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Periodical articlePaciello, Maria Cristina (2023)
See this publicationDo Working-Class Women in the Arab Region Benefit from Trade Liberalisation? Looking at the Export-Oriented Garment Industry in Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia
Studi Magrebini. Volume 21 #1. p. 70-108.

Periodical articlePérez Beltrán, Carmen (2022)
See this publicationMujeres y familia en Marruecos:: la 'shari'a' como referente cultural y como debate político
Awraq: Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo. Volume 20. p. 153-160.

Periodical articleBernard-Maugiron, Nathalie (2021)
See this publicationL'autonomisation économique des femmes dans la région Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord. L'impact des cadres juridiques algérien, égyptien, jordanien, libyen, marocain et tunisien
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 242. p. 447-452.

Periodical articleBerriane, Yasmine (2021)
See this publication'La part des femmes'. La judiciarisation de l'accès des femmes aux terres collectives au Maroc
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 242. p. 417-438.

Periodical articleBerriane, Yasmine (2021)
Archiver par les marges: récits de vie d'actrices associatives dans la banlieue populaire de Casablanca
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 56 #1. p. 77-103.

Periodical articleBoloix-Gallardo, Bárbara (2021)
See this publicationLa onomástica femenina de la dinastía meriní de Fez (siglos XIII-XV). Identificación y estudio
Al-Qantara. Volume 42 #2.

Periodical articleCigar, Norman (2021)
See this publicationFemale Education in Pre-Protectorate Morocco: Obstacles, Opportunities and Implications
Maghreb Review. Volume 46 #4. p. 463-511.

Periodical articleHivert, Joseph (2021)
'Un bonheur paradoxal: les femmes de prisonniers politiques face à la violence au Maroc (1970-1990)
20 & 21: Revue d'histoire. Volume 151. p. 79-94.

Periodical articleMous, Fadma Aït (2021)
La place des femmes dans des textes nationalistes de la période coloniale: une 'présence manquante'
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 56 #1. p. 171-188.

Periodical articleRhani, Zakaria (2021)
L'inarchivable violence: témoignages des femmes victimes des 'Années de plomb'
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 56 #1. p. 105-132.

Periodical articleShinoda, Tomoaki (2021)
See this publicationThe Campaign against Conjugal Bid'a in Northern Morocco during the Sixteenth Century
Al-Qantara. Volume 42 #1.

Periodical articleCarvalheira, Raquel (2020)
See this publicationA Lei da Família em Marrocos: reflexões em torno de uma associação de ajuda a mulheres em situação difícil
Análise Social. Volume 55 #234. p. 100-117.

Periodical articleDavis, Susan Schaefer (2020)
See this publicationTaboo Topics? Women, Adolescents and Artisans
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 55 #3. p. 411-429.

Periodical articleDeubel, Tara F. (2020)
See this publicationGift-Giving as Social Capital: Changing Customs of Sahrawi Women's Gift Exchange in Laayoune
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 55 #3. p. 305-321.

Periodical articleEl Asri, Farid (2020)
See this publicationLe face-à-face des femmes maghrébines avec les violences de l'extrémisme religieux
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 55 #3. p. 103-129.

Periodical articleRamírez, Ángeles (2020)
See this publicationFemmes sans frontières: service domestique transfrontalier à Sebta
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 55 #3. p. 217-236.

Periodical articleEl Azhar, Samir (2019)
See this publicationThe Changing Roles of Female Visual Artists in Morocco
Journal of Global Initiatives: Policy, Pedagogy, Perspective. Volume 14 #2.

Periodical articleErguig, Reddad (2019)
See this publicationThe Vernacular Literacy Practices of a Newly Literate Moroccan Woman: An Ethnographic Perspective
Journal of Global Initiatives: Policy, Pedagogy, Perspective. Volume 14 #2.

Periodical articleGarratón Mateu, Carmen (2019)
See this publicationEl proyecto hshouma, el arte como motor de cambio social
Al-Andalus Magreb: Estudios árabes e islámicos. Volume 26. p. 1-24.

Periodical articleSimour, Lhoussain (2019)
See this publicationGendered Eyewitness in Narration: Imagining Morocco in British Women Travel-inspired Narratives in Late Nineteenth Century
Anglo Saxonica. Volume 17 #1.

BookBadri, Balghis; Tripp, Aili Mari (eds.) (2017)
Women's activism in Africa: struggles for rights and representation
Abstract presentLondon: Zed Books. 250p.

Periodical articleMol, Christof Van (2017)
Moroccan women in Madrid: between change and continuity
Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power. Volume 24 #1. p. 100-118.

Periodical articleStrava, Cristiana (2017)
See this publicationAt Home on the Margins: Care Giving and the 'Un-homely' among Casablanca's Working Poor
City & Society. Volume 29 #2. p. 329-348.

Periodical articleAgliz, Rachid (2016)
See this publicationFernea in Morocco: the women's exotic world
Abstract presentThe Journal of North African Studies. Volume 21 #3. p. 453-469.

Periodical articleAhmed, Sumayya (2016)
See this publicationLearned women: three generations of female Islamic scholarship in Morocco
Abstract presentThe Journal of North African Studies. Volume 21 #3. p. 470-484.

Periodical issueBouilly, Emmanuelle; Rillon, Ophélie; Cross, Hannah (eds.) (2016)
See this publicationAfrican women's struggles in a gender perspective
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 43 #149. p. 338-469.

BookRachik, Hassan (ed.) (2016)
Contester le droit: communautés, familles et héritage au Maroc
Rabat: Éditions la Croisée des Chemins. 330p.

Periodical issueVan de Peer, Stefanie (ed.) (2016)
See this publicationSpecial issue: the North in African cinemas
Abstract presentJournal of African Cinemas. Volume 8 #1. p. 3-128.

Periodical articleBerriane, Yasmine (2015)
See this publicationThe micropolitics of reform: gender quota, grassroots associations and the renewal of local elites in Morocco
Abstract presentThe Journal of North African Studies. Volume 20 #3. p. 432-449.

BookBougdal, Lahsen (2015)
La peinture des femmes marocaines: entretiens
Paris: L'Harmattan. 203p.

BookDupret, B. (ed.) (2015)
Le Maroc au présent: d'une époque à l'autre, une société en mutation
Abstract presentCasablanca: Fondation du Roi Abdul-Aziz Al Saoud pour les études islamiques et les sciences humaines. Dialogue des deux rives. 1017p.

BookEl Ghazouani, Abdellah (2015)
Les femmes dans l'espace public: le harcèlement sexuel
Casablanca: Afrique Orient. 181p.

Periodical articleSadiqi, Fatima (2014-2015)
See this publicationThe Big Absent in the Moroccan Feminist Movement: The Berber Dimension
Studi Magrebini Nuova Serie. Volume 14-15 #2. p. 279-308.

Conference paperAmri, Laroussi; Ramtohul, Ramola (eds.) (2014)
See this publicationGender and citizenship in the global age = Genre et citoyenneté à l'ère de la mondialisation
Abstract presentDakar: CODESRIA. 348p.

BookAssociation Solidarité Féminine (2014)
À hautes voix
Casablanca: Éditions Le Fennec. 139p.

BookBenkirane, Souad (2014)
Les quatre saisons du citronnier: roman
Paris: Karthala. 357p.

Periodical articleBoutouba, Jimia (2014)
See this publicationThe Moudawana syndrome: gender trouble in contemporary Morocco
Abstract presentResearch in African literatures. Volume 45 #1. p. 24-38.

BookHarchi, Kaoutar (2014)
À l'origine notre père obscur: roman
Arlès: Actes sud. 163p.

BookLabari, Brahim; Anbi, Abdderrahim (2014)
Le rural au prisme des changements sociaux: regards sociologiques
Abstract presentAgadir: Faculté des Lettres des Sciences Humaines, Université Ibn Zohr. 165p.

BookLebbar, Hakima (ed.) (2014)
Femmes et religions: points de vue de femmes du Maroc
Rabat: Éditions la Croisée des Chemins. 298p.

Periodical articleMenin, Laura (2014)
See this publicationRewriting the World: Gendered Violence, the Political Imagination and Memoirs from the 'Years of Lead' in Morocco
International Journal of Conflict and Violence. Volume 8 #1. p. 45-60.

BookSadiqi, Fatima (2014)
Moroccan feminist discourses
New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Comparative feminist studies. 238p.

BookSari, Camillea; Mebtoul, Abderrahmane (eds.) (2014)
L'intégration économique maghrébine: un destin obligé?
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. 471p.

BookTazi, Salwa (2014)
Journal d'une mère en deuil: l'apollon de lumière
Casablanca: Éditions Le Fennec. Récit de vie. 340p.

BookTazi, Touria (2014)
Une femme audacieuse: récit d'une vie
Casablanca: Éditions Le Fennec. 103p.

BookBerriane, Yasmine (2013)
See this publicationFemmes, associations et politique à Casablanca
Rabat: Centre Jacques-Berque. Description du Maghreb. 452p.

BookBouasria, Leïla (2013)
Les ouvrières marocaines en mouvement: Qui paye? Qui fait le ménage? Et qui décide?
Paris: L'Harmattan. Mondes en mouvement. 327p.

Periodical articleBourget, Carine (2013)
See this publicationComplicity with Orientalism in Third-World women's writing: Fatima Mernissi's fictive memoirs
Abstract presentResearch in African Literatures. Volume 44 #3. p. 30-49.

BookCharpentier, Isabelle; Detrez, Christine; Kréfa, Abir (eds.) (2013)
Socialisations, identités et résistances des romancières du Maghreb: avoir voix au chapitre
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Collection Logiques sociales, Série littérature et société. 266p.

BookCharpentier, Isabelle (2013)
Le rouge aux joues: virginité, interdits sexuels et rapports de genre au Maghreb: une étude d'oeuvres et de témoignages d'écrivaines (franco)-algériennes et (franco)-marocaines d'expression française
Saint-Étienne: Publications de l'Université de Saint-Étienne. Collection 'Long-courriers'. 333p.

BookEl Ayadi, Mohammed; Rachik, Hassan; Tozy, Mohamed (2013)
L'Islam au quotidien: enquête sur les valeurs et les pratiques religieuses au Maroc
Casablanca: Éditions La Croisée des Chemins. 347p.

BookGlacier, Osire (2013)
Femmes politiques au Maroc d'hier à aujourd'hui: la résistance et le pouvoir au féminin
Casablanca: Tarik Editions. 180p.

Conference paperJamiat Abd al-Malik al-Sadi. Kulliyat al-Adab bi-Titwan (2013)
Beyond colonial/postcolonial interventions: revisiting the debate of Morocco in English writings and Moroccan writings in English: an international conference in homage to Dean Dr. Mohamed Laamiri, Faculty of Letters and Humanities in Martil, May 12-13, 2011
Abstract presentTétouan: Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Abdelamalek Essaadi University.

DVD / videoKilani, Leïla; Issami, Soufia (eds.) (2013)
See this publicationSur la planche
Abstract presentParis: Epicentre Films.

DVD / videoMoknèche, Nadir; Azabal, Lubna (eds.) (2013)
See this publicationGoodbye Morocco
Abstract presentFrance Televisions Distributions.

Periodical articleRinker, Cortney Hughes (2013)
See this publicationResponsible Mothers, Anxious Women: Contraception and Neoliberalism in Morocco
Arab Studies Journal. Volume 21 #1. p. 101-125.

BookZaganiaris, Jean (2013)
Queer Maroc: sexualités, genres et (trans)identités dans la littérature marocaine: essai
Paris: Des ailes sur un tracteur. 372p.

Periodical articleCarey, Matthew (2012)
La folie mise en marge: genre et aliénation chez les Berbères ichelhiyn du Maroc
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 51 #205. p. 217-236.

BookGlacier, Osire (2012)
Political women in Morocco: then and now
Trenton: Red Sea Press. 166p.

BookAssociation marocaine pour les droits des femmes (AMDF), Casablanca (2011)
Politiques publiques au Maroc: face aux violences faites aux femmes
Casablanca: Editions Le Fennec. Enquête. 108p.

BookCairoli, M. Laetitia (2011)
Girls of the factory: a year with the garment workers of Morocco
Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida. 264p.

BookHarchi, Kaoutar (2011)
L'ampleur du saccage: roman
Arles: Actes Sud. 118p.

BookNaamane-Guessous, Soumaya (2011)
Grossesses de la honte: étude sur les filles-mères et leurs enfants au Maroc
Casablanca: Afrique orient. 286p.

BookNafaa, Rachida (2011)
Femmes rurales et écosystème montagnard
Mohammedia: Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Université Hassan II. Cahiers de la recherche scientifique. 113p.

Periodical articleNaima, Aba (2011)
La femme journaliste entre droits et contrainte
Abstract presentAfrica Media Review. Volume 19 #1-2. p. 73-100.

Conference paperRhissassi, Fouzia; Abou El Farah, Yahia; Berjaoui, Khalid (eds.) (2011)
Femmes, religions et paix
Abstract presentRabat: Institut des Études Africaines, Université Mohammed V-Souissi. Publications de l'Institut des Études Africaines, Série: Colloques #14.

BookTessler, Mark (2011)
Public opinion in the Middle East: survey research and the political orientations of ordinary citizens
Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Indiana series in Middle East studies. 372p.

Periodical articleBoittin, Jennifer Anne (2010)
Feminist Mediations of the Exotic: French Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia, 1921-39
Gender and History. Volume 22 #1. p. 131-150.

BookLachheb, Monia (ed.) (2010)
See this publicationGenre et sport en Afrique: entre pratiques et politiques publiques
Abstract presentDakar: CODESRIA. 95p.

DVD / videoMouftakir, Mohamed; Ladib, Saadia (eds.) (2010)
See this publicationPégase = Pegasus
Abstract presentMarrakech: 2M (Soread).

Periodical articleOrlando, Valérie K. (2010)
See this publicationFeminine spaces and places in the dark recesses of Morocco's past: the prison testimonials in poetry and prose of Saïda Menebhi and Fatna El Bouih
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 15 #3. p. 273-288.

Conference paperRollinde, Marguerite (ed.) (2010)
Genre et changement social en Afrique
Paris: Archives contemporaines. Manuels. 122p.

Periodical articleRude-Antoine, Edwige (2010)
Le mariage et le divorce dans le Code marocain de la famille: le nouveau droit à l'égalité entre l'homme et la femme
Droit et cultures. #59. p. 43-57.

BookTazi, Rachida (2010)
Saâdia Tazia, ma mère
Casablanca: Éditions Le Fennec. 218p.

BookAfrican Centre for Gender and Development (2009)
See this publicationCompendium of emerging good practices in gender mainstreaming
Addis Ababa: Economic Commission for Africa.

Periodical articleCheikh, Mériam (2009)
Échanges sexuels monétarisés, femmes et féminités au Maroc: une autonomie ambivalente
Autrepart. #49. p. 173-188.

Periodical articleHamil, Mustapha (2009)
See this publicationItineraries of revival and ambivalence in postcolonial North Africa cinema: from Benlyazid's 'Door to the sky' to Moknèche's 'Viva Laldgérie'
African Studies Review. Volume 52 #3. p. 73-87.

Conference paperKolk, Mieke (ed.) (2009)
Performing gender in Arabic/African theatre
Abstract presentAmsterdam: Institute for Theatre Studies. 237p.

Periodical articleNadifi, Rajaa (2009)
La littérature féminine au Maroc
Expressions maghrébines. Volume 8 #1. p. 1-118.

Periodical articleNordman, Christophe J.; Wolff, François-Charles (2009)
See this publicationIs there a glass ceiling in Morocco? Evidence from matched workerfirm data
Journal of African Economies. Volume 18 #4. p. 592-633.

Periodical articleSimenel, Romain (2009)
L'argan: l'huile qui cache la forêt domestique: de la valorisation du produit à la naturalisation de l'écosystème
Autrepart. #50. p. 51-73.

BookAbid-Ismaïl, Jamila (2008)
Calvaire conjugal: justice machiste et impunité
Casablanca: Wallada. 283p.

Periodical articleBowen, Donna Lee; Green, Alexia; James, Christiaan (2008)
See this publicationGlobalisation, mobile phones and forbidden romance in Morocco
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 13 #2. p. 227-241.

Periodical articleBukari, Safoura (2008)
Leila Abouzeid: pioneer Moroccan woman writer in Arabic 1950-
JALA: the Journal of the African Literature Association. Volume 2 #2. p. 224-251.

BookDamgaard, Frédéric (2008)
Tapis et tissages: l'art des femmes berbères du Maroc
Casablanca: Croisée des Chemins. 317p.

Periodical articleDotson-Renta, Lara N. (2008)
See this publicationL'inspecteur Ali: the spoken woman in the writing of Driss Chraïbi
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 13 #2. p. 175-185.

BookEl Bouih, Fatna (2008)
Talk of darkness
Austin, TX: Center for Middle Eastern studies, University of Texas. Modern Middle East literatures in translation series. 100p.

Periodical articleMarrakchi, Nora Larhouasli (2008)
See this publicationA case study of women's education within the Moroccan development model
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 13 #1. p. 55-73.

BookMouaqit, Mohammed (2008)
L'idéal égalitaire féminin à l'oeuvre au Maroc: féminisme, islam(isme), sécularisme
Paris: L'Harmattan. Histoire et perspectives méditerranéennes. 244p.

BookUchendu, Egodi (ed.) (2008)
Masculinities in contemporary Africa = La masculinité en Afrique contemporaine
Abstract presentDakar: Codesria. Gender series #7. 266p.

Periodical articleAllali, F.; Maaroufi, H.; El Aichaoui, S.; Khazani, H.; Saoud, B. (2007)
Influence of Parity on Bone Mineral Density and Peripheral Fracture Risk in Moroccan Postmenopausal Women
Maturitas. Volume 57 #4. August 20. p. 392-398.

BookAlpert, Rachel (2007)
Women in Morocco: Participation in the Workforce as an Avenue of Social Mobility
Ramat Aviv, Israel: Tel Aviv University, The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies. 112p.

Periodical articleArcher, Brad (2007)
See this publicationFamily Law Reform and the Feminist Debate: Actually-Existing Islamic Feminism in the Maghreb and Malaysia
Journal of International Women's Studies. Volume 8 #4. May. p. 49-59.

Conference paperBatnitzky, Adina K. (2007)
Carrying the Weight of Disease: Female Obesity in Morocco
Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), November 17-20, 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Tucson.

Periodical articleBenfoughal, Tatiana (2007)
Production et commercialisation des vanneries dans les oasis du Sahara
Journal des africanistes. Volume 77 #1. p. 112-140.

BookBoudraa, Nabil; Krause, Joseph (eds.) (2007)
North African mosaic: a cultural reappraisal of ethnic and religious minorities
Abstract presentNewcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 430p.

Book chapterCairoli, M. Laetitia (2007)
Girl But Not Woman: Garment Factory Workers in Fez, Morocco
In: Moghadam, Valentine M. (ed.). From Patriarchy to Empowerment: Women's Participation, Movements, and Rights in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press.

Periodical articleChetrit, Joseph (2007)
Women, Gender and Language in Morocco
International Sociology. Volume 22 #2. p. 185-189.

Conference paperClark, Janine; Young, Amy E. (2007)
Islamists and Shifts in Family Law in Morocco and Jordan
Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), November 17-20, 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Tucson.

Periodical articleDris-Ait-Hamadouche, Louisa (2007)
See this publicationThe Maghreb: Social, Political, and Economic Developments
Perspectives on Global Development and Technology. Volume 6 #1-3. p. 261-290.

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