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Search: ge=Niger
Found: 20 Record 1-20

BookSalak, Kira (2005)
The Cruelest Journey: 600 Miles to Timbuktu
Washington, DC: National Geographic. 230p.

Book chapterHarger, Laura (2003)
The Desert
In: A Woman's Path: Women's Best Spiritual Travel Writing. p. 195-207.

BookMcCauley, Lucy; Carlson, Amy G.; Leo, Jennifer (eds.) (2003)
A Woman's Path: Women's Best Spiritual Travel Writing
San Francisco: Travelers' Tales. 266p.

BookWilles, Olivia (British) (2003)
A Saharan Sketchbook: A Memoir of a Journey in an Africa of Yesterday
Suffolk, Great Britain: Wayfarer. 181p.

BookBlakemore, Christine Korol (German)(1943- ) (1997)
The People from the Pit: A Trans-African Journey
London: Minerva. 246p.

BookCoskran, Kathleen; Truesdale, C.W. (eds.) (1997)
Tanzania on Tuesday: Writing by American Women Abroad
Geraldine Kennedy; Jacqueline Cooper; Kathleen Coskran; Teresa Buerkle; Jeanne D'Haem; Sharon Mayes. Minneapolis: New Rivers Press. 435p.

BookJackson, Hazel (British) (1997)
Into Africa
London: Minerva. 281p.

BookBaxter, Joan (Canadian) (1994)
Graveyard for Dreamers: One Woman's Odyssey in Africa
Porters Lake, Nova Scotia, Canada: Pottersfield Press. 297p.

BookCampbell, Ffyona (British)(1967- ) (1994)
On Foot through Africa
London: Orion Books Ltd. 349p.

BookKennedy, Geraldine (American) (1994)
Harmattan: A Journey Across the Sahara
Santa Monica, CA: Clover Park Press. 289p.

BookAscanio, Jennifer H. (1992)
White Men Don't Have Juju: An American Couple's Adventure through Africa
Chicago: Noble Press. 345p.

Book chapterMelchett, Sonia (1992)
Christina Dodwell
In: Melchett, Sonia. Passionate Quests: Five Modern Women Travellers. London/Boston: Faber and Faber. p. 89-133.

BookSelby, Bettina (British)(1934-) (1991)
Frail Dream of Timbuktu
London: John Murray. 224p.

BookDodwell, Christina (British)(1951-) (1989)
Travels with Pegasus: A Microlight Journey Across West Africa
London: Hodder and Stoughton. 208p.

Book chapterTinling, Marion (1989)
Christina Dodwell, 1951--
In: Women Into the Unknown: A Sourcebook on Women Explorers and Travelers. p. 113-118.

BookAsher, Michael; Peru, Mariantonietta (Italian) (1988)
Two against the Sahara: On Camelback from Nouakchoti to the Nile
New York: William Morrow. 301p.

BookSacre-Coeur, Marie-Andre du (French)(1899- ) (1962)
The House Stands Firm: Family Life in West Africa
Birth Name was Jeanne Dorge. Milwaukee, WI: Bruce Publishing. 242p.

BookFievet, Jeannette M. (French)(1918- ) (1959)
White Piccaninny; Adventures of a Mother and Child in West Africa
London: Jarrolds. 224p.

BookTomkinson, Constance Avard (Canadian)(1915- ) (1959)
African Follies
London: M. Joseph. 224p.

BookKrippner, Monica (British) (1952)
African Way: Seven Months' Journey from Cape Town to Algiers
London: G. Bles. 224p.

Search: ge=Niger
Found: 20 Record 1-20

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