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Search: ge=Burkina Faso | ||||||||
Found: 388 | Record 1-100 |
Ouédraogo, Alizèta (2020) | |
Les détentrices de hangars de traitement de l'or face à la technique de cyanuration (sud-ouest du Burkina Faso) | |
Journal des africanistes. Volume 90 #1. p. 168-187. |
Boswell, Kathryn V. (2016) | |
Establishing stable beginnings through alternative channels: voluntary association membership, marriage, and women's socioeconomic welfare in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso | |
Africa Today. Volume 62 #3. p. 71-91. |
Madore, Frédérick; Gomez-Perez, Muriel (2016) | |
Muslim Women in Burkina Faso since the 1970s: Toward Recognition as Figures of Religious Authority? | |
Islamic Africa. Volume 7 #2. p. 185-209. |
Ouattara, Fatoumata (ed.) (2016) | |
Accompagner les femmes à la maternité au Burkina Faso: anthropologie et santé publique dans un projet d'amélioration des soins obstétricaux | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Anthropologies & médecines. 235p. |
Engels, Bettina; Müller, Melanie; Öhlschläger, Rainer (eds.) (2015) | |
Globale Krisen - Lokale Konflikte? Soziale Bewegungen in Afrika | |
Baden-Baden: Nomos. Bayreuther Studien zu Politik und Gesellschaft in Afrika #1. 165p. |
Kaboré, Bangbi Francis Frédéric (2015) | |
Koudpoko, ou, L'esclave affranchie: roman | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 131p. |
Lougue, Siaka; Susuman, A. Sathiya; Kouanda, Seni (2015) | |
Women Forgotten after Childbirth: Evidence from Comparative Analysis of Maternal Mortality before and after Delivery in Burkina Faso | |
Journal of Asian and African studies. Volume 50 #5. p. 520-532. |
Yanogo, Dominique (ed.) (2015) | |
Talitha Koum ! Notre cri: plumes pour jeunes filles au Faso: hommage à la presse solidaire | |
Paris: l'Harmattan. Politique et dynamiques religieuses en Afrique. 194p. |
Bouju, Jacky; Bruijn, Mirjam de (eds.) (2014) | |
Ordinary violence and social change in Africa | |
Leiden: Brill. Afrika-Studiecentrum series #31. 180p. |
Degorce, Alice (ed.) (2014) | |
Chants funéraires des Mossi (Burkina Faso) | |
Paris: Association classiques africains. Classiques africains #33. 318p. |
Langewiesche, Katrin (2014) | |
Entre mères, filles et sœurs. La parenté symbolique - tremplin pour des réseaux de solidarité | |
Histoire, monde et cultures religieuses. #30. p. 75-99. |
Sieveking, Nadine (2014) | |
'Create your space!': locating contemporary dance in Ouagadougou | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 84 #1. p. 55-77. |
Desclaux, Alice (2013) | |
Les effets microsociaux des antirétroviraux: prophylaxie de la transmission mère-enfant du VIH et individualisation au Burkina Faso | |
Autrepart. #63. p. 161-177. |
Fournier, Pierre (2013) | |
Santé maternelle et accès aux soins de santé en Afrique de l'Ouest: contributions de jeunes chercheurs | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 298p. |
Gadzekpo, Audrey (ed.) (2013) | |
Special issue on gender and media = numéro spécial sur genre et médias | |
Africa Media Review. Volume 21 #1-2. 192p. |
Gomez-Perez, Muriel; Madore, Frédérick (2013) | |
Prêcheurs(ses) musulman(e)s et stratégies de communication au Burkina Faso depuis 1990. Des processus différentiés de conversion interne | |
Théologiques. Volume 21 #2. p. 121-157. |
Pellizzoli, Roberta; Rossetti, Gabriella (eds.) (2013) | |
Donne, terre e mercati: ripensare lo sviluppo rurale in Africa sub-sahariana | |
Padova: CLEUP. 262p. |
Somé, Batamaka (2013) | |
'Hot money': gender and the politics of negotiation and control over income in West African smallholder households | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 83 #2. p. 251-269. |
Bertho, Béatrice (2012) | |
Trajectoires et revendications féminines dans le règlement des différends conjugaux de deux études de cas en milieu mossi (Burkina Faso) | |
Autrepart. #61. p. 99-115. |
Breusers, Mark (2012) | |
'Every name has its path': imagining and achieving Fulbe entanglement in a Moose community | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 82 #3. p. 457-478. |
Gerbaud, Thibault (2012) | |
Princesses mossi: Africaines de la tradition | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. |
Kattenberg, J.H. (2012) | |
Diagnosis of malaria in pregnancy: evaluation, new developments and implications | |
University of Amsterdam. Ph.D. dissertation (2012). |
Langewiesche, Katrin (2012) | |
Émancipation et obéissance: religieuses catholiques au Burkina Faso durant un siècle | |
Autrepart. #61. p. 117-136. |
Roberfroid, D.A.G. (2012) | |
Prevention of intrauterine growth retardation by multiple micronutrient supplements during pregnancy in Burkina Faso | |
University of Amsterdam. Ph.D. dissertation (2012). |
Saint-Lary, Maud (2012) | |
Quand le droit des femmes se dit à la mosquée: ethnographie des voies islamiques d'émancipation au Burkina Faso | |
Autrepart. #61. p. 137-155. |
Vincent, Marie-Pascale (2012) | |
Femmes du Burkina | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 91p. |
Bosscher, Nynke (2011) | |
Analysis of practices: empowering aspects of a tailoring training for teenage girls in Burkina Faso | |
33p. |
Hien, Ollo Pépin (2011) | |
Présentation de soi et techniques du corps: les élections Miss au Burkina Faso | |
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 36 #1. p. 143-168. |
Kaboré, Edwige Zagré (2011) | |
Le site de Laongo: intérêt touristique et iconographie féminine | |
Revue africaine: philosophie/art, littérature/linguistique, sociologie/économie. #5. p. 55-75. |
Lagoutte, Stéphanie; Sabeberg, Nina (eds.) (2011) | |
Les droits de la femme et de l'enfant: réflexions africaines = Women and children's rights: African views | |
Paris: Karthala. 384p. |
Mbah, Jean Ferdinand (ed.) (2011) | |
L'éducation en friche: surinvestissement politique et vacance du discours scientifique | |
Revue gabonaise de sociologie. #5. 181p. |
Wayack-Pambè, Madeleine; Pilon, Marc (2011) | |
Sexe du chef de ménage et inégalités scolaires à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) | |
Autrepart. #59. p. 125-144. |
Bisschoff, Lizelle (2010) | |
Visions of female emancipation: three recent films from West Africa | |
Journal of African Cinemas. Volume 2 #1. p. 37-48. |
Dieng, Bassirou (2010) | |
Amour et amitié dans les traditions orales et narratives en Europe et en Afrique: actes du 5e Congrès du Réseau eurafricain de recherche sur l'épopée (REARE), Dakar, 19-21 mars 2009 | |
Éthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #84. p. 1-307. |
Mazzocchetti, Jacinthe (2010) | |
À la recherche de l'homme capable ...: concurrence entre femmes (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso) | |
Civilisations. Volume 59 #1. p. 21-36. |
Mottin Sylla, Marie Hélène; Palmieri, Joëlle (2010) | |
Excision: les jeunes changent l'Afrique par les TIC | |
Mankon: Langaa RPCIG. 119p. |
Rollinde, Marguerite (ed.) (2010) | |
Genre et changement social en Afrique | |
Paris: Archives contemporaines. Manuels. 122p. |
Roth, Claudia (2010) | |
Les relations intergénérationnelles sous pression au Burkina Faso | |
Autrepart. #53. p. 95-110. |
Rouamba, Claudine Valérie (2010) | |
Démocratie masculine, contestation féminine à partir des marges: les enjeux du quota au sein du Parlement burkinabé | |
Cahiers du CERLESHS. Volume 25 #36. p. 91-115. |
Attané, Anne (2009) | |
Quand la circulation de l'argent façonne les relations conjugales: l'exemple de milieux urbains au Burkina Faso | |
Autrepart. #49. p. 155-171. |
Cros, Michèle; Mégret, Quentin (2009) | |
D'un idéal de virilité à l'autre? Du vengeur de sang au chercheur d'or en pays lobi burkinabè | |
Autrepart. #49. p. 137-154. |
Désalliers, Julie (2009) | |
Les contraceptifs hormonaux en milieu rural burkinabé: relations conjugales négociées ou usage féminin clandestin? | |
Autrepart. #52. p. 31-47. |
Ouattara, Fatoumata; Bationo, Bouma Fernand; Gruénais, Marc-Éric (2009) | |
Pas de mère sans un 'mari': la nécessité du mariage dans les structures de soins à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) | |
Autrepart. #52. p. 81-94. |
Saint-Lary, Maud (ed.) (2009) | |
Entrepreneurs et entreprises en quête de normes = Entrepreneurs and enterprises in search of norms | |
Münster: Lit Verlag. Bulletin #29-30. 153p. |
Ilboudo, Yalgabamba (ed.) (2008) | |
Koglb-Zanga or Prince Wendemi, an example of social exclusion fighter | |
Ouagadougou: Alliance production. |
Ouédraogo, Alpha; Gentil, Dominique (eds.) (2008) | |
La microfinance en Afrique de l'Ouest: histoires et innovations | |
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 307p. |
Storeng, Katerini T.; Baggaley, Rebecca F.; Ganaba, Rasmane; Quattara, Fatoumata; Akoum, Melanie S.; Filippi, Veronique (2008) | |
Paying the Price: The Cost and Consequences of Emergency Obstetric Care in Burkina Faso | |
Social Science and Medicine. Volume 66 #3. February. p. 545-557. |
Brahima, Issa Traore de; Ilboudo, Flora (eds.) (2007) | |
Le monde est un ballet | |
Sahelis Productions. |
Cottrell, G.; Mary, J.Y.; Barro, D.; Cot, M. (2007) | |
The Importance of the Period of Malarial Infection during Pregnancy on Birth Weight in Tropical Africa | |
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Volume 76 #5. May. p. 848-854. |
De Walque, Damien (2007) | |
Sero-Discordant Couples in Five African Countries: Implications for Prevention Strategies | |
Population and Development Review. Volume 33 #3. September. p. 501-523. |
Elias, Marlène; Carney, Judith (2007) | |
African Shea Butter: A Feminized Subsidy from Nature | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 77 #1. p. 37-62. |
Fillo, G.F.; Leone, T. (2007) | |
Female Genital Cutting: Reproductive Tract Infections and Perinatal Outcome in Burkina Faso | |
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), New York, New York, March 29-31, 2007. New York: PAA. 14p. |
Fottrell, E.; Byass, P.; Ouedraogo, T.W.; Tamini, C.; Gbangou, A.; Sombie, I.; Hogberg, U.; Witten, K.H.; Bhattacharya, S. (2007) | |
Revealing the Burden of Maternity Morality: A Probabilistic Model for Determining Pregnancy-Related Causes of Death from Verbal Autopsies | |
Population Health Metrics. Volume 5. February 8. |
Nagot, Nicolas; Ouedraogo, Abdoulaye; Defer, Marie-Christine; Vallo, Roselyne; Mayaud, Philippe; Van de Perre, Philippe (2007) | |
Association between Bacterial Vaginosis and Herpes Simplex Virus Type-2 Infection: Implications for HIV Acquisition Studies | |
Sexually Transmitted Infections. Volume 83 #5. August. p. 365-368. |
Rossier, Clémentine (2007) | |
Abortion: An Open Secret? Abortion and Social Network Involvement in Burkina Faso | |
Reproductive Health Matters. Volume 15 #30. September. p. 230-238. |
Roth, Claudia; Badini-Kinda, Fatoumata (2007) | |
Social Security of Elderly Women and Men in Burkina Faso | |
In: Lucas, Linda E. (ed.). Unpacking Globalization: Markets, Gender, and Work. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. |
Roth, Claudia (2007) | |
'Tu ne peux pas rejeter ton enfant!': contrat entre les générations, sécurité sociale et vieillesse en milieu urbain burkinabè | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 47 #185. p. 93-116. |
Smith, L.C.; Chavas, J.P. (2007) | |
Price Policy, Poverty, and Power within Rural West African Households | |
Journal of Development Studies. Volume 43 #4. May. p. 721-742. |
Sombie, I.; Meda, N.; Hounton, S.; Bambara, M.; Ouedraogo, T.W.; Grahamdphil, W. (2007) | |
Missing Maternal Deaths: Lessons from Souro Sanou University Hospital in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso | |
Tropical Doctor. Volume 37 #2. April. p. 96-98. |
Abusharaf, Rogaia M. (ed.) (2006) | |
Female Circumcision: Multicultural Perspectives | |
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 287p. |
Banks, E.; Meirik, O.; Farley, T.; Akande, O.; Bathija, H.; Ali, M. (2006) | |
Female Genital Mutilation and Obstetric Outcome: WHO Collaborative Prospective Study in Six African Countries | |
The Lancet. Volume 367 #9525. June 3. p. 1835-1841. |
Carney, Judith A. (2006) | |
Revealing Gendered Landscapes: Indigenous Female Knowledge and Agroforestry of African Shea | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 40 #2. p. 235-267. |
Collenberg, Ellen; Ouedraogo, Thierry; Ganame, Jean; Fickenscher, Helmut; Kynast-Wolf, Gisela; Becher, Heiko; Kouyate, Bocar; Krausslich, Hans-Georg; Sangare, Lassana (2006) | |
Seroprevalence of Six Different Viruses among Pregnant Women and Blood Donors in Rural and Urban Burkina Faso: A Comparative Analysis | |
Journal of Medical Virology. Volume 78 #5. May. p. 683-692. |
De Walque, Damien (2006) | |
Who Gets AIDS and How? The Determinants of HIV Infection and Sexual Behaviors in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, and Tanzania | |
Washington, D.C.: World Bank. Development Research Group, Public Services Team. Policy Research Working Paper #3844. February. 50p. |
De Walque, Damien (2006) | |
Discordant Couples: HIV Infection among Couples in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, and Tanzania | |
Washington, D.C.: World Bank. Policy Research Working Paper #3956. |
Debevec, Liza (2006) | |
The Freedom to Risk One's Life: Women and Experience of Clandestine Abortions in Urban Burkina Faso | |
In: Falola, Toyin; Heaton, Matthew M. (eds.), Endangered Bodies: Women, Children, and Health in Africa. p. 75-86. |
Didelot-Rousseau, M.N.; Nagot, Nicolas; Costes-Martineau, V.; Valles, X.; Ouedraogo, Abdoulaye; Konate, I.; Weiss, Helen A.; Van de Perre, Philippe; Mayaud, Philippe (2006) | |
Human Papillomavirus Genotype Distribution and Cervical Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions among High-Risk Women with and without HIV-1 Infection in Burkina Faso | |
British Journal of Cancer. Volume 95 #3. August 7. p. 355-362. |
Diop, Nafissatou, J.; Askew, Ian (2006) | |
Strategies for Encouraging the Abandonment of Female Genital Cutting: Experiences from Senegal, Burkina Faso, and Mali | |
In: Abusharaf, Rogaia M. (ed.). Female Circumcision: Multicultural Perspectives. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. |
Eshelby, Kate (2006) | |
A Growing Solution-Kate Eshelby Meets a Group of Women in Burkina Faso Who've Taken the Fight against Desertification into Their Own Hand | |
Geographical. June. p. 46-51. |
Falola, Toyin; Heaton, Matthew M. (eds.) (2006) | |
Endangered Bodies: Women, Children, and Health in Africa | |
Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press. 291p. |
Greig, Delaney (2006) | |
Shea Butter: Connecting Rural Burkinabe Women to International Markets through Fair Trade | |
Development in Practice. Volume 16 #5. August. p. 465-475. |
Grosfilley, Anne (2006) | |
Le tissage chez les Mossi du Burkina Faso: dynamisme d'un savoir-faire traditionnel | |
Afrique contemporaine. #217. p. 203-215. |
Jansen, Jan (ed.) (2006) | |
Sub-Sahara Afrika: perspectieven en plaatsbepalingen | |
Amsterdam: Aksant. Antropologie Academie. 165p. |
Kabore, Idrissa; Pilon, Marc (2006) | |
Households and Schooling in Burkina Faso: Some Insights from the 1996 Census | |
In: Van de Walle, Etienne (ed.). African Households: Censuses and Surveys. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe. |
Ki Zerbo, Françoise; Konaté, Georgette; Ouattara, Souleymane (eds.) (2006) | |
Sécurisation des droits fonciers des femmes rurales au Burkina Faso: a l'écoute de la Loi et des coutumes: Guide pratique à l'intention des animateurs d'associations et ONG de promotion des droits humains | |
Ouagadougou: Groupe de Recherche et d'Action sur le Foncier (GRAF). 65p. |
Latora, V.; Nyamba, A.; Sylvette, B.; Simpore, Jacques; Diane, S. (2006) | |
Network of Sexual Contacts and Sexually Transmitted HIV Infection in Burkina Faso | |
Journal of Medical Virology. Volume 78 #6. June. p. 724-729. |
Marshall, Mandy; Taylor, Nigel (2006) | |
Tackling HIV and AIDS with Faith-Based Communities: Learning from Attitudes on Gender Relations and Sexual Rights within Local Evangelical Churches in Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, and South Africa | |
Gender and Development. Volume 14 #3. November. p. 363-374. |
Melhado, L. (2006) | |
Risks of Adverse Obstetric and Perinatal Outcomes Increase with Severity of Female Genital Mutilation | |
International Family Planning Perspectives. Volume 32 #3. September. p. 154-155. |
Moran, Allisyn C.; Sangli, Gabirel; Dineen Rebecca; Rawlins, Barbara; Yameogo, Mathias; Baya, Banza (2006) | |
Birth-Preparedness for Maternal Health: Findings from Koupela District, Burkina Faso | |
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition. Volume 24 #4. December. p. 489-497. |
Musumeci, M.; Simpore, Jacques; D'Agata, A.; Sotgiu, S.; Musumeci, Salvatore (2006) | |
Oligosaccharides in Colostrum of Italian and Burkinabe Women | |
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. Volume 43 #3. September. p. 372-378. |
Pignatelli, Salvatore; Simpore, Jacques; Pietra, V.; Ouedraogo, L.; Conombo, G.; Saleri, N.; Pizzocolo, C.; De Laco, G.D.; Tall, F. (2006) | |
Factors Predicting Uptake of Voluntary Counseling and Testing in a Real-Life Setting in a Mother-and-Child Center in Quagadougou, Burkina Faso | |
Tropical Medicine and International Health. Volume 11 #3. March. p. 350-357. |
Rossier, C.; Guiella, G.; Ouedraogo, A.; Thieba, B. (2006) | |
Estimating Clandestine Abortion with the Confidants Method - Results from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso | |
Social Science and Medicine. Volume 62 #1. January. p. 254-266. |
Savy, M.; Martin-Prevel, Y.; Traissac, P.; Eymard-Duvernay, S.; Delpeuch, F. (2006) | |
Dietary Diversity Scores and Nutritional Status of Women Change during the Seasonal Food Shortages in Rural Burkina Faso | |
Journal of Nutrition. Volume 136 #10. October. p. 2625-2632. |
Simpore, Jacques; Savadogo, Aly; Ilboudo, Denise; Nadambega, Marie C.; Esposito, Maria; Yara, Justine; Pignatelli, Salvatore; Pietra, Virginio; Musumeci, Salvatore (2006) | |
Toxoplasma Gondii, HCV, and HBV Serprevalence and Co-Infection among HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Pregnant Women in Burkina Faso | |
Journal of Medical Virology. Volume 78 #6. p. 730-733. |
Simpore, Jacques; Pietra, V.; Savadogo, Aly; Pignatelli, Salvatore; Nikiema, J.B.; Nadembega, W.M.; Yara, J.; Zoungrana, N.; Bakouan, D. (2006) | |
Reduction of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV at Saint Camille Medical Centre in Burkina Faso | |
Journal of Medical Virology. Volume 78 #2. February. p. 148-152. |
Singh, Susheela (2006) | |
Hospital Admissions Resulting from Unsafe Abortion: Estimates from 13 Developing Countries | |
The Lancet. Volume 368 #9550. November 25. p. 1887-1892. |
Su, Tin; Pokhrel, Subhash; Gbangou, Adjima; Flessa, Steffen (2006) | |
Determinants of Household Health Expenditure on Western Institutional Health Care | |
European Journal of Home Economics. Volume 7 #3. September. p. 195-203. |
Van de Walle, Etienne (ed.) (2006) | |
African Households: Censuses and Surveys | |
Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe. 247p. |
World Health Organization (2006) | |
New, Solid Evidence of Obstetric Problems after Female Genital Mutilation | |
Progress in Reproductive Health Research. #72. p. 7. |
Zwarteveen, Margreet Z. (2006) | |
Wedlock or Deadlock? Feminists' Attempts to Engage Irrigation Engineers | |
Wageningen University. Ph.D. dissertation. 302p. |
Babalola, S.; Vonrasek, C. (2005) | |
Communication, Ideation and Contraceptive Use in Burkina Faso: An Application of the Propensity Score Matching Method | |
Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health. Volume 31 #3. p. 207-212. |
Cattier, Daniel; Ndiaye, Katy Léna (eds.) (2005) | |
Africains poids moyens | |
Brussels: Néon rouge productions. |
Chillemi, R.; Simpore, Jacques; Persichilli, S.; Minucci, A.; D Agata, A.; Musumeci, Salvatore (2005) | |
Elevated Levels of Plasma Homocysteine in Post-Menopausal Women in Burkina Faso | |
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. Volume 43 #7. p. 765-771. |
Elias, Marlène S.; Carney, Judith (2005) | |
Shea Butter, Globalization, and Women of Burkina Faso | |
In: Nelson, Lise and Seager, Joni (eds.). A Companion to Feminist Geography. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers. |
Fifer, Stacy E. (2005) | |
The Contested Space of Black Female Sexuality: Communal Norms and Female Sexual Agency in Sub-Saharan Francophone Novels | |
Ph.D. dissertation: University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. 280p. |
Gausset, Q.; Yago-Ouattara, E.L.; Belem, B. (2005) | |
Gender and Trees in Peni, South-Western Burkina Faso. Women's Needs, Strategies and Challenges | |
Geografisk Tidskrift. Volume 105 #1. p. 67-76. |
Gray, Leslie C. (2005) | |
What Kind of Intensification? Agricultural Practice, Soil Fertility and Socioeconomic Differentiation in Rural Burkina Faso | |
The Geographical Journal. Volume 171 #1. March. p. 70-82. |
Le Jeune, Gael; Piché, Victor; Poirier, Jean (2005) | |
L'émergence d'une migration féminine autonome du milieu rural vers le milieu urbain au Burkina Faso? | |
African Population Studies. Volume 20 #2. p. 101-123. |
Nagot, Nicolas; Foulongne, Vincent; Becquart, Pierre; Mayaud, Philippe; Konate, Issouf; Ouedraogo, Abdoulaye; Defer, Marie-Christine; Weiss, Helen; Van de Perre, Philippe (2005) | |
Longitudinal Assessment of HIV-1 and HSV-2 Shedding in the Genital Tract of West African Women | |
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. Volume 39 #5. August 15. p. 632-634. |
Nagot, Nicolas; Ouedraogo, Abdoulaye; Ouangre, Amadou; Cartoux, Michel; Defer, Marie-Christine (2005) | |
Is Sexually Transmitted Infection Management among Sex Workers Still Able to Mitigate the Spread of HIV Infection in West Africa? | |
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. Volume 39 #4. August 1. p. 454-458. |
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