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Search: ge=Sierra Leone
Found: 63 Record 1-63

Dissertation / thesisKnott, William M. (2006)
Foot Soldier of the Empire: Hannah More and the Politics of Service
Ph.D. dissertation: George Washington University, Washington, DC. 487p.

BookShaffer, Tanya (American) (2003)
Somebody's Heart is Burning: A Woman Wanderer in Africa
New York: Vintage Books. 324p.

Dissertation / thesisTata, Fabian T. (2002)
Blessed Mothers: African-American Missionary Women in English-Speaking Colonial Africa, 1850-1950. Their History, Their Work and Their Impact
Ph.D. dissertation: Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida. 510p.

BookFalconbridge, Anna Marie (British)(1769-1816?) (2000)
Anna Maria Falconbridge: Narrative of Two Voyages to the River Sierra Leone during the Years 1791-1792-1793 and the Journal of Isaac Dubois with Alexander Falconbridge: An Account of the Slave Trade on the Coast of Africa
Edited by Christopher Fyfe. Liverpool, Great Britain: Liverpool University Press. 238p.

BookLedger, Fiona Sax (2000)
Mr. Bigstuff and the Goddess of Charm: Parties, Cars, Love and Ambition South of the Sahara
London: Picador. 290p.

BookColeman, Deirdre (ed.) (1999)
Maiden Voyages and Infant Colonies: Two Women's Travel Narratives of the 1790s (Anna Falconbridge)
Leicester, Great Britain: Leister University Press. 247p.

Book chapterFalconbridge, Anna Marie (British)(1769-1816?); Coleman, Deirdre (eds.) (1999)
Anna Maria Falconbridge, 'Two Voyages to Sierra Leone (1794)'
In: Coleman, Deirdre (ed.). Maiden Voyages and Infant Colonies: Two Women's Travel Narratives of the 1790s. Leicester, Great Britain: Leister University Press. p. 22-168.

Periodical articleHarrow, Sharon (1998)
Trading in the Blush: Domesticating the Colony in Anna Maria Falconbridge's Narrative
Journal of African Travel-Writing. #5. October. p. 25-37.

Periodical articleO'Loughlin, Katrina (1998)
'Our Floating Prison': Anna Maria Falconbridge and Travel to the River Sierra Leone
Journal of African Travel-Writing. #5. October. p. 38-49.

Book chapterFerguson, Moira (1997)
Anna Maria Falconbridge and Sierra Leone: 'The Reality of a Coloniser'
In: Ansell-Pearson, Keith and Parry, Benita and Squires, Judith (eds.). Cultural Readings of Imperialism: Edward Said and the Gravity of History. London/New York: Lawrence and Wishart/ St. Martin's Press. p. 247-266.

Periodical articleMartin, Tony (1997)
See this publicationDiscovering African Roots: Amy Ashwood Garvey's Pan-Africanist Journey
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Volume 17 #1. p. 118-126.

Book chapterFerguson, Moira (1996)
Hannah Kilham: Gender, the Gambia, and the Politics of Language
In: Richardson, Alan and Hofkosh, Sonia (eds.). Romanticism, Race, and Imperial Culture, 1780-1834. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.

Periodical articleMcEwan, Cheryl (1996)
Paradise or Pandemonium? West African Landscapes in the Travel Accounts of Victorian Women
Journal of Historical Geography. Volume 22 #1. January. p. 68-83.

BookWilson, Libby (British) (1996)
Unexpected Always Happen: Journal of a Doctor in Sierra Leone
Edinburgh: Argyll Press. 191p.

Periodical articleChristensen, Matthew J. (1995)
Strategies of Placement/Production of Identity: Adelaide Smith Casely Hayford as African Victorian Traveler
Abstract presentUfahamu. Volume 23 #1. p. 21-34.

Periodical articleColeman, Deirdre (1995)
Sierra Leone, Slavery, and Sexual Politics: Anna Maria Falconbridge and the 'Swarthy Daughter' of Late 18th Century Abolitionism
Women's Writing: The Elizabethan to Victorian Period. Volume 2 #1. p. 3-25.

Dissertation / thesisMcEwan, Cheryl (1995)
How the 'Seraphic' Became 'Geographic': Women Travellers in West Africa, 1840-1915
Ph.D. dissertation: Loughborough University of Technology, Department of Geography, Loughborough, Great Britain.

Periodical articleTwells, A. (1995)
So Distant and Wild a Scene: Language, Domesticity and Difference in Hannah Kilham's Writing from West Africa, 1822-1832
Women's History Review. Volume 4 #3. p. 301-318.

BookAscanio, Jennifer H. (1992)
White Men Don't Have Juju: An American Couple's Adventure through Africa
Chicago: Noble Press. 345p.

BookCooper, Joyce L. (1992)
They Called Her Ya: The Story of Ruth Saunders
Salem, Ohio: Allegheny Publications. 254p.

Book chapterFerguson, Moira (1992)
Anna Maria Falconbridge
In: Ferguson, Moira. Subject to Others: British Women Writers and Colonial Slavery, 1670-1834. New York/London: Routledge. p. 198-208.

Book chapterEarly, Julie E. (1991)
'There is Much to be Said for Belonging to the Most Powerful Nation on Earth': Margaret Fountaine's Private Manuscript
In: Early, Julie E. 'Monsters of the Deep': The Woman Traveller and Later Victorian Women's Travel Narrative. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. p. 228-293.

Dissertation / thesisEarly, Julie E. (1991)
'Monsters of the Deep': The Woman Traveller and Later Victorian Women's Travel Narrative
Ph.D. dissertation: University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. 316p.

BookBirkett, Deborah J. (1989)
Spinsters Abroad: Victorian Lady Explorers
London: Basil Blackwell. 300p.

Book chapterTinling, Marion (1989)
Elspeth Huxley, 1907-1997
In: Women Into the Unknown: A Sourcebook on Women Explorers and Travelers. p. 133-139.

Dissertation / thesisPeterson, Martha Dunlop (American) (1987)
African Adventure: Peace Corps Assignment in Sierra Leone
M.A. Thesis: Sonoma State University, Sonoma, California. 236p.

BookFountaine, Margaret (British)(1862-1940) (1986)
Butterflies and Late Loves: The Further Travels and Adventures of a Victorian Lady
Edited by W.F. Cater. London: Collins. 141p.

BookSadow, Sue (American) (1986)
Into Africa with the Peace Corps: Sue Sadow, First Senior Citizen Volunteer, Remembers Sierra Leone in the 60s
Westminster Colorado: Beaumont Books. 128p.

Book chapterJacobs, Sylvia M. (1982)
Three Afro-American Missionary Women in Africa, 1882-1904
In: Keller, Rosemary and Queen, Louise L. and Thomas, Hilah F. (eds.). Women in New Worlds: Historical Perspectives on the Wesleyan Tradition. Nashville: Abingdon Press. p. 268-280.

BookDickson, Mora (1980)
The Powerful Bond: Hannah Kilham: 1774-1832
London: Dodson. 252p.

BookCorey, Vickie Hyde (American)(1954- ) (1979)
The Glad Game
Washington: Review and Herald Publishing Association. 156p.

BookHachten, Harva (American) (1970)
Kitchen Safari: A Gourmet's Tour of Africa
New York: Atheneum. 274p.

BookSpencer, Sue Way (American)(1908- ) (1963)
African Creeks I Have Been Up
New York: McKay. 212p.

BookHallowell, Dorothy Saylor (American) (1962)
Letters from Africa
Kutztown, Pennsylvania: Kutztown Pub. Co. 123p.

BookHuxley, Elspeth Joscelyn Grant (British)(1907-1997) (1954)
Four Guineas: A Journey through West Africa
London: Chatto and Windus. 303p.

BookPacker, Joy (Petersen)(South African)(1905-1977) (1953)
Apes and Ivory
London: Eyre and Spottiswoode. 400p.

BookWrong, Margaret (Canadian)(1887-1948) (1946)
West African Journey: In the Interests of Literacy and Christian Literature, 1944-45
London: Edinburgh House. 79p.

BookHargrave, Carrie Guerphan (American) (1944)
African Primitive Life: As I Saw it in Sierra Leone, British Africa
Wilmington, North Carolina: Wilmington Printing Co. 115p.

Periodical articleSheldon, W.G. (1940)
Obituary - Margaret Elizabeth Fountaine
Entomologist. Volume 73. p. 193-195.

BookFowler-Lunn, Katharine Stevens (American)(1902-1997) (1938)
The Gold Missus: A Woman Prospector in Sierra Leone
London; New York: Allen and Unwin; Norton. 303p.

Book chapterBedinger, R.D. (1937)
Althea Brown Edmiston
In: Winsborough, Hallie P. and Timmons, Sarah L.V. (eds.). Glorious Living: Informal Sketches of Seven Women Missionaries of the Presbyterian Church, U.S. Atlanta: Presbyterian Church, U.S., Committee on Women's Work.

BookSpringer, Eva Alice (American) (1936)
As I Saw Africa: Land of Tragedy and Triumph
Cincinnati: Powell and White. 240p.

BookMott-Smith, May (British)(1879-1952) (1930)
Africa from Port to Port
New York: Van Nostrand. 424p.

BookSinger, Caroline (American)(1888-1963) (1929)
White Africans and Black
By Mrs. Cyrus LeRoy Baldridge. New York: W.E. Rudge or Norton. 120p.

BookHughson, Shirley Carter (American)(1867-1949) (1928)
The Green Wall of Mystery; Venture and Adventure in the Hinterland of West Africa
West Park, New York: Holy Cross Press. 222p.

BookCadbury, M.H. (1916)
The Life of Amanda Smith: The American Sybil, the Christian Saint
Birmingham: Cornish Brothers. 88p.

BookCameron, Charlotte (Wales-Almy) (British)( -1946) (1913)
A Woman's Winter in Africa, a 26,000 Mile Journey
London: Stanley Paul. 403p.

BookGaunt, Mary Eliza Bakewell (Australian)(1872-1942) (1911)
Alone in West Africa
London; New York: T. Werner Laurie; Scribner. 404p.

BookClarke, Mary Lane (American); Clarke, George E. (1910?)
American Wesleyan Methodist Missions of Sierra Leone, West Africa
Syracuse, NY: Wesleyan Methodist Publishing Association Printing. 256p.

BookKingsley, Mary Henrietta (British)(1862-1900) (1899)
West African Studies
London; New York: Macmillan. 639p.

BookKingsley, Mary Henrietta (British)(1862-1900) (1897)
Travels in West Africa, Congo Francais, Corisco and the Cameroons
Abstract presentLondon: Macmillan and Co., Limited New York: The Macmillan Company. 743p.

Book chapterBuckland, Augustus R. (1895)
West African Pioneers
In: Buckland, Augustus R. Women in the Mission Field. New York: Thomas Whittaker. p. 39-51.

BookColville, Zelie Isabelle (Richaud De Preville) (French/British)( -1930) (1893)
Round the Black Man's Garden
Edinburgh; London: Blackwood and Sons. 344p.

BookTaylor, Marshall W. (1887)
The Life, Travels, Labors, and Helpers of Mrs. Amanda Smith: The Famous Negro Missionary Evangelist
Cincinnati, Ohio: Cranston and Stowe. 63p.

BookFoote, Mrs. Henry Grant (British) (1869)
Recollections of Central America and the West Coast of Africa
By Mrs. Foote. London: T.C. Newby. 221p.

BookBalfour, Clara L. (1854)
A Sketch of Hannah Kilham
London: W. and F.G. Cash. 60p.

BookMelville, Elizabeth Helen Callander (Scottish) (1849)
A Residence at Sierra Leone, Described from a Journal Kept on the Spot and from Letters Written to Friends at Home
London: J. Murray. 335p.

BookKilham, Hannah (British)(1774-1832); Biller, Sarah (eds.) (1837)
Memoir of the Late Hannah Kilham: Chiefly Compiled from Her Journal
Editor was Hannah Kilham's Daughter. London: Darton and Harvey. 506p.

BookChurch, Mary (British) (1835)
Sierra Leone: or, the Liberated Africans, in a Series of Letters from a Young Lady to Her Sister in 1832 and 1834
Authored anonymously. London: Longmans. 49p.

BookKilham, Hannah (British)(1774-1832) (1832)
Present State of the Colony of Sierra Leone: Being Extracts of Recent Letters from Hannah Kilham
Lindfield, Great Britain: C. Green. 26p.

BookKilham, Hannah (British)(1774-1832) (1828)
Report on a Recent Visit to the Colony of Sierra Leone
London: William Phillips. 24p.

BookKilham, Alexander (1797)
A Short Account of the Life and Death of Mrs. Sarah Kilham. To Which is Added, Three Sermons Preached on the Day She Was Interred
Leeds, Great Britain. 84p.

BookFalconbridge, Anna Marie (British)(1769-1816?) (1794)
Two Voyages to Sierra Leone during the Years 1791-2-3: in a Series of Letters Narrative of Two Voyages to the River Sierra Leone during the Years 1791-1793
London: Printed for the author. 297p.

Search: ge=Sierra Leone
Found: 63 Record 1-63

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