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Search: ge=Eritrea
Found: 162 Record 1-100 Next Last

Periodical articleKibreab, Gaim (2017)
See this publicationSexual violence in the Eritrean National Service
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 60 #1. p. 123-143.

Periodical articleBruzzi, Sylvia; Zeleke, Meron (2015)
See this publicationContested religious authority: Sufi women in Ethiopia and Eritrea
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 45 #1. p. 37-67.

BookDerman, Bill; Hellum, Anne; Sandvik, Kristin Bergtora (eds.) (2013)
See this publicationWorlds of human rights: the ambiguities of rights claiming in Africa
Leiden: Brill. Afrika-Studiecentrum series #26. 338p.

Periodical articleHabtu, Tirhas T. (2013)
See this publicationThe political representation of women in totalitarian states: a case study of Eritrea
Abstract presentStichproben - Vienna Journal of African Studies. Volume 13 #24. p. 33-63.

BookJones, Peter (ed.) (2013)
Letters from Eritrea: refugee women tell their story
Kampala: The Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA). 34p.

Periodical articlePonzanesi, Sandra (2012)
See this publicationThe color of love: 'madamismo' and interracial relationships in the Italian colonies
Abstract presentResearch in African Literatures. Volume 43 #2. p. 155-172.

Conference paperMafela, Lily; Musahara, Herman (eds.) (2011)
Setting of new social science research agendas for Africa in the 21st century
Addis Ababa: Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA). 205p.

Periodical articleWeber, Annette (2011)
See this publicationWomen without Arms: Gendered Fighter Constructions in Eritrea and Southern Sudan
International Journal of Conflict and Violence. Volume 5 #2. p. 357-370.

Periodical articleWoldemicael, Gebremariam (2009)
See this publicationFemale genital cutting in contemporary Eritrea: determinants, future prospects, and strategies for eradication
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 25 #2. June. p. 1-29.

BookSarkar, Siddhartha; Mensah, John V. (eds.) (2008)
Gender and development: an Afro-Indian study
Abstract presentNew Delhi: Arise Publishers & Distributors. 352p.

Book chapterDopico, Mansura (2007)
Infibulation and the Orgasm Puzzle: Sexual Experiences of Infibulated Eritrean Women in Rural Eritrea and Melbourne, Australia
In: Hernlund, Ylva and Shell-Duncan, Bettina (eds.). Transcultural Bodies: Female Genital Cutting in Global Context. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.

BookHernlund, Ylva; Shell-Duncan, Bettina (eds.) (2007)
Transcultural Bodies: Female Genital Cutting in Global Context
New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.

Book chapterKelly, Hilarie (2007)
Woman is a Strong Beast: Power and Betrayal in Somali and Orma Women's Tales
In: Ahmed, Ali J. and Adera, Taddesse (eds.). The Road Less Traveled: Reflections on the Literatures of the Horn of Africa. Trenton, New Jersey: Red Sea Press.

Periodical articleMekonnen, Daniel R. (2007)
The abolition of female circumcision in Eritrea: inadequacies of new legislation
Abstract presentAfrican Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 7 #2. p. 389-411.

Periodical articleTuran, Janet Molzan; Johnson, Khaliah; Polan, Mary Lake (2007)
See this publicationExperiences of Women Seeking Medical Care for Obstetric Fistula in Eritrea: Implications for Prevention, Treatment and Social Reintegration
Global Public Health. Volume 2 #1. January. p. 64-77.

Periodical articleKifle, Temesgen (2006-2007)
Education and the Gender Wage Gap in Eritrea's Formal Labour Market
Australasian Review of African Studies. Volume 28. p. 111-138.

Periodical articleKifle, Temesgen (2006-2007)
Education and the Gender Wage Gap in Eritrea's Formal Labour Market
Australasian Review of African Studies. Volume 28. p. 111-137.

Dissertation / thesisMengsteab, Elsabeth (2006)
Skilled Attendance at Delivery: The Case of Zoba Anseba, Eritrea
M.DS. Thesis: University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. 120p.

Periodical articleMüller, Tanja R. (2006)
See this publicationEducation for Social Change: Girls' Secondary Schooling in Eritrea
Development and Change. Volume 37 #2. March. p. 353-373.

BookPezaro, Angelika (2006)
Refugee Women Research in Khartoum: Preliminary Report
Saarbruechen, Germany: University of the Saar, Socio-Psychological Research Center on Development Planning. 24p.

BookUnited Nations (2006)
Concluding Comments of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women: Eritrea
New York: United Nations, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women. 7p.

Periodical articleAlmedom, A.M.; Tesfamichael, B.; Mohammed, Z.; Mascie-Taylor, N.; Muller, J.; Alemu, Z. (2005)
Prolonged Displacement May Compromise Resilience in Eritrean Mothers
African Health Sciences. Volume 5 #4. December. p. 310-314.

Periodical articleAlmedom, A.M.; Teclemichael, T.; Romero, L.M.; Alemu, Z. (2005)
Postnatal Salivary Cortisol and Sense of Coherence (SOC) in Eritrean Mothers
American Journal of Human Biology. Volume 17 #3. May-June. p. 376-379.

BookBroch-Due, Vigdis (ed.) (2005)
Violence and belonging: the quest for identity in post-colonial Africa
Abstract presentLondon: Routledge. 261p.

Periodical articleCampbell, Patricia J. (2005)
Gender and Post-Conflict Civil Society in Eritrea
International Feminist Journal of Politics. Volume 7 #3. September. p. 377-399.

Periodical articleConnell, Dan (2005)
Redeeming the Failed Promise of Democracy in Eritrea
Race and Class. Volume 46 #4. April. p. 68-79.

BookEl-Bushra, Judy; Sahl, Ibrahim M.G. (2005)
See this publicationCycles of Violence: Gender Relations and Armed Conflict
Nairobi: Agency for Co-Operation and Research in Development (Acord). 91p.

Periodical articleGruber, Janet (2005)
See this publicationSilent Survivors of Sexual Violence in Conflict and the Implications for HIV Mitigation: Experiences from Eritrea
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 4 #2. p. 69-73.

Conference paperHale, Sondra (2005)
Transnational Ideologies and Eritrean Women Combatants
Paper presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association (ASA), November 17-November 20, 2005, Washington, DC. New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rutgers University.

Book chapterKibreab, Gaim (2005)
Gender Relations in the Eritrean Society
In: Gebremedhin, Tesfa G. and Tesfagiorgis, Gebre H. (eds.). Traditions of Eritrea: Linking the Past to the Future. Trenton, New Jersey: Red Sea Press.

Book chapterLombardi-Diop, Cristina (2005)
Pioneering Female Modernity: Fascist Women in Colonial Africa
In: Ben-Ghiat, Ruth and Fuller, Mia (eds.). Italian Colonialism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapterMackay, Angela (2005)
Mainstreaming Gender in United Nations Peacekeeping Training: Examples from East Timor, Ethiopia, and Eritrea
In: Mazurana, Dyan E. and Raven-Roberts, Angela and Parpart, Jane L. (eds.). Gender, Conflict and Peacekeeping. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield.

BookMüller, Tanja R. (2005)
See this publicationThe Making of Elite Women: Revolution and Nation Building in Eritrea
Leiden: Brill. Afrika-Studiecentrum series #4. 299p.

Book chapterBahta, Senait (2004)
Women's Folklore: Eritrea
In: Peek, Philip M. (ed.). African Folklore: An Encyclopedia. New York: Routledge. p. 512-514.

Periodical articleBlanc, Ann K. (2004)
The Role of Conflict in the Rapid Fertility Decline in Eritrea and Prospects for the Future
Studies in Family Planning. Volume 353 #4. December. p. 236-245.

BookComm. on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (2004)
See this publicationConsideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties under Article 18 of the Convention: Initial and Second Periodic Reports of States and Parties: Eritrea
Vienna: United Nations. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

BookMehreteab, Amanuel (2004)
Wake Up Hanna!: Reintegration and Reconstruction Challenges for Post-War Eritrea
Trenton, New Jersey/ London: Africa World/Turnaround. 263p.

Periodical articleMüller, Tanja R. (2004)
'Now I am Free' - Education and Human Resource Development in Eritrea: Contradictions in the Lives of Eritrean Women in Higher Education
Compare: A Journal of Comparative Education. Volume 34 #2. June. p. 215-229.

Book chapterPonzanesi, Sandra (2004)
Daughters of Empire: Metissage and Hyphenated Identities: Erminia dell'Oro and Maria Abbebu Viarengo
In: Ponzanesi, Sandra. Paradoxes of Postcolonial Culture: Contemporary Women Writers of the Indian and Afro-Italian Diaspora. Albany, New York: State University of New York (SUNY) Press.

Book chapterPonzanesi, Sandra (2004)
Living in Translation: Ribka Sibhatu, Aulo: Canto-Poesia Dall'Eritrea
In: Ponzanesi, Sandra. Paradoxes of Postcolonial Culture: Contemporary Women Writers of the Indian and Afro-Italian Diaspora. Albany, New York: State University of New York (SUNY) Press. p. 167-183.

Dissertation / thesisSewall, Rebecca P. (2004)
Accommodating Injustice: Women and Conflict Settlement in Processes
Ph.D. dissertation: George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. 290p.

Periodical articleAlmedom, Astier M.; Tesfamichael, B.; Yacob, A.; Debretsion, Z.; Teklehaimanot, K. (2003)
See this publicationMaternal Psychosocial Well-Being in Eritrea: Application of Participatory Methods and Tools of Investigation and Analysis in Complex Emergency Settings
Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Volume 81 #5. May. p. 360-366.

BookFavali, Lyda; Pateman, Roy (2003)
Blood, Land, and Sex: Legal and Political Pluralism in Eritrea
Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University. 352p.

Dissertation / thesisJanigan, Kara (2003)
Defying the Odds: A Study of Female Students in Grade 11 in Eritrea
M.A. Thesis: University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Dissertation / thesisJanigan, Kara Patricia (2003)
Defying the odds: a study of female students in grade 11 in Eritrea
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 176p.

Periodical articleKibreab, Gaim (2003)
See this publicationRethinking Household Headship among Eritrean Refugees and Returnees
Abstract presentDevelopment and Change. Volume 34 #2. April. p. 311-338.

BookKwesiga, Joy C. (2003)
Women's Political Space: The Experience of Affirmative Action in Eritrea, Tanzania and Uganda
Kampala: The British Council. Department for International Development. 46p.

Book chapterMatzke, Christine (2003)
Engendering Theatre in Eritrea: The Roles and Representations of Women in the Performing Arts
In: Bruchhaus, Eva-Marie (ed.). Hot Spot Horn of Africa: Between Integration and Disintegration. Munster/Hamburg/London: LIT Verlag.

Dissertation / thesisMatzke, Christine (2003)
En-Gendering Theatre in Eritrea: The Roles and Representations of Women in the Performing Arts
Ph.D. dissertation: University of Leeds, Leeds, Great Britain. 350p.

BookMetcalf, Charlotte (British) (2003)
Walking Away: A Film-Maker's African Journal
Bridgnorth, Great Britain: TravellersEye. 256p.

BookNational Statistics and Evaluation Office (2003)
Eritrea Demographic and Health Survey, 2002
Asmara, Eritrea: National Statistics and Evaluation Office. May. 308p.

BookPaine, Sheila (British) (2003)
The Linen Goddess: Travels from the Red Sea to Prizren
London: Pallas Athene. 220p.

Periodical articlePatwardhan, Vanita (2003)
See this publicationUnderstanding Eritrean' Attitude towards Women in Relation to Their Culture
Gender and Behaviour. Volume 1. p. 55-71.

Dissertation / thesisBarrera, Giulia (2002)
Colonial Affairs: Italian Men, Eritrean Women, and the Construction of Racial Hierarchies in Colonial Eritrea
Ph.D. dissertation: Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. 431p.

Conference paperBernal, Victoria (2002)
Warriors and Wives: Contradictions of Liberation and Development in Eritrea
Paper presented at the 101st Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), November 20-November 24, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana. Arlington, Virginia.

BookGebremedhin, Tesfa G. (2002)
Women, Tradition, and Development: A Case Study of Eritrea
Lawrenceville, New Jersey/Asmara: Red Sea Press. 261p.

Periodical articleIsrael, Mark; Lyons, Tanya; Mason, C. (2002)
Women, Resistance and Africa: Armed Struggles in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Eritrea
Humanity and Society. Volume 26 #3. p. 196-213.

BookKifle, Temesgen (2002)
Educational Gender Gap in Eritrea
Bremen: University of Bremen, Institut fur Weltwirtschaft und Internationales. Management. 66p.

Book chapterMatzke, Christine (2002)
Of Suwa Houses and Singing Contests: Early Urban Women Performers in Asmara, Eritrea
In: Banham, Martin and Gibbs, James and Osofisan, Femi (eds.). African Theatre. Women. Oxford/Bloomington, Indiana: J. Currey/Indiana University Press. p. 29-46.

BookNational Union for Eritrean Women (2002)
The Proceedings of the 20th Anniversary Conference of the National Union of Eritrean Women: November 27-29, 1999, Asmara, Eritrea
Asmara: National Union for Eritrean Women. 137p.

Book chapterSamiuddin, Abida; Khanam, Rashida (2002)
In: Samiuddin, Abida and Khanam, Rashida. Muslim Feminism and Feminist Movement: Africa. Delhi: Global Vision Publishing House. Volume One.

BookSamiuddin, Abida; Khanam, Rashida (eds.) (2002)
Muslim Feminism and Feminist Movement Africa
Delhi: Global Vision Publishing House. Two Volumes.

BookVann, Beth (2002)
See this publicationGender-Based Violence: Emerging Issues in Programs Serving Displaced Populations
Arlington, Virginia: JSI Research and Training Institute, GBV Global Technical Support Project. Published for the Reproductive Health for Refugees Consortium. September. 158p.

Periodical articleBernal, Victoria (2001)
See this publicationFrom Warriors to Wives: Contradictions of Liberation and Development in Eritrea
Northeast African Studies. Volume 8 #3. p. 129-154.

BookBrixiova, Zuzana; Bulir, Ales; Comenetz, Joshua (2001)
The Gender Gap in Education in Eritrea, 1991-1998: A Missed Opportunity?
Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund. IMF Working Paper 01/94. July. 24p.

BookBrixova, Zuzana; Bulir, Ales; Comenetz, Joshua (2001)
The Gender Gap in Education in Eritrea in 1991-98: A Missed Opportunity?
Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund (IMF). Policy Development and Review Department, Africa Department. IMF Working Paper WP/01/94. July. 24p.

Periodical articleHale, Sondra (2001)
See this publicationThe State of the Women's Movement in Eritrea
Northeast African Studies. Volume 8 #3. p. 155-178.

Book chapterLombardi-Diop, Cristina (2001)
Mothering the Nation: An Italian Woman in Colonial Eritrea-Italy Diaspora
In: Matteo, Sante (ed.). ItaliAfrica: Bridging Continents and Cultures. Stoney Brook, New York: Forum Italicum.

BookMason, Christine (2001)
Gender, Nationalism and Revolution: Reassessing Women's Relationships with the Eritrean Liberation Front
East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University, Women and International Development. Working Paper #274. December. 20p.

Periodical articleOdede, Rachel (2001)
The Continuum of Violence against Women in Eritrea
Development. Volume 44 #3. September. p. 69-73.

BookU.S. Department of State (2001)
Country Reports on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) or: Female Genital Cutting (FGC)
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of State. Office of the Senior Coordinator for International Women's Issues, Office of the Under Secretary for Global Affairs. June.

Conference paperBein, A. (2000)
Violence against Women in Eritrea
Paper presented at the UNIFEM Seminar on Violence Against Women, July 10-13, 2000, Nairobi, Kenya. 15p.

Periodical articleBelainesh S. (2000)
Sacrificing womanhood at the altar of a greater society: the Eritrean women's testimonies
Impact (Kampala, Uganda). Volume no. 3. p. 3-5.

Periodical articleIyob, Ruth (2000)
Madamismo and Beyond: The Construction of Eritrean Women
Nineteenth Century Contexts. Volume 22 #2. p. 217-238.

Book chapterKimberlin, Cynthia T. (2000)
Women, Music, and 'Chains of the Mind': Eritrea and the Tigray Region of Ethiopia, 1972-93
In: Moisala, Pirkko and Diamond, Beverley (eds.). Music and Gender. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press.

Book chapterMebrahtu, Saba (2000)
What We Need is Timely Assistance: Heavy Workloads and Safe Motherhood in Eritrea
In: African Women's Health.

Book chapterArneberg, M.W. (1999)
Feminisation of Urban Eritrean Households: Implications for Poverty Reduction Policy
In: Proceedings of the Third African Population Conference: Durban, South Africa. p. 267-287.

Conference paperBarrera, Giulia (1999)
Gender and Race in Italian Eritrea
Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association (ASA), November 11-14, 1999, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University.

Book chapterConnell, Dan (1999)
Strategies for Change: Women and Politics in Eritrea and South Africa
In: Fox, Diana J. and Hasci, Naima A. (eds.). The Challenges of Women's Activism and Human Rights in Africa. Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press. Women's Studies Series, #20.

Periodical articleDavis, Gary; Ellis, Julius; Zimbelman, Erlene; Hibbert, M.; Perez, R.P. (1999)
Female Circumcision: The Prevalence and Nature of the Ritual in Eritrea
Military Medicine. Volume 164 #1. January. p. 11-16.

Conference paperFavali, Lyda (1999)
Female Genital Mutilation in Eritrea
Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association (ASA), November 11-14, 1999, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University.

BookGraham, Jane (British) (1999)
One Hop Too Far: I Opened My Heart to Ethiopia
Lewes, Great Britain: Book Guild. 114p.

Conference paperGruber, Janet (1999)
'The Third Nationality': Female Returnees to Eritrea. Issues of Gender, Return and the Creation of the Nation
Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association (ASA), November 11-14, 1999, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University.

Book chapterJamal, Nuhad (1999)
Women in Eritrea's Alternative Development
In: Fox, Diana J. and Hasci, Naima A. (eds.). The Challenges of Women's Activism and Human Rights in Africa. Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press. Women's Studies Series, #20.

Book chapterLeisure, Susan (1999)
Exchanging Participation for Promises: Mobilization of Women in Eritrea
In: Bystydzienski, Jill M. and Sekhon, Joti (eds.). Democratization and Women's Grassroots Movements. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.

Book chapterLombardi-Diop, Cristina (1999)
Pioneering Domesticity, Mothering the Nation: Rosalia Pianavia in Eritrea, 1890
In: Lombardi-Diop, Cristina. Writing the Female Frontier: Italian Women in Colonial Africa, 1890-1940. Ph.D. Dissertation: New York University, New York, New York. p. 98-141.

Dissertation / thesisLombardi-Diop, Cristina (1999)
Writing the Female Frontier: Italian Women in Colonial Africa, 1890-1940
Ph.D. dissertation: New York University, New York, New York. 253p.

Conference paperMason, Christine (1999)
Gender, Nationalism and Revolution: Re-Assessing Women's Relationship with the Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF)
Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association (ASA), November 11-14, 1999, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University.

BookNational Union for the Advancement of Eritrean Women (1999)
National Report on the Implementation of the African and Global Platform for Action for the Advancement of Eritrean Women
Asmara: National Union for the Advancement of Eritrean Women. June. 80p.

BookNational Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW) (1999)
Eritrean Women and Their Tradition of Resistance
Asmara: National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW). 71p.

BookNational Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW) (1999)
Equal in Deeds: A Bibliography on the Eritrean Women (On the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of NUEW, November, 1999)
Asmara: National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW). 59p.

Dissertation / thesisBaatai, Abeba T. (1998)
Demobilized Eritrean Women Fighters and Their Adjustment to Civilian Life
B.A. Thesis: School of International Training, Brattleboro, Vermont. 25p.

Periodical articleConnell, Dan (1998)
See this publicationStrategies for Change: Women and Politics in Eritrea and South Africa
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 25 #76. June. p. 189-206.

Conference paperGruber, Janet (1998)
'He Gave Me Permission to go': Gender in Post-War Eritrea
Paper presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association (ASA), October 29-November 1, 1998, Chicago, Illinois. New Brunswick, New Jersey. Rutgers University.

Periodical articleMiserez, C.B. (1998)
Help for Women Refugees
World Health Forum. Volume 19 #3. p. 320-323.

Periodical articleOlenick, I. (1998)
See this publicationFemale Circumcision is Nearly Universal in Egypt, Eritrea, Mali and Sudan
International Family Planning Perspectives. Volume 24 #1. p. 47-49.

Periodical articlePonzanesi, Sandra (1998)
See this publicationPost-Colonial Women's Writing in Italian: A Case Study of the Eritrean Ribka Sibhatu
Northeast African Studies. Volume 5 #3. p. 97-115.

BookStewart, Julia (1998)
Eccentric Graces: Eritrea and Ethiopia through the Eyes of a Traveler
Lawrenceville, NJ: Red Sea Press. 250p.

BookUniversity of Asmara. Female Faculty Group (1998)
Needs Assessment of Female Students at the University of Asmara: A Survey Report
Asmara: University of Asmara. Female Faculty Group. April. 34p.

BookBright, Nancee O. (1997)
Mothers of Steel: The Women of Um Gargur, an Eritrean Refugee Settlement in the Sudan
Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press. 330p.

Search: ge=Eritrea
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