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Search: ge=Mauritania
Found: 99 Record 1-99

Periodical articlePrieto Monteagudo, Sonia (2021)
Derechos de la mujeres en Mauritania: tímidos avances y retrocesos
Hesperia culturas del Mediterráneo. Volume 23. p. 173-186.

Periodical articleWiley, Katherine Ann (2020)
See this publicationWomen's Work and Anthropology: Altering Social Hierarchy in Mauritania and the Ethics of Research
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 55 #3. p. 449-467.

Periodical articleFreire, Francisco (2017)
See this publicationThe Hemeila Riddle: Genealogical Reconfigurations of Pre-colonial Encounters in Southwestern Mauritania
History and Anthropology. Volume 28 #2. p. 149-165.

BookAlissoutin, Rosnert Ludovic; Thioune, Ramata Molo (eds.) (2014)
Accès à l'eau pour les agricultrices sahéliennes: enjeux pour une démocratie inclusive
Abstract presentBamenda: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 159p.

Periodical articleFrede, Britta (2014)
See this publicationFollowing in the steps of 'A' isha: Hassaniyya-speaking Tijani women as spiritual guides (Muqaddamat) and teaching Islamic scholars (Limrabutat) in Mauritania
Abstract presentIslamic Africa. Volume 5 #2. p. 225-273.

Periodical articleHill, Joseph (2014)
Picturing Islamic authority: gender metaphors and Sufi leadership in Senegal
Abstract presentIslamic Africa. Volume 5 #2. p. 275-315.

BookLesourd, Céline (2014)
Femmes d'affaires de Mauritanie
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 322p.

BookSari, Camillea; Mebtoul, Abderrahmane (eds.) (2014)
L'intégration économique maghrébine: un destin obligé?
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. 471p.

Periodical articleWiley, Katherine Ann (2014)
See this publicationJoking market women: critiquing and negotiating gender and social hierarchy in Kankossa, Mauritania
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 84 #1. p. 101-118.

BookAbeiderrahmane, Nancy Jones (2013)
Camel cheese -- seemed like a good idea
Nouakchott: Nancy Jones Abeiderrahmane. 387p.

BookMoulin, Anne Marie (ed.) (2013)
Islam et révolutions médicales: le labyrinthe du corps
Abstract presentParis: IRD. Hommes et sociétés. 405p.

BookIniesta, Ferran (ed.) (2012)
L'Islam de l'Afrique noire
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan.

BookLachheb, Mona (ed.) (2012)
Penser le corps au Maghreb
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 283p.

BookCaratini, Sophie (2011)
La fille du chasseur
Vincennes: Thierry Marchaisse. 357p.

Book chapterBeaumont, Valérie; Verner, Corinne Cauvin; Pouillon, François (eds.) (2010)
Dossier de recherche: sexe et sexualités au Maghreb: essais d'ethnographies contemporaines
In: L'année du Maghreb. p. 3-262.

Periodical articleFortier, Corinne (2010)
Le droit au divorce des femmes (khul?) en islam: pratiques différentielles en Mauritanie et en Égypte
Droit et cultures. #59. p. 59-83.

BookSaint-Lary, Maud (ed.) (2009)
Entrepreneurs et entreprises en quête de normes = Entrepreneurs and enterprises in search of norms
Abstract presentMünster: Lit Verlag. Bulletin #29-30. 153p.

BookIsselmou, Ahmed Ould (ed.) (2008)
Mauritanie: enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples 2007
Nouakchott: Office national de la statistique (ONS). 210p.

Periodical articleLesourd, Céline (2007)
'Capital beauté': de quelques riches femmes maures
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #107. p. 62-80.

Book chapterLesourd, Céline (2007)
Femmes mauritaniennes et politique: de la tente vers le puits?
In: L'année du Maghreb. p. 333-348.

DVD / videoNdiaye, Katy Lena (ed.) (2007)
See this publicationEn attendant les hommes
Abstract presentBruxelles: Néon Rouge Production.

Periodical articleTauzin, Aline (2007)
See this publicationWomen of Mauritania: Cathodic Images and Presentation of the Self
Visual Anthropology. Volume 20 #1. January. p. 3-18.

BookU.N. Committee on the Elimination of Discriminatio (2007)
Concluding Comments of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women: Mauritania
New York: United Nations. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women. 9p.

Conference paperFortier, Corinne (2005)
How to Make a Body in Sunni Islam and in Mauritania
Paper presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), November 30-December 4 2005, Washington, D.C. Arlington, Virginia.

Dissertation / thesisFortier, Corinne (2005)
Corps, différence des sexes et infortune: transmission de l'identité et des savoirs en islam malékite et dans la société maure de Mauritanie
thèse de doctorat. Paris: EHESS. 2 v.p.

Periodical articleFrenkiel, Olenka (2005)
Forced to be Fat: The Real Danger to Women in Mauritania
Spectator (London). September 24. p. 16-17.

BookN'Gaïde, Abderrahmane (ed.) (2005)
La Mauritanie avant le pétrole
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. L'Ouest saharien, cahiers d'études pluridisciplinaires 5. 210p.

BookUnited Nations (2005)
Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties under Article 18 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: Initial Report of States Parties: Mauritania
New York: United Nations. August. 58p.

Conference paperFortier, Corinne (2004)
How to Make a Body in Islam and in the Moorish Society of Mauritania
Paper presented at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Atlanta, Georgia, December 15-19, 2004. Washington, DC.

BookMauritanie. Secrétariat d'État à la condition féminine. Groupe de suivi genre (2004)
Indicateurs de genre en Mauritanie: synthèse du rapport
Nouakchott: République islamique de Mauritanie, Secrétariat d'État à la condition féminine. 56p.

Periodical articleBoulay, Sébastien (2003)
Organisation des activités techniques féminines de fabrication de la tente dans la société maure (Mauritanie)
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 73 #2. p. 107-120.

BookCentre mauritanien d'analyse de politiques, Nouakchott (2003)
Diagnostic de la situation de la femme en Mauritanie
Nouakchott: Centre mauritanien d'analyse de politiques. 20p.

Periodical articleRonsmans, Carine; Etard, Jean-Francois; Walraven, Gijs E.; Hoj, L.; Dumont, A.; De Bernis, Luc; Kodio, Belco (2003)
Maternal Mortality and Access to Obstetric Services in West Africa
Tropical Medicine and International Health. Volume 8 #10. October. p. 940-948.

BookUnited Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) (2003)
Making Safe Motherhood a Reality in West Africa: Using Indicators to Programme for Results
New York: United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA). 31p.

Periodical articleWegemund, Regina (2003)
Frauen in Nordafrika: Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten
Internationales Afrikaforum. Volume 39 #4. p. 377-385.

BookDiawara, Aïcha Tamboura (ed.) (2002)
Gender, economic integration, governance and methods of contraceptifs = Genre, intégration économique, gouvernance et méthodes contraceptives
Abstract presentDakar: AAWORD/AFARD. AAWORD book series #2002-3. 230p.

BookJones, Ann (American) (2001)
Looking for Lovedu: Days and Nights in Africa
New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 268p.

Periodical articleOuld Cheikh, A.W. (2001)
Brotherhoods and gender relations in Mauritania
ISIM Newsletter. Volume 8. p. 26.

BookTauzin, Aline (2001)
Figures du féminin dans la société maure (Mauritanie ): désir nomade
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 212p.

Conference paperUpton, Rebecca L. (2001)
'When the Womb has Gone to the Head': Infertility, Mental Illness and the Gendered Construction of Suffering in Northern Botswana
Paper presented at the 100th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Asso. (AAA), November 28-December 2, 2001, Washington, D.C. Arlington, Virginia.

Book chapterAbdoul, Mohamadou (2000)
The Challenges of Scientific Research in Mauritania
In: Sall, Ebrima (ed.). Women in Academia. Gender and Academic Freedom in Africa. Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). The State of Academic Freedom in Africa Series.

Periodical articleChalumeau, M.; Salanave, B.; Bouvier-Colle, M.H.; De Bernis, Luc; Prual, A.; Breart, G. (2000)
Risk Factors with Perinatal Mortality in West Africa: A Population-based Study of 20326 Pregnancies
Acta Paediatrica. Volume 89 #9. September. p. 1115-1121.

Periodical articleCleaveland, Timothy (2000)
See this publicationReproducing Culture and Society: Women and the Politics of Gender, Age and Social Rank in Walata
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 34 #2. p. 189-217.

BookPoukouta, Propser (2000)
Effects of Fostering and Socioeconomic Variables on Fertility among the Herero of Ngamiland, Botswana
Dakar: Union for African Population Studies, Small Grants Programme. Summary Report #16. August. 20p.

BookSall, Ebrima (ed.) (2000)
Women in Academia. Gender and Academic Freedom in Africa
Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). The State of Academic Freedom in Africa Series. 154p.

BookHowell, Luesette S.; Sidi, Ould; Ali, Mohammed; El Hassan, Cheikh O.M.; Diallo, Alioune (1999)
Project INT/95/M03/NOR 'Promotion of Women in Private Sector Initiatives through Employers' Organizations': Mission Report: Evaluation Mission to Assess Actions and Impact, 16-19 May, 1999, Nouakchott, Mauritania
Geneva: International Labour Organization (ILO). 20p.

BookRuf, Urs P. (1999)
Ending Slavery: Hierarchy, Dependency and Gender in Central Mauritania
Bielefeld/Somerset New Jersey: Verlag/Transaction Publishers. 434p.

BookSteele, Audrey (British) (1998)
Only Half Way: The Diary of an African Journey
Berkshire, Great Britain: Astel Publishing. 309p.

DVD / videoZamperoni, Ingo A. (1998)
They Carry Their Families: A Village in Mauritania
New York: Filmakers Library, Inc. VHS Videocassette. 1/2 Inch. Color. 13 Minutes.

Book chapterAmin, Saad Z.; Moujtaba, Mohamed L.S. (1997)
Determinants of Child Morbidity in Mauritania, 1990
In: Cairo Demographic Centre (CDC). CDC 26th Annual Seminar on Population Issues in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, 1996. Cairo: CDC. Research Monograph Series #26. p. 299-332.

Book chapterIsselmou, Ahmed O. (1997)
Fertility Differentials in West African Countries: A Comparative Study
In: Cairo Demographic Centre (CDC). CDC 26th Annual Seminar on Population Issues in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, 1996. Cairo: CDC. Research Monograph Series #26. p. 276-295.

BookJackson, Hazel (British) (1997)
Into Africa
London: Minerva. 281p.

Book chapterMalainine, Mohamed L. (1997)
Determinants of Maternal Care in Mauritania, 1990
In: Cairo Demographic Centre (CDC). CDC 26th Annual Seminar on Population Issues in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, 1996. Cairo: CDC. Research Monograph Series #26. p. 333.

Periodical articlePower, Camilla; Watts, Ian (1997)
See this publicationThe Woman with the Zebra's Penis: Gender, Mutability and Performance
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. Volume 3 #3. p. 537-560.

BookResnick, Laura (1997)
A Blonde in Africa
Alexander, North Carolina: Alexander Books. 351p.

BookLeague of Arab States; United Nations Population Fund (1996)
Evaluation of the Data Quality of Mauritanian Maternal and Child Health Survey
Tunis: League of Arab States and the United Nations Population Fund. 87p.

Book chapterSimard, Gisele (1996)
The Case of Mauritania: Women's Productive Activities in Urban Areas - A Process of Empowerment
In: Ghorayshi, Parvin and Belanger, Claire (eds.). Women, Work, and Gender Relations in Developing Countries: A Global Perspective. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. p. 151-166.

BookSimard, Gisèle (1996)
Petites commerçantes de Mauritanie: voiles, perles et henné
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. 240p.

Book chapterAbdel-Atty, Soliman; Issemou, Ahmen O. (1995)
The Proximate Determinants of Fertility in Mauritania
In: Cairo Demographic Centre (CDC). CDC 24th Annual Seminar on Population Issues and the Challenges of the 21st Century in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, 1994. Cairo: CDC. Research Monograph Series #24. p. 457-485.

BookRameshwar Rao, Shanta (1995)
Stories of Women
Stockport, Great Britain: Dewi Lewis Publishing.

BookRao, Shanta; Favrod, Charles-Henri; Nassib, Selim (1995)
Queens of Saba
Heidelberg, Germany: Edition Braus. 130p.

BookCampbell, Ffyona (British)(1967- ) (1994)
On Foot through Africa
London: Orion Books Ltd. 349p.

Book chapterJournet, Odile; Julliard, André (1994)
Le van des grands-mères
Abstract presentIn: Vieillir en Afrique. p. 191-210.

Periodical articleLarsen, Ulla A. (1994)
Sterility in Sub-Saharan Africa
Population Studies. Volume 48 #3. p. 459-474.

Conference paperTauzin, Aline (1994)
Femininity in Mauritania: Between Glorification and Constraint
Paper presented at the 37th Annual Conference of the African Studies Association (ASA), November 3-6, 1994, Toronto, Canada. Atlanta, Georgia: Emory University.

Conference paperTaylor, Raymond (1994)
Family, Faction and Tribe: Gender and the Language of Political Solidarity in the Southwest Sahara, 1860-1880
Paper presented at the 37th Annual Conference of the African Studies Association (ASA), November 3-6, 1994, Toronto, Canada. Atlanta, Georgia: Emory University.

DVD / videoUnited Nations Development Program (1994)
Developing Countries and Desert Life, Lesotho, Mauritania
Geneva: United Nations Development Program and Marcom Projects. VHS Videocassette. 1/2 Inch. Color. 31 Minutes.

BookUnited Nations. Economic Commission for Africa; African Training and Research Centre for Women (1994)
Report on Subregional Workshop on the Preparation of National Reports for the Regional and World Conference on Women: 28 February-2 March, 1994, Lusaka, Zambia
Addis Ababa: United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa, African Training and Research Centre for Women. May. 54p.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1993)
Women and Mauritania
UNESCO Courier. #137. January. p. 38.

BookLeague of Arab States (1993)
Mauritanian Maternal Child and Health Survey: Principal Report
Cairo: League of Arab States.

BookOne World Action (1993)
Today's Refugees, Tomorrow's Leaders: Report of the Saharawi Women Refugees Conference, 28th October, 1993
London: One World Action. 40p.

Book chapterVoisset, Georges M. (1993)
Tebra' of Moorish Women from Mauritania: The Limits (or Essence) of the Poetic Act
In: Kesteloot, Lilyan (ed.). Oral Literature. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.

Periodical articleVoisset, Georges M. (1993)
See this publicationThe Tebra' of Moorish women from Mauritania: the limits (or essence) of the poetic act
Abstract presentResearch in African Literatures. Volume 24 #2. p. 79-88.

BookWorld Bank (1993)
Mauritania: Gender Issues
Washington, D.C.: World Bank, Africa Technical Department, Gender Team. 11p.

Periodical articleLarsson, Anita E. (1992)
Women's Changing Voices in Housing: The Case of Botswana
Journal of Architectural and Planning Research. Volume 9 #2. Summer. p. 129.

Book chapterMelchett, Sonia (1992)
Christina Dodwell
In: Melchett, Sonia. Passionate Quests: Five Modern Women Travellers. London/Boston: Faber and Faber. p. 89-133.

Periodical articleBaynham, Simon (1991)
The War in Western Sahara
Africa Insight. Volume 21 #1. p. 48-56.

BookMelchett, Sonia (1991)
Passionate Quests: Five Modern Women Travellers. (Christina Dodwell, Dervla Murphy)
London: Heinemann. 210p.

BookBergen, Marjo van (1990)
'Die tuin, ik kan er niet eens meer naar kijken.....': een onderzoek naar de veranderende arbeidsbelasting, inkomenspositie en organisatie van Wolof-vrouwen in een Nederlands-Mauretaans irrigatieprojekt
Abstract presentUtrecht: Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, Vakgroep Culturele Antropologie. 145p.

Conference paperNagi, Mostafa H. (1990)
Rural-Urban Differentials in Fertility and Related Behavior in Eight Arab Countries
Paper presented at the 59th Annual Conference of the Population Association of America (PAA), May 3-5, 1990, Toronto, Canada. Alexandria, Virginia.

Conference paperWashington, Lisa K. (1990)
Ethnicity Class and Gender: Issues and Policy Considerations of the Senegal-Mauritania Crisis
Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Conference of the African Studies Association (ASA), November 1-4, 1990, Baltimore, Maryland. Atlanta. Emory University.

BookDodwell, Christina (British)(1951-) (1989)
Travels with Pegasus: A Microlight Journey Across West Africa
London: Hodder and Stoughton. 208p.

BookScott, Christopher; Amenuvegbe, Ben (1989)
Sample Designs for the Living Standards Surveys in Ghana and Mauritania
Washington, D.C.: World Bank. Living Standards Management Study (LSMS). LSMS Working Paper #49.

Periodical articleTauzin, A. (1989)
À haute voix: poésie féminine contemporaine en Mauritanie
Abstract presentRevue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. #54. p. 178-187.

Book chapterTinling, Marion (1989)
Christina Dodwell, 1951--
In: Women Into the Unknown: A Sourcebook on Women Explorers and Travelers. p. 113-118.

BookUnited Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) (1989)
A Comparative Study of Infant and Childhood Mortality and its Relationship with Fertility Cultural Factors and Socio-Economic Development in Selected African Countries
Addis Ababa: ECA. Population Division. August 23. 57p.

BookAsher, Michael; Peru, Mariantonietta (Italian) (1988)
Two against the Sahara: On Camelback from Nouakchoti to the Nile
New York: William Morrow. 301p.

Conference paperHenderson, Helen K. (1988)
Doing Applied Research with Women Farmers in the Sahel
Paper presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA). Washington, DC.

Periodical articleKamau, R.K.; Rogo, Khama O. (1988)
Chronic Ectopic Pregnancy with Perforation Vaginal Fornix: Case Report
East African Medical Journal. Volume 65 #1. January. p. 57-59.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1987)
Employment Opportunities for Women in Co-Operatives in Selected Countries:...Botswana, Egypt, the Gambia, ...Mauritania, Senegal
Women at Work. #1.

Periodical articleBonte, P. (1987)
Giving Women or Taking Men? The Swlad Qaylan a Tribe of the Mauritanian Adar
L'Homme. Volume 27 #2. p. 54-79.

BookTimaeus, Ian M. (1987)
Adult Mortality in Mauritania. Appendix to Evaluation de l'Enquete Nationale Mauritanianne Sur la Fecondite
Voorburg, Netherlands: International Statistical Institute. WFS (World Fertility Survey) Scientific Report #83.

BookUnited Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) (1987)
Infant and Childhood Mortality and Socio-Economic Factors in Africa
Addis Ababa: ECA. 273p.

Book chapterLemine, Brahim V.M. (1986)
Size Structure and Dynamics of the Labour Force in Mauritania, 1977
In: Cairo Demographic Centre (CDC). Studies in African and Asian Demography: CDC Annual Seminar, 1985. Cairo: CDC. CDC Research Monograph Series #15. p. 333-356.

Periodical articleChastanet, Monique (1984)
Cultures et outils agricoles en pays Soninke (Gajaaga et Gidimaxa)
Abstract presentCahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 20 #3-4. p. 453-459.

BookSmale, M. (1980)
Women in Mauritania: the effects of drought and migration on their economis status and implications for development programs
Abstract presentOffice of Women in Development. Agency for International Development. 163p.

BookAbeille, Barbara (1979)
A study of female life in Mauritania
Abstract presentNouakchott: USAID, Research and Development. 53p.

Periodical articleFall, Mohamed (1974)
Caractéristiques essentielles de la condition de la femme mauritanienne au point de vue juridique, politique et social
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 28 #4. p. 743-748.

Periodical articleDobert, Margarita (1970)
Women in French-Speaking West Africa: A Selected Guide to Civic and Political Participation in Guinea, Dahomey and Mauritania
Current Bibliography on African Affairs. Volume 3 #9. September. p. 5-21.

Search: ge=Mauritania
Found: 99 Record 1-99

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