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Periodical articleKoné, Ousmane; Calvès, Anne-E. (2021)
See this publicationLa mobilisation des organisations féminines en faveur du Code de la famille au Mali: Autopsie d'une défaite
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 242. p. 321-354.

BookZuidberg, Lida; Kortbeek, Simone; Kingma, Koos; Koning, Ans (2021)
Femmes du Mali-Sud: changements de vie entre la tradition et le développement: un tissage de mémoires et d'images, 1980-2012
Abstract presentLeiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). ASC occasional publications #38. 192p.

Periodical articleGolaszweski, Devon (2020)
See this publicationLast Acts of Mothering: Nuptial Counselling in Late Colonial French Soudan (Mali)
Past and Present. Volume 246 #15 Supplement. p. 239-262.

Periodical articleKrulisova, Katerina; Kolmasova, Sarka (2020)
See this publicationVulnerable women and barbaric rapists: legitimisation of UN interventionism in Mali
African Security Review. Volume 29 #2. p. 175-201.

BookToumanion, Bakary (2016)
La santé des femmes et des enfants au Mali: un enjeu de santé publique internationale
Paris: L'Harmattan. 237p.

BookBurrill, Emily S. (2015)
States of marriage: gender, justice, and rights in colonial Mali
Athens: Ohio University Press. New African histories series. 239p.

BookTounkara, Aly (2015)
Femmes et discriminations au Mali
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 217p.

BookBouju, Jacky; Bruijn, Mirjam de (eds.) (2014)
See this publicationOrdinary violence and social change in Africa
Leiden: Brill. Afrika-Studiecentrum series #31. 180p.

BookBrett-Smith, Sarah C. (2014)
The silence of women: Bamana mud cloths
Milan: 5 Continents Editions. 317p.

BookHale, Thomas A.; Sidikou, Aïssata G. (eds.) (2014)
Women's songs from West Africa
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 341p.

Periodical articleTwagira, Laura Ann (2014)
'Robot Farmers' and Cosmopolitan Workers: Technological Masculinity and Agricultural Development in the French Soudan (Mali), 1945-68
Gender and History. Volume 26 #3. p. 459-477.

BookDakouo, Ambroise; Kéita, Modibo (eds.) (2013)
Gouvernance participative et pratiques démocratiques au Mali
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. 173p.

BookFournier, Pierre (2013)
Santé maternelle et accès aux soins de santé en Afrique de l'Ouest: contributions de jeunes chercheurs
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 298p.

BookTholé, Marie-Gaëlle (2013)
Les filles à l'école au Mali: langage, représentations et interactions
Paris: l'Harmattan. Savoir et formation. 263p.

BookGallay, Alain (2012)
Potières du Sahel: à la découverte des traditions céramiques de la boucle du Niger (Mali)
Gollion: Infolio. 373p.

Periodical articleKoissy-Kpein, Sandrine (2012)
See this publicationGender and competition between economic or non-economic labor and schooling: evidence from EPAM Mali
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 24 #1. p. 107-123.

Periodical articleSchulz, Dorothea (2012)
See this publicationDis/embodying Authority: Female Radio 'Preachers' and the Ambivalences of Mass-Mediated Speech in Mali
International Journal of Middle East Studies. Volume 44 #1. p. 23-43.

BookSchulz, Dorothea E. (2012)
Muslims and new media in West Africa: pathways to God
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 306p.

BookTraoré, Aminata Dramane (2012)
L'Afrique mutilée
Bamako: Taama éditions. 64p.

Periodical issueEngels, Bettina; Brandes, Nikolai (eds.) (2011)
See this publicationSocial movements in Africa
Abstract presentStichproben - Vienna Journal of African Studies. Volume 11 #20. 189p.

Periodical articleMathee, Mohamed Shaid (2011)
Women's agency in Muslim marriage: 'fatwas' from Timbuktu
Abstract presentJournal for Islamic Studies. Volume 31. p. 75-95.

Periodical articleSchulz, Dorothea (2011)
See this publicationRenewal and enlightenment: Muslim women's biographic narratives of personal reform in Mali
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 41 #1. p. 93-123.

Book chapterSoares, Benjamin F. (2011)
Family law reform in Mali: contentious debates and elusive outcomes
Abstract presentIn: Gender and Islam in Africa: rights, sexuality, and law. p. 263-290.

BookStevenson, Lois (2011)
See this publicationAssessment of the environment for the development of women's entrepreneurship in Cameroon, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Senegal
Abstract presentGeneva: International Labour Office. Employment sector. Employment report ... #15. 186p.

Dissertation / thesisAg Erless, Mohamed (2010)
La grossesse et le suivi de l'accouchement chez les Touaregs Kel-Adagh (Kidal, Mali)
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 400p.

Periodical articleDieng, Bassirou (2010)
Amour et amitié dans les traditions orales et narratives en Europe et en Afrique: actes du 5e Congrès du Réseau eurafricain de recherche sur l'épopée (REARE), Dakar, 19-21 mars 2009
Abstract presentÉthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #84. p. 1-307.

BookMottin Sylla, Marie Hélène; Palmieri, Joëlle (2010)
Excision: les jeunes changent l'Afrique par les TIC
Mankon: Langaa RPCIG. 119p.

BookMuanza, Manuel (ed.) (2010)
Caderno de estudos literários e linguísticos
Luanda: Mayamba. Kunyonga. 141p.

BookSeydou, Christiane (ed.) (2010)
Profils de femmes dans les récits épiques peuls (Mali-Niger)
Paris: Karthala. Tradition orale. 273p.

DVD / videoCissé, Souleymane; Coulibaly, Dounamba Dany (eds.) (2009)
Den muso = Das Mädchen = La fille = The young girl
Abstract presentEnnetbaden: Trigon-film.

Periodical articleGrange Omokaro, Françoise (2009)
Féminités et masculinités bamakoises en temps de globalisation
Abstract presentAutrepart. #49. p. 189-204.

Periodical articleLatourès, Aurélie (2009)
'Je suis presque féministe, mais...': appropriation de la cause des femmes par des militantes maliennes au Forum Social Mondial de Nairobi (2007)
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #116. p. 143-163.

BookRodet, Marie (2009)
Les migrantes ignorées du Haut-Sénégal 1900-1946
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 338p.

Conference paperSchlyter, Ann; Chipeta, Lucy Kondwani (eds.) (2009)
See this publicationBody politics and women citizens: African experiences
Abstract presentStockholm: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). Sida Studies #24. 151p.

BookGérimont, Patricia (2008)
Teinturières à Bamako: quand la couleur sort de sa réserve
Paris: Ibis Press. 222p.

Periodical articleJaffre, Yannick (2008)
Mourir pour presque rien ...: une première approche descriptive de la mortalité maternelle dans quelques services obstétricaux d'urgence d'Afrique de l'Ouest
Studia Africana. #19. p. 22-31.

Dissertation / thesisKühn, Esther (2008)
See this publication'You have to contribute': women adjusting their savings associations in Bancoumana, Mali
Leiden: African Studies Centre. 92p.

Dissertation / thesisLockridge, Sarah (2008)
Conceptions of power and empowerment: a case study of women's associations in Segou, Mali
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 315p.

Book chapterMack, Beverly (2008)
Muslim women scholars in the nineteenth and twentieth centures: Morocco to Nigeria
In: The meanings of Timbuktu. p. 164-179.

Periodical articleMendiguren, Berta (2008)
'Yo también quiero ser mujer soninké' o del enfermar como estrategia de género en un contexto rural de desarrollo humano limitado
Studia Africana. #19. p. 32-41.

BookOuédraogo, Alpha; Gentil, Dominique (eds.) (2008)
La microfinance en Afrique de l'Ouest: histoires et innovations
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 307p.

Periodical articleSchulz, Dorothea E. (2008)
Piety's manifold embodiments: Muslim women's quest for moral renewal in urban Mali
Abstract presentJournal for Islamic Studies. Volume 28. p. 66-93.

Periodical articleSchulz, Dorothea E. (2008)
See this publication(Re)turning to proper Muslim practice: Islamic moral renewal and women's conflicting assertions of Sunni identity in urban Mali
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 54 #4. p. 21-43.

BookAfrican Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) (2007)
Gender dimensions of PRSP processes and the relationship to the national budgets: the experiences of Egypt, Mali, Rwanda, Uganda and Zambia
Nairobi: FEMNET. 106p.

BookBouchard, Hélène; Rondeau, Chantal (2007)
Commerçantes et épouses à Dakar et Bamako: la réussite par le commerce
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 434p.

BookChua-oon, Chuanpit (2007)
Girls' education and social change: a study of Kel Tamashek society in Timbuktu
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 384p.

DVD / videoCissé, Mamadou Kotiki (ed.) (2007)
Ra, the mechanic
Abstract presentBamako: Farafina Danbé Productions.

Periodical articleDurán, Lucy (2007)
See this publicationNgaraya: Women and Musical Mastery in Mali
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. Volume 70 #3. October. p. 569-602.

Dissertation / thesisEverhart-Valentin, Kira (2007)
Empowering Participation: NGOs and Women's Political Participation in Uganda, Kenya, Cote d'Ivoire and Mali
M.A. Thesis: Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. 63p.

Periodical articleFrank, Barbara E. (2007)
Ceramics Arts in Africa: Marks of Identity
African Arts. Volume 40 #1. Spring. p. 30-41.

Book chapterFreeman, Julianne E. (2007)
'Have You Heard the Words of the Elders?': Senior Bamana Women's Adaptations to Culture Change in Rural Mali
In: Aguilar, Mario J. (ed.). Rethinking Age in Africa: Colonial, Post-Colonial, and Contemporary Interpretations of Cultural Representations. Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press.

Periodical articleGage, Anastasia J. (2007)
See this publicationBarriers to the Utilization of Maternal Health Care in Rural Mali
Social Science and Medicine. Volume 65 #8. October. p. 1666-1682.

Periodical articleGoldner, Janet (2007)
The Women of Kalabougou (Mali)
African Arts. Volume 40 #1. Spring. p. 74-79.

Dissertation / thesisHolten, Lianne (2007)
Pregnancy strategies in the Mandé Mountains of Mali

Periodical articleKayentao, Kassoum; Mungai, Mary; Parise, Monica; Kodio, Mamoudou; Keita. Abdoul S. (2007)
See this publicationAssessing Malaria Burden during Pregnancy in Mali
Acta Tropica. Volume 102 #2. May. p. 106-112.

Conference paperKazianga, H.; Klonner, S. (2007)
The Intra-Household Economics of Polygyny: Fertility and Child Mortality in Rural Mali
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), New York, New York, March 29-31, 2007. New York: PAA. 2007. 36p.

Dissertation / thesisKühn, Esther (2007)
Tonw in beweging: veranderende activiteiten rond ceremonie en geld bij vrouwen in Bancoumana, Mali
Leiden: Culturele antropologie/Ontwikkelingssociologie, Universiteit Leiden.

Dissertation / thesisLemay, Anne-Marie (2007)
Le changement agricole et la dynamique familiale en milieu rural malien: exemple de technologies agroforestières
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 167p.

BookMcGlinchy, Megan Elizabeth (2007)
Identifying the determinants and characteristics of mothers' income in rural Mali
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 74p.

Periodical articleMonkman, Karen; Miles, Rebecca; Easton, Peter (2007)
See this publicationThe Transformatory Potential of a Village Empowerment Program: The Tostan Replication in Mali
Women's Studies International Forum. Volume 30 #6. November-December. p. 451-464.

Periodical articleOkagbue, Osita (2007)
Through other eyes and voices: women in 'Koteba' and 'Mmonwu' performances
Abstract presentAfrican Performance Review. Volume 1 #2-3. p. 114-129.

Book chapterPelckman, Lotte (2007)
Negotiating the Memory of Fulbe Hierarchy among Mobile Elite Women
In: de Bruijn, Mirjam and van Dijk, Rijk and Gewald, Jan-Bart (eds.). Strength Beyond Structure: Social and Historical Trajectories of Agency in Africa. Leiden: E.J. Brill African Dynamics Series #6.

Book chapterPelckmans, Lotte (2007)
Negotiating the memory of Fulbe hierarchy among mobile elite women
Abstract presentIn: Strength beyond structure: social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa. p. 285-311.

Periodical articleRazy, Élodie (2007)
Les sens contraires de la migration: la circulation des jeunes filles d'origine soninké entre la France et le Mali
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 77 #2. p. 19-43.

Periodical articleSchulz, Dorothea E. (2007)
Competing Sartorial Assertions of Femininity and Muslim Identity in Mali
Fashion Theory. Volume 11 #2-3. June-September. p. 253-279.

Periodical articleSchulz, Dorothea E. (2007)
See this publicationDrama, Desire, and Debate: Mass-Mediated Subjectivities in Urban Mali
Visual Anthropology. Volume 20 #1. January. p. 19-39.

BookSchäfer, Alfred (2007)
Nähe als Distanz: Sozialität, Intimität und Erziehung bei den Dogon
Münster: LIT Verlag. Pädagogik Forschung und Wissenschaft #5. 336p.

Periodical articleSemin, Jeanne (2007)
See this publicationL'argent, la famille, les amies: ethnographie contemporaine des tontines africaines en contexte migratoire
Civilisations. Volume 56 #1-2. p. 183-199.

Periodical articleToure, Khadidia (2007)
See this publicationTelenovelas Reception by Women in Bouake (Cote d'Ivoire) and Bamako (Mali)
Visual Anthropology. Volume 20 #1. January. p. 41-56.

BookAbusharaf, Rogaia M. (ed.) (2006)
Female Circumcision: Multicultural Perspectives
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 287p.

Periodical articleAyoya, Mohamed Ag; Spiekermann-Brouwer, Gerburg Maria; Traore, Abdel Kader; Stoltzfus, Rebecca Joyce; Garza, Cutberto (2006)
See this publicationDeterminants of Anemia among Pregnant Women in Mali
Food and Nutrition Bulletin. Volume 27 #1. p. 3-11.

Dissertation / thesisDiakite, Hadj (2006)
Increasing Women's Livelihood Activities through Sustained Vegetable Production in San, Segou Region of Mali, West Africa
M.P.S. Thesis: Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 112p.

Book chapterDiop, Nafissatou, J.; Askew, Ian (2006)
Strategies for Encouraging the Abandonment of Female Genital Cutting: Experiences from Senegal, Burkina Faso, and Mali
In: Abusharaf, Rogaia M. (ed.). Female Circumcision: Multicultural Perspectives. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Periodical articleEloundou-Enyegue, Parfait M.; Calvès, Anne-Emmanuèle (2006)
See this publicationTill Marriage Do Us Part: Education and Remittances from Married Women in Africa
Comparative Education Review. Volume 50 #1. February. p. 1-20.

Book chapterFreeman, Julianne E. (2006)
'Have You the Words of the Elders?': Senior Bamana Women's Adaptations to Culture Change in Rural Mali
In: Aguilar, Mario I. (ed.). Rethinking Age in Africa: Colonial, Post-Colonial, and Contemporary Interpretations of Cultural Representations. Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press.

Periodical articleHorbst, V. (2006)
Infertility and In-Vitro Fertilization in Bamako, Mali: Women's Experience, Avenues for Solution and Social Contexts Impacting on Gynaecological Consultations
Curare. Volume 29 #1. p. 35-46.

BookJansen, Jan (ed.) (2006)
Sub-Sahara Afrika: perspectieven en plaatsbepalingen
Abstract presentAmsterdam: Aksant. Antropologie Academie. 165p.

Dissertation / thesisMcGlinchy, Megan E. (2006)
Identifying the Determinants and Characteristics of Mothers' Income in Rural Mali
M.S. Thesis: Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. 74p.

Book chapterMuurling, Nienke (2006)
Finding Money at Home and Abroad: The Affairs of a Transnational Jelmuso
In: Wooten, Stephen R. (ed.). Wari Matters: Ethnographic Explorations of Money in the Mande World. Munich: Lit. p. 178-190.

BookO'Donnell, Beth; Sevcik, Kimberley (2006)
Angels in Africa: Profiles of Seven Extraordinary Women
New York: Vendome Press. 191p.

Book chapterPawloski, Lisa R. (2006)
Exploring Nutritional Status and Gender Bias among Malian Adolescent Girls
In: Bharati, Premananda and Pal, Manoranjan (eds.). Gender Disparity: Manifestations, Causes and Implications. New Delhi: Anmol Publications.

Periodical articlePepin, Jacques; Fink, G.D.; Khonde, Nzambi; Sobela, F.; Deslandes, S.; Diakite, S.; Labbe, A.C.; Sylla, M.; Frost, Eric H. (2006)
Improving Second-Generation Surveillance: The Biological Measure of Unprotected Intercourse Using Prostate-Specific Antigen in Vaginal Secretions of West African Women
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. Volume 42 #4. August. p. 490-493.

Book chapterPringle, Robert (2006)
Women in the New Democracy
In: Pringle, Robert. Democratization in Mali: Putting History to Work. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace. October.

Periodical articleSoares, Benjamin F. (2006)
See this publicationIslam in Mali in the Neoliberal Era
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 105 #418. January. p. 77-95.

Periodical articleAguayo, Victor M.; Kone, Diakalia; Bamba, Sory I.; Diallo, Baba; Sidibe, Yacouba; Traore, Diakalia; Signe, Pierre; Baker, Shawn K. (2005)
Acceptability of Multiple Micronutrient Supplements by Pregnant and Lactating Women in Mali
Public Health Nutrition. Volume 8 #1. February. p. 33-37.

Dissertation / thesisChua-oon, Chuanpit (2005)
Girls' Education and Social Change: A Study of Kel Tamashek Society in Timbuktu
Ph.D. dissertation: Universite Laval, Laval, Quebec, Canada. 384p.

Book chapterDenzer, LaRay (2005)
Gender and Decolonization: A Study of Three Women in West Africa Public Life
In: Readings in Gender in Africa. p. 217-224.

Dissertation / thesisDienta, Kadidia (2005)
Gender and Power: Evaluating Opportunities to Promote Women's Participation in Local Development Programs in Mali
M.P.S. Thesis: Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 92p.

BookEl-Bushra, Judy; Sahl, Ibrahim M.G. (2005)
See this publicationCycles of Violence: Gender Relations and Armed Conflict
Nairobi: Agency for Co-Operation and Research in Development (Acord). 91p.

Conference paperFrank, Barbara (2005)
Taboos and Technologies: Reconstructing Women's Histories in the Kadiolo Region of Mali
Paper presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association (ASA), November 17-November 20, 2005, Washington, DC. New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rutgers University.

Conference paperHall, Bruce (2005)
The Perilous Future of the Touareg Race: Muhammad Ali ag Attaher and Debates over Women's Bodies in Colonial Northern Mali, 1930-1960
Paper presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association (ASA), November 17-November 20, 2005, Washington, DC. New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rutgers University.

Periodical articleKeita, Somita; Faye, Ousmane; Kane, Badiara D.M.; Ndiaye, Hawa T.; Traore, Pierre; Coulibaly, Karim (2005)
Hair Care and Hair Styles in Women in Bamako, Mali
International Journal of Dermatology. Volume 44 #S1. p. 26-29.

Dissertation / thesisLo, Marieme (2005)
Understanding and Capitalizing on Social Learning: An Asset-Based Approach to Capacity-Building and Development of Women's Microenterprises in West Africa
Ph.D. dissertation: Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 325p.

Conference paperMbow, Penda (ed.) (2005)
Hommes et femmes entre sphères publique et privée = Men and women between the public and private spheres
Abstract presentDakar: Codesria. Gender series #5. 178p.

Periodical articleMcDade, Barbara E.; Spring, Anita (2005)
The 'New Generation of African Entrepreneurs': Networking to Change the Climate for Business and Private Sector-Led Development
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. Volume 17 #1. January 17. p. 17-42.

Periodical articlePanella, Cristiana (2005)
See this publication'Je vais chercher le prix de condiments': rapports de genre, économie domestique et symbolique de l'or du 'yemasu' (Vallée du Sankarani, Mali)
Abstract presentAfrica: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 60 #3-4. p. 426-443.

Conference paperRasmussen, Susan J. (2005)
Whose Medicine? Whose Science? Older Tuareg Medicine Women and Other Modernities
Paper presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), November 30-December 4 2005, Washington, D.C. Arlington, Virginia.

Periodical articleRichards, Polly (2005)
Masques Dogons in a Challenging World
African Arts. Volume 38 #4. Winter. p. 46-54.

BookRoberts, Richard (2005)
Litigants and Households: African Disputes and Colonial Courts in the French Soudan, 1895-1912
Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann. Social History of Africa Series. 309p.

BookSalak, Kira (2005)
The Cruelest Journey: 600 Miles to Timbuktu
Washington, DC: National Geographic. 230p.

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