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Search: ge=Central African Republic
Found: 76 Record 1-76

BookBoth, Jonna; Mouguia, Marius Crépin; Bruijn, Mirjam de (2020)
See this publicationSlaves, virgin concubines, eunuchs, gun-boys, community defenders, child soldiers: the historical enlistment and use of children by armed groups in the Central African Republic
Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). ASC working paper #148. 71p.

BookBoth, Jonna; Mouguia, Marius Crépin; Bruijn, Mirjam de (2020)
See this publication'Ceux qui combattent beaucoup sans peur, qui tuent sans pitié': effets du recrutement d'enfants de moins de 15 ans par les Anti-Balaka (2013-2014)
Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). ASC working paper #149. 52p.

BookBouju, Jacky; Bruijn, Mirjam de (eds.) (2014)
See this publicationOrdinary violence and social change in Africa
Leiden: Brill. Afrika-Studiecentrum series #31. 180p.

Periodical articleJackson, Dorothy (2006)
See this publicationThe Health Situation of Women and Children in Central African Pygmy Peoples
Indigenous Affairs. #1. p. 38-45.

Book chapterWoodfork, Jacqueline C. (2006)
Gender Roles, Marriage, and Family
In: Woodfork, Jacqueline C. Culture and Customs of the Central African Republic. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. p. 99-127.

Periodical articleFouts, Hillary N.; Hewlett, Barry S.; Lamb, Michael E. (2005)
Parent-Offspring Weaning Conflicts among the Bofi Farmers and Foragers of Central Africa
Current Anthropology. Volume 46 #1. February. p. 29-50.

Periodical articleMbouopda, David (2005)
Images de femme blanche en Afrique: de femme-à-nègre à ange gardien
Abstract presentÉthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #75. p. 27-45.

Conference paperMeehan, Courtney L. (2005)
The Effects of Allomaternal Assistance on Maternal Behavior among the Aka Foragers and the Ngandu Farmers of Central Africa
Paper presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), November 30-December 4 2005, Washington, D.C. Arlington, Virginia.

Dissertation / thesisMeehan, Courtney L. (2005)
Multiple Caregiving and its Effect on Maternal Behavior among the Aka Foragers and Ngandu Farmers of Central Africa (Central African Republic)
Ph.D. dissertation: Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. 188p.

Periodical articleYovsi, Relindis; Keller, Heidi; Fouts, Hillary N.; Hewlett, Barry S.; Lamb, Michael E. (2005)
Parent-Offspring Weaning Conflicts among the Bofi Farmers and Foragers of Central Africa
Current Anthropology. Volume 46 #1. February. p. 46-49.

BookAmnesty International (2004)
Central African Republic: Five Months of War against Women
London: Amnesty International. 31p.

Conference paperFouts, Hillary N.; Lamb, Michael E.; Hewlett, Barry S. (2004)
Transitions in the Social and Emotional Context of Breastfeeding among Foragers and Farmers in Central Africa
Paper presented at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Atlanta, Georgia, December 15-19, 2004. Washington, DC.

Periodical articleFouts, Hillary N. (2004)
See this publicationSocial and Emotional Contexts of Weaning among the Bofi Farmers and Foragers
Ethnology. Volume 43 #1. Winter. p. 65-81.

Book chapterJean-Baptiste, Rachel (2004)
'I Took my Husband for my Father': Child Marriage, Sexuality, Girls, and the Law in Colonial Gabon 1939-1960
In: Roberts, Richard (ed.). Law, Colonialism and Children in Africa. Stanford: Stanford University, Center for African Studies.

Conference paperMeehan, Courtney L. (2004)
Transitions in Caregiving among the Aka and Ngandu of the Central African Republic
Paper presented at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Atlanta, Georgia, December 15-19, 2004. Washington, DC.

Periodical articleAndreoletti, L.; Chomont, N.; Gresenguet, Gerard; Matta, M.; De Dieu Longo, J.; Carreno, M.P.; Si-Mohamed, A.; Legoff, J.; Kazatchkine, M.D. (2003)
Independent Levels of Cell-Free and Cell-Associated Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 Genital-Tract Secretions of Clinically Asymptomatic Treatment-Naive African Women
Journal of Infectious Diseases. Volume 188 #4. August 15. p. 549-554.

Conference paperFouts, Hillary (2003)
Father and Grandmother Involvement with Bofi Forager Children during Weaning
Paper presented at the 102nd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), November 19-November 23, 2003, Chicago. Illinois. Arlington, Virginia.

Periodical articleLarsen, Ulla A. (2003)
Infertility in Central Africa
Tropical Medicine and International Health. Volume 8 #4. April. p. 354-367.

Periodical articleNgoupande, Jean-Paul (2003)
In the Beginning There Was Lucy...
African Geopolitics. #10. Spring. p. 135-148.

Periodical articleNgoupande, Jean-Paul (2003)
In the Beginning There Was Lucy...
African Geopolitics. #10. Spring.

BookAderinwale, Ayodele (ed.) (2002)
A Report of the Regional Conference on African Women and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), 3rd-5th February, 2002
Ogun State, Nigeria: ALF Publications. 139p.

Dissertation / thesisAdesanmi, Pius (2002)
Constructions of Subalternity in African Women's Writing in French
Ph.D. dissertation: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 248p.

Periodical articleSehonou, J.; Tokunaga, M.; Keou, F.X.; Favier, C.; Belec, Laurent; Gresenguet, Gerard (2002)
Acceptability of the Female Condom in Bangui, Central African Republic: Results from a Prospective Study
International Journal of STD and AIDS. Volume 13 #9. p. 649-650.

Periodical articleStewart, Holley; Morison, Linda; White, Richard (2002)
Determinants of Coital Frequency among Married Women in Central African Republic: The Role of Female Genital Cutting
Journal of Biosocial Science. Volume 34 #4. October. p. 525-540.

DVD / videoWallach, Theresa (2002)
Through Africa by Motorcycle: The London-Cape Town Expedition of Florence Blenkiron and Theresa Wallach
Great Britain: Panther Publishing. VHS Videocassette. 1/2 Inch. Black and White.

BookBoerma, J. Ties; Mgalla, Zaida (eds.) (2001)
Women and Infertility in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective
Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute. 285p.

Periodical articleChomont, N.; Gresenguet, Gerard; Levy, M.; Hocini, H.; Becquart, P.; Matta, M.; Tranchot-Diallo, J.; Andreoletti, L.; Carreno, M.P. (2001)
Detection of Y Chromosome DNA as Evidence of Semen in Cervicological Secretions of Sexually Active Women
Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology. Volume 8 #5. September. p. 955-958.

BookJones, Ann (American) (2001)
Looking for Lovedu: Days and Nights in Africa
New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 268p.

Conference paperMeehan, Courtney L. (2001)
Female-Female Cooperation and Competition: Its Effect on Alloparental Care
Paper presented at the 100th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Asso. (AAA), November 28-December 2, 2001, Washington, D.C. Arlington, Virginia.

Periodical articleNoss, Andrew J.; Hewlett, Barry S. (2001)
The Contexts of Female Hunting in Central Africa
American Anthropologist. Volume 103 #4. December. p. 1024-1040.

Periodical articleSalomon, J.A.; Murray, C.J. (2001)
Modeling HIV/AIDS Epidemics in Sub-Saharan Africa Using Seroprevalence Data from Antenatal Clinics
Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Volume 79 #7. p. 596-607.

Periodical articleUchudi, Joseph M. (2001)
Spouses' Socioeconomic Characteristics and Fertility Differences in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does Spouse's Education Matter?
Journal of Biosocial Science. Volume 33 #4. October. p. 481-502.

BookWallach, Theresa (British)(1909-1998); Jones, Barry M. (2001)
The Rugged Road
High Wycombe, Bucks, Great Britain: Pather Publishing. 150p.

Periodical articleBelec, Laurent; Gresenquet, G.; Mbopi-Keou, Francois-Xavier; Mayaud, Philippe (2000)
High Frequency of Asymptomatic Shedding of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 in African Women
Clinical Microbiology and Infection. Volume 6 #1. January. p. 56-57.

Periodical articleGresenquet, Gerard; Mbopi-Keou, Francois-Xavier; Mayaud, Philippe; Belec, Laurent; Weiss, Helen A.; Gopal, R.; Matta, M.; Paul, Jean-Louis; Brown, D.W. (2000)
Interactions between Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection in African Women: Opportunities for Intervention
Journal of Infectious Diseases. Volume 182 #4. October. p. 1090-1096.

Periodical articleHewlett, Barry S.; Lamb, Michael E.; Leyendecker, Birgit; Scholmerich, Axel (2000)
Internal Working Models, Trust, and Sharing among Foragers
Current Anthropology. Volume 41 #2. p. 287-297.

Periodical articleLarsen, Ulla A.; Yan, Sharon (2000)
See this publicationDoes Female Circumcision Affect Infertility and Fertility? A Study of the Central African Republic, Cote d'Ivoire, and Tanzania
Demography. Volume 37 #3. August. p. 313-321.

Conference paperSehonou, J.; Favier, C.; Mbary, C.; Mbary, C.; Bedan, J.; Tokunaga, M. (2000)
Acceptability of the Female Condom in Bangui (Central African Republic)
Paper presented at the 13th Annual International Conference on AIDS, July 9-14, 2000, Durban, South Africa.

Dissertation / thesisWright, Jennifer L. (2000)
Ritual Female Genital Cutting: An Ethnographic Exploration of the Cultural Context and Rite-of-Passage Ceremony Surrounding the Practice of Excision in One Tribe in the Central African Republic
M.A. Thesis: Yale University School of Nursing, New Haven, Connecticut. 233p.

Periodical articleBlankhart, D.; Muller, O.; Gresenguet, Gerard; Weis, P. (1999)
Sexually Transmitted Infections in Young Pregnant Women in Bangui, Central African Republic
International Journal of STD and AIDS. Volume 10 #9. September. p. 609-614.

Periodical articleChapko, Michael K.; Somse, P.; Massanga, M.; Kimball, A.M.; Hawkins, R.V. (1999)
Predictors of Rape in the Central African Republic
Health Care for Women International. Volume 20 #1. January. p. 71-79.

Conference paperLarsen, Ulla A.; Yan, Sharon (1999)
Does Female Circumcision Affect Infertility and Fertility? A Case Study of the Central African Republic, Cote d'Ivoire, and Tanzania
Paper presented at the 1999 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), March 25-27, 1999, New York, New York. Silver Spring, Maryland.

Periodical articleSi-Mohamed, A.; Matta, M.; Mayaud, Philippe; Mbopi-Keou, Francois-Xavier; Legoff, J.; Gresenguet, Gerard; Adreoletti, L.; Malkin, J.E.; Weiss, Helen A. (1999)
Genital Shedding of Herpes Simplex Virus-22 DNA and HIV-1 RNA and Proviral DNA in HIV-1 and Herpes Simplex Virus-2-coinfected African Women
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. Volume 33 #2. June. p. 121-124.

Periodical articleAndersson, Roland; Bergstrom, Staffan (1998)
Is Maternal Malnutrition Associated with a Low Sex Ratio at Birth?
Human Biology. Volume 70 #6. December. p. 1101-1106.

BookSteele, Audrey (British) (1998)
Only Half Way: The Diary of an African Journey
Berkshire, Great Britain: Astel Publishing. 309p.

Book chapterBicego, George (1997)
Using National Survey Data to Estimate Mortality Rates in the Context of the AIDS Pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa
In: International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). The Socio-Demographic Impact of AIDS in Africa. Liege, Belgium: IUSSP.

BookBlakemore, Christine Korol (German)(1943- ) (1997)
The People from the Pit: A Trans-African Journey
London: Minerva. 246p.

Periodical articleGresenguet, Gerard; Kreiss, Joan K.; Chapko, Michael K.; Hillier, Sharon L.; Weiss, Noel S. (1997)
HIV Infection and Vaginal Douching in Central Africa
AIDS. Volume 11 #1. January. p. 101-106.

BookJackson, Hazel (British) (1997)
Into Africa
London: Minerva. 281p.

Periodical articlePopulation Council (1997)
Central African Republic 1994-95: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey
Studies in Family Planning. Volume 28 #1. March. p. 62-66.

BookResnick, Laura (1997)
A Blonde in Africa
Alexander, North Carolina: Alexander Books. 351p.

Book chapterBuckner, Margaret (1995)
Modern Zande Prophetesses
In: Revealing prophets: prophecy in eastern African history. p. 102-121.

Dissertation / thesisGresenguet, Gerard (1995)
Association between Vaginal Douching and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection among Women at an STD Clinic in Bangui, Central African Republic
M.P.H. Thesis: University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. 24p.

BookCampbell, Ffyona (British)(1967- ) (1994)
On Foot through Africa
London: Orion Books Ltd. 349p.

Conference paperCordell, Dennis D. (1994)
The Local Contexts of Low Fertility in the Central African Republic, 1870-1960
Paper presented at the 37th Annual Conference of the African Studies Association (ASA), November 3-6, 1994, Toronto, Canada. Atlanta, Georgia: Emory University.

BookDunning, Marguerite G. (American) (1994)
Live in God's Kindness
Lakewood, California; Winona Lake, Indiana: M.G. Dunning. 272p.

Book chapterMcCreedy, M. (1994)
The Arms of the Dibouka
In: Burch, E.S. and Ellanna, L.J. (eds.). Key Issues in Hunter-Gatherer Research. Oxford: Berg. p. 15-34.

Conference paperHewlett, Barry S. (1993)
Cultural Diversity among African Pygmies
Paper presented at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), November 17-21, 1993, Washington, D.C. Washington, DC.

Periodical articleSomse, P.; Chapko, Michael K.; Hawkins, R.V. (1993)
Multiple Sexual Partners: Results of a National HIV/AIDS Survey in the Central African Republic
AIDS. Volume 7 #4. April. p. 579-583.

BookWorld Bank (1993)
Central African Republic: Gender Issues
Washington, D.C.: World Bank. Africa Technical Department, Gender Unit. Information Sheet 1.13. 11p.

BookAscanio, Jennifer H. (1992)
White Men Don't Have Juju: An American Couple's Adventure through Africa
Chicago: Noble Press. 345p.

BookFitzgerald, Mary Ann (Kenyan/British) (1992)
Nomad: Journeys from Samburu
London: Sinclair-Stevenson. 289p.

Book chapterHewlett, Barry S. (1992)
Husband-Wife Reciprocity and the Father-Infant Relationship among Aka Pygmies
In: Hewlett, Barry S. (ed.). Father-Child Relations. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. p. 153-176.

Book chapterMelchett, Sonia (1992)
Christina Dodwell
In: Melchett, Sonia. Passionate Quests: Five Modern Women Travellers. London/Boston: Faber and Faber. p. 89-133.

Conference paperEchard, Nicole (ed.) (1991)
Actes du IVe colloque Méga-Tchad CNRS/ORSTOM Paris, du 14 au 16 septembre 1988
Abstract presentParis: Éditions de l'ORSTOM. Colloques et séminaires. 329p.

Dissertation / thesisKisliuk, Michelle R. (1991)
Confronting the Quintessential: Singing Dancing and Everyday Life among the Biaka Pygmies
Ph.D. dissertation: New York University, New York, New York. 430p.

BookMelchett, Sonia (1991)
Passionate Quests: Five Modern Women Travellers. (Christina Dodwell, Dervla Murphy)
London: Heinemann. 210p.

Periodical articleBelec, Laurent; Bouquety, J.C.; Georges, A.J.; Siopathis, M.R.; Martin, P.M. (1990)
Antibodies to Human Immunodeficiency Virus in the Breast Milk of Healthy, Seropositive Women
Pediatrics. Volume 85 #6. June. p. 1022-1026.

Periodical articleBelec, Laurent; Georges, A.J.; Steeman, G.; Martin, P.M. (1989)
Antibodies to Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Vaginal Secretions of Heterosexual Women
Journal of Infectious Diseases. Volume 160 #3. September. p. 385-391.

Book chapterHewlett, Barry S. (1988)
Sexual Selection and Paternal Investment among Aka Pygmies
In: Betzig, Laura and Borgerhoff-Mulder, Monique and Turke, Paul (eds.). Human Reproductive Behavior: A Darwinian Perspective. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Cambridge University Press. p. 263-276.

BookJabre, Bushra (1988)
Women's education in Africa: a survey of field projects in five countries
Paris: Unesco-UNICEF Co-operative Programme. Child, family, community digests. 127p.

Book chapterCordell, Dennis D. (1987)
Extracting People from Precapitalist Production: French Equatorial Africa from the 1890's to the 1930's
In: Cordell, Dennis D. and Gregory, Joel W. (eds.). African Population and Capitalism: Historical Perspectives. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. African Modernization and Development Series. p. 137-152.

Conference paperHewlett, Barry S. (1987)
Patterns of Intercultural and Intracultural Variability in the Infant Caretaking Practices of African Pygmies
Paper presented at the 86th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), November 18-22, 1987, Chicago, Illinois. Washington, DC.

Conference paperWalker, Philip L.; Hewlett, Barry S. (1987)
Dental Health Diet and Social Organization among the Central African Pygmies and Bantu
Paper presented at the 86th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), November 18-22, 1987, Chicago, Illinois. Washington, DC.

Periodical articleMande-Djapou, Joseph (1976)
Aperçu de la condition juridique de la femme centrafricaine
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 85 #752. p. 131-186.

Periodical articleMbay, Marcel (1974)
La promotion de la femme centrafricaine
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 28 #4. p. 613-623.

Search: ge=Central African Republic
Found: 76 Record 1-76

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