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Found: 366 | Record 1-100 |
Nsanzimana, Bernard; Nkundibiza, Aline Providence; Mwambarangwe, Patricie (2020) | |
Promoting gender equality in the Rwandan ASM: efforts and obstacles | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 54 #1. p. 119-138. |
Watkins, Sarah E.; Jessee, Erin (2020) | |
Legacies of Kanjogera: women political elites and the transgression of gender norms in Rwanda | |
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 14 #1. p. 84-102. |
Svobodová, Karolina (2019) | |
Impact of gender policy on post-conflict reconstruction and security in Rwanda | |
African Security Review. Volume 28 #2. p. 124-138. |
Cho, Sunmee; Kim, Taeyoon (2017) | |
Determinants of poverty status in Rwanda | |
African Development Review. Volume 29 #2. p. 337-349. |
Hunt, Swanee (2017) | |
Rwandan women rising | |
Durham: Duke University Press. |
Mwambari, David (2017) | |
Women-Led Non-Governmental Organizations and Peacebuilding in Rwanda | |
African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review. Volume 7 #1. p. 66-79. |
Watkins, Sarah E. (2017) | |
'Tomorrow She Will Reign': Intimate Power and the Making of a Queen Mother in Rwanda, c.1800-1863 | |
Gender and History. Volume 29 #1. p. 129-140. |
Azungi Dralega, Carol (ed.) (2016) | |
Media, capacity building and gender parity: why we shouldn't look away | |
Journal of African Media Studies. Volume 8 #3. p. 247-427. |
Bauer, Gretchen; Dawuni, Josephine (eds.) (2016) | |
Gender and the judiciary in Africa: from obscurity to parity? | |
New York; London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Routledge Research in Gender and Politics #5. 198p. |
Jourdain, Olivier (ed.) (2016) | |
L'Eau sacrée = Sacred water | |
Liége: Nameless Productions. |
Mukasonga, Scholastique (2016) | |
Coeur tambour: roman | |
Paris: Gallimard. 175p. |
Nzayisenga, Marie Jeanne; Orjuela, Camilla; Schierenbeck, Isabell (2016) | |
Food (in)security, human (in)security, women's (in)security: state policies and local experiences in rural Rwanda | |
African security. Volume 9 #4. p. 278-298. |
Uwizeyimana, Emeline (2016) | |
Le micro-crédit à l'épreuve des inégalités de genre: la persistance de la pauvreté au Rwanda post-génocide | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série sociologie. 301p. |
Bayisenge, Jeannette; Höjer, Staffan; Espling, Margareta (2015) | |
Women's land rights in the context of the land tenure reform in Rwanda - the experiences of policy implementers | |
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 9 #1. p. 74-90. |
Dawuni, Josephine; Kang, Alice (2015) | |
Her ladyship Chief Justice: the rise of female leaders in the judiciary in Africa | |
Africa Today. Volume 62 #2. p. 45-69. |
Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) (2015) | |
Energizing Africa: achievements and lessons from the Africa Renewable Energy and Access Program (AFREA) Phase I | |
Washington: World Bank Group. 52p. |
Kagaba, Mediatrice (2015) | |
Women's experiences of gender equality laws in rural Rwanda: the case of Kamonyi District | |
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 9 #4. p. 574-592. |
Baraduc, Violaine; Westphal, Alexandre (eds.) (2014) | |
A mots couverts = Shades of true | |
Lussas: DocNet Films. |
Cornet, Anne (2014) | |
Soigner et guérir au pays des mille collines: de l'activité sanitaire à la quête d'autonomie. Les Sœurs Blanches au Rwanda pendant l'entre-deux-guerres | |
Histoire, monde et cultures religieuses. #30. p. 33-49. |
Biasio, Dyana (2013) | |
Bambara au rythme du tambour | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Vivre et l'écrire. 166p. |
Kaitesi, U. (2013) | |
Genocidal gender and sexual violence. The legacy of the ICTR, Rwanda's ordinary courts and gacaca courts | |
Utrecht University. Ph.D. dissertation (2013-12-18). |
Prah, Mansah (ed.) (2013) | |
Insights into gender equity, equality and power relations in Sub-Saharan Africa | |
Kampala: Fountain Publishers. 380p. |
Vetten, Lisa; Ratele, Kopano (eds.) (2013) | |
Men and violence | |
Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity. #95. 166p. |
Chitando, Ezra; Chirongoma, Sophie (eds.) (2012) | |
Redemptive masculinities: men, HIV, and religion | |
Geneva: World Council of Churches Publications;. EHAIA series. 565p. |
Parmar, Shubhra (2012) | |
Women power, the Rwanda way | |
Africa Quarterly. Volume 52 #1. p. 28-41. |
Vis, Carolien (2012) | |
Educating women entrepreneurs in Kigali, Rwanda: expanding capabilities for enhancing entrepreneurship in a socially just context? | |
85p. |
Dusabejambo, M. Clémentine (ed.) (2011) | |
Lyiza | |
Almond Tree Films. |
Mafela, Lily; Musahara, Herman (eds.) (2011) | |
Setting of new social science research agendas for Africa in the 21st century | |
Addis Ababa: Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA). 205p. |
Musa, Roselynn; Idembe, Caroline Bunga (eds.) (2011) | |
Promoting women's economic empowerment through gender responsive trade agreements: experiences from Egypt, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Zambia | |
Nairobi: The African's Women's Development and Communication Network. 120p. |
Stevenson, Lois (2011) | |
Assessment of the environment for the development of women's entrepreneurship in Cameroon, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Senegal | |
Geneva: International Labour Office. Employment sector. Employment report ... #15. 186p. |
Bayisenge, Jeannette (2010) | |
Access to paid work and women's empowerment in Rwanda | |
Rwanda journal, Series B, Social sciences. Volume 19. p. 84-106. |
Bob, Urmilla (ed.) (2010) | |
Special issue on environment and conflict | |
African Journal on Conflict Resolution. Volume 10 #2. 152p. |
Daley, Elizabeth; Dore-Weeks, Rachel; Umuhoza, Claudine (2010) | |
Ahead of the game: land tenure reform in Rwanda and the process of securing women's land rights | |
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 4 #1. p. 131-152. |
MacAuslan, Patrick (2010) | |
Personal reflections on drafting laws to improve women's access to land: is there a magic wand? | |
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 4 #1. p. 114-130. |
Tiessen, Rebecca (ed.) (2010) | |
Special issue: gender, HIV/AIDS and human security in Africa = Numéro spécial: les sexes, le VIH/SIDA, et la sécurité humaine en Afrique | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 44 #3. p. 449-645. |
African Centre for Gender and Development (2009) | |
Compendium of emerging good practices in gender mainstreaming | |
Addis Ababa: Economic Commission for Africa. |
Moletsane, Relebohile; Mitchell, Claudia; Moorosi, Pontso (eds.) (2009) | |
Girlhood in Southern Africa | |
Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity. #79. 110p. |
Burnet, Jennie E. (2008) | |
Gender balance and the meanings of women in governance in post-genocide Rwanda | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 107 #428. p. 361-386. |
Hinga, Teresia M. (ed.) (2008) | |
Women, religion and HIV/AIDS in Africa: responding to ethical and theological challenges | |
Pietermaritzburg: Cluster Publications. 205p. |
Mama, Amina; Okazawa-Rey, Margo (eds.) (2008) | |
Militarism, conflict and women's activism | |
Feminist Africa. #10. 147p. |
Thabane, Tebello; Buthelezi, Michael (2008) | |
Bridging the gap between de jure and de facto parliamentary representation of women in Africa | |
The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 41 #2. p. 175-204. |
Adekunle, Julius (2007) | |
Gender Roles, Marriage, and Family | |
In: Adekunle, Julius. Culture and Customs of Rwanda. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. |
African Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) (2007) | |
Gender dimensions of PRSP processes and the relationship to the national budgets: the experiences of Egypt, Mali, Rwanda, Uganda and Zambia | |
Nairobi: FEMNET. 106p. |
Allen, S.; Stephenson, R.; Weiss, H.; Karita, E.; Priddy, F. (2007) | |
Pregnancy, Hormonal Contraceptive Use, and HIV-Related Death in Rwanda | |
Journal of Women's Health. Volume 16 #7. September. p. 1017-1027. |
Eboe-Osuji, Chile (2007) | |
Rape as Genocide: Some Questions Arising | |
Journal of Genocide Research. Volume 9 #2. June. p. 251-273. |
Leaning, Jennifer; Bartels, Susan (2007) | |
Sexual Violence during War and Forced Migration | |
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Humanitarian Initiative/United Nations Population Fund. March. 24p. |
Mrimi, Chantal B. (2007) | |
The Journey of My Life from Rwanda: The Amazing True Story of an African Woman's Life | |
Bloomington, Indiana: Milton Keynes: AuthorHouse. 180p. |
Nowrojee, Binaifer (2007) | |
'Your Justice is Too Slow': Will the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Fail Rwanda's Rape Victims? | |
In: Pankhurst, Donna (ed.). Gendered Peace: Women's Struggles for Post-War Justice and Reconciliation. New York: Routledge. |
Pavlish, Carol L.P. (2007) | |
Narrative Inquiry into Life Experiences of Refugee Women and Men | |
International Nursing Review. Volume 54 #1. March. p. 28-34. |
Pearson, Elizabeth W. (2007) | |
Gender, Power, and Policymaking: Developing Gender-Based Violence Legislation in Rwanda | |
M.Phil. Thesis: University of Oxford, Oxford, Great Britain. 112p. |
Powley, Elizabeth; Pearson, Elizabeth (2007) | |
'Gender is Society': Inclusive Lawmaking in Rwanda's Parliament | |
Critical Half: Bi-Annual Journal for Women International. Volume 5 #1-2. Winter. p. 15-19. |
Urdang, Stephanie (2007) | |
Rwandan Women: AIDS Therapy beyond Drugs | |
In: Cole, Forrest (ed.). U.S. National Debate Topic 2007-2008: Health Care in Sub-Saharan Africa. Bronx, New York: H.W. Wilson. The Reference Shelf, Volume 79 #3. |
Bilanda, Lesley (2006) | |
With What Remains: A Woman's Search for Truth in the Country That Murdered Her Husband | |
London: Hodder and Stoughton. |
Bilinda, Lesley (2006) | |
With What Remains: A Woman's Search for Truth in the Country That Murdered Her Husband | |
London: Hodder and Stoughton. |
Blackden, C. Mark; Wodon, Quentin (eds.) (2006) | |
Gender, Time Use, and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa | |
Washington, D.C.: World Bank. 152p. |
Blizzard, Sarah M. (2006) | |
Women's Roles in the 1994 Rwanda Genocide and the Empowerment of Women in the Aftermath | |
M.S. Thesis: Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia. |
Brown, Jennifer; Uvuza, Justine (2006) | |
Women's Land Rights in Rwanda: How Can They be Protected and Strengthened as the Land Law is Implemented? | |
Seattle, Washington: Rural Development Institute (RDI). RDI Reports on Foreign Aid and Development #123. September. 39p. |
Chemonics International; Women's Legal Rights Initiative; MetaMetrics (2006) | |
Women's Legal Rights Initiative Conference. The Role of Women's Legal Rights in the Family and in Rwandan Society | |
Kigali: Chemonics International. Women's Legal Rights Initiative. July. 32p. |
Eloundou-Enyegue, Parfait M.; Calvès, Anne-Emmanuèle (2006) | |
Till Marriage Do Us Part: Education and Remittances from Married Women in Africa | |
Comparative Education Review. Volume 50 #1. February. p. 1-20. |
Feliciati, Clara C. (2006) | |
Restorative Justice for the Girl Child in Post-Conflict Rwanda | |
Journal of International Women's Studies. Volume 7 #4. May. p. 14-35. |
Kayitesi-Blewitt, Mary (2006) | |
Funding Development in Rwanda: The Survivors' Perspective | |
Development in Practice. Volume 16 #3-4. June. p. 316-321. |
Logan, Sadye (2006) | |
Remembering the Women in Rwanda: When Humans Rely on the Old Concepts of War to Resolve Conflict | |
Affilia. Volume 21 #2. Summer. p. 234-239. |
Longman, T. (2006) | |
Rwanda: Achieving Equality or Serving an Authoritarian State? | |
In: Bauer, Gretchen and Britton, Hannah E. (eds.). Women in African Parliaments. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers. |
Mujawiyera, E. (2006) | |
The Rwandan Tutsi: A Tutsi Woman's Account of the Hidden Causes of the Rwandan Tragedy | |
London: Adonis and Abbey. 116p. |
Musemakweri, A.; Mambo Muvunyi, C.; Musango, L.; Urujeni, R.; Twagirumukiza, M.; Vyankandondera, J. (2006) | |
Coinfection VIH/SIDA et paludisme placentaire chez la femme enceinte au decours de l'accouchement: cas du centre hospitalier de Kigali, au Rwanda | |
Etudes rwandaises. Volume 11. mars. p. 42-56. |
O'Donnell, Beth; Sevcik, Kimberley (2006) | |
Angels in Africa: Profiles of Seven Extraordinary Women | |
New York: Vendome Press. 191p. |
Rombouts, Heidy (2006) | |
Women and Reparations in Rwanda: A Long Path to Travel | |
In: Rubio-Marin, Ruth (ed.). What Happened to the Women? Gender and Reparations for Human Rights Violations. New York: Social Science Research Council. |
Salbi, Zainab; Meiselas, Susan; Plachy, Sylvia; Singh, Lekha; Becklund, Laurie (2006) | |
The Other Side of War: Women's Stories of Survival and Hope | |
Washington, D.C.: National Geographic. 255p. |
Baines, Erin K. (2005) | |
Gender Research in Violently Divided Societies: Methods and Ethics of 'International' Researchers in Rwanda | |
In: Porter, Elisabeth J. (ed.). Researching Conflict in Africa: Insights and Experience. Tokyo/New York: United Nations University Press. |
Baines, Erin K. (2005) | |
Le Femmes aux mille Bras: Building Peace in Rwanda | |
In: Mazurana, Dyan E. and Raven-Roberts, Angela and Parpart, Jane L. (eds.). Gender, Conflict and Peacekeeping. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield. |
Broch-Due, Vigdis (ed.) (2005) | |
Violence and belonging: the quest for identity in post-colonial Africa | |
London: Routledge. 261p. |
Burnet, Jennie E. (2005) | |
Gender, Amplified Silence and the Politics of Memory in Post-Genocide Rwanda | |
Paper presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), November 30-December 4 2005, Washington, D.C. Arlington, Virginia. |
Cohen, M.H.; d Adesky, A.-C.; Anastos, K. (2005) | |
Women in Rwanda: Another World is Possible | |
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association. Volume 294 #5. p. 613-615. |
Cornet, Anne (2005) | |
'Portrait de groupe avec dames': la présence missionnaire féminine occidentale au Rwanda de 1920 à 1940 | |
Le Fait Missionnaire: Social Sciences and Missions. #16. July. p. 71-101. |
Drumbl, Mark A. (2005) | |
The ICTR (International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda) and Justice for Rwandan Women | |
New England Journal of of International and Comparative Law. Volume 12 #1. Fall. p. 105-117. |
El-Bushra, Judy; Sahl, Ibrahim M.G. (2005) | |
Cycles of Violence: Gender Relations and Armed Conflict | |
Nairobi: Agency for Co-Operation and Research in Development (Acord). 91p. |
Ezemenari, Kene; Wu, Rui (2005) | |
Earnings Differences between Men and Women in Rwanda | |
Washington, D.C.: World Bank. Africa Region Working Paper #81. January. 35p. |
Gashugi, P.; Louw, Q. (2005) | |
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Urinary Incontinence among Adult Rwandan Women | |
South African Journal of Physiotherapy. Volume 61 #4. p. 6-14. |
Geertruydem, J.P.; Ntakirutimana, D.; Erhart, A. (2005) | |
Malaria Infection among Pregnant Women Attending Atenatal Clinics in Six Rwandan Districts | |
Tropical Medicine and International Health. Volume 10 #7. July. p. 681-688. |
Grown, Caren; Gupta, Geeta R.; Kes, Aslihan (2005) | |
Taking Action: Achieving Gender Equality and Empowering Women | |
London/Sterling, Virginia: Earthscan. United Nations Development Program, Task Force on Education and Gender Equality, Millennium Project. 280p. |
Hobson, Matt (2005) | |
Forgotten Casualties of War: Girls in Armed Conflict | |
London: Save the Children Fund (SCF). 38p. |
Jiang, Y.; Karita, E.; Castor, D.; Jolly, P.E. (2005) | |
Characterization of CD8+ T Lymphocytes in Chronic HIV-1 Subtype A Infection in Rwandan Women | |
Cellular and Molecular Biology. Volume 51 Supplement. p. 737-743. |
Kimonyo, Augustin (2005) | |
National Gender Policy for Rwanda: A Case Study of Institutional Response to Policy Recommendations on Women in Science and Technology | |
M.Soc.SC. Thesis: University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. 127p. |
Modjarrad, K.; Zulu, I.; Karita, E.; Kancheya, N.; Funkhouser, E.; Allen, S. (2005) | |
Predictors of HIV Serostatus among HIV Discordant Couples in Lusaka, Zambia and Female Antenatal Clinic Attendants in Kigali, Rwanda | |
AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. Volume 21 #1. January. p. 5-12. |
Nowrojee, Binaifer (2005) | |
Your Justice is Too Slow: Will the ICTR Fail Rwanda's Rape Victims? | |
Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). Occasional Paper #10. November. 46p. |
Pavlish, Carol L.P. (2005) | |
Action Responses of Congolese Refugee Women | |
Journal of Nursing Scholarship. Volume 37 #1. p. 10-17. |
Pavlish, Carol L.P. (2005) | |
Refugee Women's Health: Collaborative Inquiry with Refugee Women in Rwanda | |
Health Care for Women International. Volume 26 #10. p. 880-896. |
Pearson, L.; Shoo, R. (2005) | |
Availability and Use of Emergency Obstetric Services: Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, and Uganda | |
International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Volume 88 #2. February. p. 208-215. |
Scholz, Birte; Gomez, Mayra (2005) | |
A Place to Live: Women's Inheritance Rights in Africa | |
Geneva: Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE). 34p. |
Srihari, S. (2005) | |
Traumatic Gynecologic Fistula as a Consequence of Sexual Violence in Conflict Settings: A Literature Review | |
New York: Engender-Health, Acquire Project. 30p. |
Vervust, Petra (2005) | |
At the crossroads of identity and power: contested discourses of ethnicity and gender in early colonial Rwanda | |
Afrika Zamani: revue annuelle d'histoire africaine = Annual Journal of African History. #13-14. p. 69-86. |
Verwimp, Philip; Bavel, Jan (2005) | |
Child Survival and Fertility of Refugees in Rwanda | |
European Journal of Population. Volume 21 #2-3. June. p. 271-290. |
African Rights (2004) | |
Women Taking a Lead: Progress towards Empowerment and Gender Equity in Rwanda | |
Kigali: African Rights. Discussion Paper #12. 49p. |
African Rights (2004) | |
Rwanda: Broken Bodies, Torn Spirits: Living with Genocide, Rape and HUV/AIDS | |
Kigali, Rwanda: African Rights. April. 101p. |
Amnesty International (2004) | |
Rwanda: 'Marked for Death', Rape Survivors Living with HIV/AIDS in Rwanda | |
London: Amnesty International. April. 38p. |
Ballington, Julie (ed.) (2004) | |
The Implementation of Quotas: African Experiences | |
Stockholm: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA). Quato Report Series #3. 67p. |
Boucar, Maina; Bucagu, Maurice; Djibrina, Sabou; Edson, Wendy; Burkhalter, Barton; Harvey, Steven A.; Antonakos, Cathy (2004) | |
Safe Motherhood Studies: Results from Rwanda: Competency of Skilled Birth Attendents, The Enabling Environment for Skilled Attendance at Delivery, In-Hospital Delays in Obstetric Care (Documenting the Third Delay) | |
Bethesda, Maryland: University Research Cp., LLC. May. 44p. |
Capstick, Fiona C. (2004) | |
Mary Hastings Bradley - Gorillas, Game and Glory | |
In: The Diana Files: The Huntress-Traveller Through History. p. 265-275. |
Capstick, Fiona Claire (2004) | |
The Diana Files: The Huntress-Traveller through History | |
Johannesburg, South Africa: Rowland Ward Publications. 363p. |
Eftekhari, Shiva (2004) | |
Rwanda, Struggling to Survive: Barriers to Justice for Rape Victims in Rwanda | |
New York: Human Rights Watch. September. 58p. |
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