factors in the Development of Field Cultivation Practices in Two Villages in South Central Niger | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. #233. p. 75-120. |
Lança, Augusto (2019) | |
Agricultura e silvopastorícia no Namibe, Angola | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #32. p. 141-152. |
Mirhani, Nourddine; Taïbi, Aude Nuscia; El Hannani, Mustapha; Ballouche, Aziz (2019) | |
Mutations des paysages agraires coloniaux d'Anjouan | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #32. p. 69-90. |
Muhale, Izidro Justino; Ferreira, Leila da Costa; Zullo Júnior, Jurandir (2019) | |
Reconstrução dos eventos e documentos da institucionalização ambiental em Moçambique: uma contribuição para a História Ambiental | |
Em Tempo de Histórias. Volume 35. p. 22-44. |
Mworoha, Émile (2019) | |
Monarchies, plantes et rituels agraires dans l'Afrique des Grands Lacs est-africains (xve-xixe siècle) | |
Les Cahiers d'Afrique de l'Est / The East African Review. Volume 52. p. 43-81. |
Nuscia, Taïbi Aude; Mustapha, El Hannani (2019) | |
Le paysage colonial en Afrique. Le végétal dans l'espace public des villes coloniales de Marrakech, Alger, Antananarivo et Toliara | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #32. p. 27-42. |
Nzualo, Teodósio das Neves Milisse; Silvestre, Vanilza Flora (2019) | |
Avaliação da vulnerabilidade costeira na costa Moçambicana: Índice de Vulnerabilidade Costeira simplificado | |
AbeÁfrica: revista da associação brasileira de estudos africanos. Volume 3. p. 111-137. |
Onguny, Philip; Gillies, Taylor (2019) | |
Land Conflict in Kenya: A Comprehensive Overview of Literature | |
Les Cahiers d'Afrique de l'Est / The East African Review. Volume 53. |
Onyango, Maria (2019) | |
Reconstruction of agricultural calendar lessons from Western Kenya: crops, cultural events, astronomy and recurrent climate events | |
Les Cahiers d'Afrique de l'Est / The East African Review. Volume 52. p. 127-150. |
Rockel, Stephen J. (2019) | |
The Tutsi and the Nyamwezi: Cattle, Mobility, and the Transformation of Agro-Pastoralism in Nineteenth-Century Western Tanzania | |
History in Africa. Volume 46. p. 231-261. |
Sebestyén, Éva (2019) | |
Colonial Landscape in the 19th century Angola. Useful Plants in László Magyar's and Mbundu Village Chiefs' Records | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #32. p. 131-140. |
Thibon, Christian (2019) | |
Croissance démographique, paysage politique et diversification culturale dans la région des Grands Lacs: La variable démographique, indicateur et témoin de la diffusion des plantes américaines, entre histoires centrale et périphériques | |
Les Cahiers d'Afrique de l'Est / The East African Review. Volume 52. p. 151-240. |
Yengué, Jean-Louis (2019) | |
Colonisations et végétation en Afrique | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #32. p. 11-26. |
Abderrahmane, Oujamaa (2018) | |
Consommation du patrimoine hydraulique par le activités touristiques: Cas de La Haute Vallee du DRAA | |
digitAR - Revista Digital de Arqueologia, Arquitectura e Artes. Volume 5. p. 133-57. |
Alyou, Ebrahim Damtew (2018) | |
History through Oral Poetry: Rural Responses to Land Reform and Land Redistribution in Gondär Province, 1975-1982 | |
Northeast African Studies. Volume 18 #1-2. p. 93-135. |
Askour, Khadija (2018) | |
Développement d'un écosystème territorial d'innovation sociale dans les zones touristiques vulnérables au Maroc: Cas des territoires oasiens | |
digitAR - Revista Digital de Arqueologia, Arquitectura e Artes. Volume 5. p. 17-29. |
Bernardo, Bernardino José (2018) | |
A influência da dinâmica urbana e a ocupação de áreas inundáveis no bairro Magoanine-A (Moçambique): uma reflexão sobre o zoneamento ambiental | |
Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa. Volume 35. p. 61-68. |
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