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Periodical articleRefki, Dina (ed.) (2017)
See this publicationErosion and transformation in the ecology of gender: women's political representation and gender relations in the Ugandan parliament
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 55 #1. p. 55-78.

BookBouilly, Emmanuelle; Rillon, Ophélie (eds.) (2016)
Femmes africaines et mobilisations collectives (années 1940-1970)
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Le mouvement social. 202p.

Conference paperFicquet, Eloi; Omer, Ahmed Hassen; Osmond, Thomas (eds.) (2016)
Movements in Ethiopia = Ethiopia in movement
Abstract presentLos Angeles: Tsehai Publishers.

BookDupret, B. (ed.) (2015)
Le Maroc au présent: d'une époque à l'autre, une société en mutation
Abstract presentCasablanca: Fondation du Roi Abdul-Aziz Al Saoud pour les études islamiques et les sciences humaines. Dialogue des deux rives. 1017p.

BookKateb, Kamel (2015)
L'émergence des femmes au Maghreb: une révolution inachevée
Alger: APIC éditions. 321p.

BookNgouloure Njoya, Moïse (2015)
Les unions consensuelles chez les femmes africaines: entre coutumes matrimoniales et modernité: exemple du Cameroun
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série sociologie. 263p.

BookStockreiter, Elke (2015)
Islamic law, gender and social change in post-abolition Zanzibar
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 279p.

Periodical articleBurrell, Jenna (2014)
See this publicationModernity in material form? Mobile phones in the careers of Ghanaian market women
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 41 #142. p. 579-593.

BookChitiga-Mabugu, Margaret (2014)
See this publicationSouth African women as champions of change: a civil society programme of action for the African women's decade
Cape Town: Human Sciences Research Council.

BookDzorgbo, Dan-Bright S.; Tonah, Steve (eds.) (2014)
Sociology and development issues in Ghana: a reader in sociology
Abstract presentTema: For the University of Ghana by Woeli Publishing Services. University of Ghana readers, Social sciences series #9. 236p.

BookGeorge, Abosede A. (2014)
Making modern girls: a history of girlhood, labor, and social development in colonial Lagos
Athens: Ohio University Press. New African histories series. 301p.

BookGunne, Sorcha (2014)
Space, place, and gendered violence in South African writing
New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Comparative feminist studies. 235p.

BookHadibi, Mohand Akli (ed.) (2014)
Les jeunes filles en Kabylie dans les années 2000: ces absentes omniprésentes
Abstract presentOran: Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC). Les cahiers du CRASC #31.

BookLabari, Brahim; Anbi, Abdderrahim (2014)
Le rural au prisme des changements sociaux: regards sociologiques
Abstract presentAgadir: Faculté des Lettres des Sciences Humaines, Université Ibn Zohr. 165p.

Periodical articleDeclich, Francesca (2013)
See this publicationTransmission of Muslim practices and women's agency in Ibo Island and Pemba (Mozambique)
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 7 #4. p. 588-606.

Periodical articleMoolman, Benita (2013)
Rethinking 'masculinities in transition' in South Africa considering the 'intersectionality' of race, class, and sexuality with gender
African Identities. Volume 11 #1. p. 93-105.

BookMoutassem-Mimouni, Badra (ed.) (2013)
Famille, éducation et changement social
Abstract presentOran: Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC). Les cahiers du CRASC #27.

BookSylla, Ndongo Samba (ed.) (2013)
Rethinking development
Abstract presentDakar: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. 166p.

Periodical articleØstebø, Marit Tolo; Østebø, Terje (2013)
See this publicationAre religious leaders a magic bullet for social/societal change? A critical look at anti-FGM interventions in Ethiopia
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 60 #3. p. 83-101.

Periodical articleMacharia, Keguro (2012)
See this publication'How does a girl grow into a woman?': girlhood in Ngugi wa Thiong'o's 'The River Between'
Abstract presentResearch in African Literatures. Volume 43 #2. p. 1-17.

Conference paperMoletsane, Relebohile; Mitchell, Claudia; Smith, Ann (eds.) (2012)
See this publicationWas it something I wore? Dress, identity, materiality
Abstract presentCape Town: HSRC Press. 372p.

Periodical articleAdesina, Oluwakemi Abiodun (2011)
Modernity, women empowerment and social change in Ikaleland
African Notes: Bulletin of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan. Volume 35 #1-2. p. 12-25.

BookGonzález, Ana Marta; Oloo, Florence; DeRose, Laurie F. (eds.) (2011)
Frontiers of globalization: kinship and family structures in Africa
Abstract presentTrenton, NJ: Africa World Press. 290p.

BookIRC, Florence (2010)
See this publicationThe dynamics of social change: towards the abandonment of female genital mutilation/cutting in five African countries
Florence: UNICEF, Innocenti Research Centre (IRC). Innocenti insight.

Dissertation / thesisNori, Michele (2010)
See this publicationMilking drylands: gender networks, pastoral markets and food security in stateless Somalia
Ph.D. dissertation (2010-02-12). Wageningen University. 230p.

Conference paperRollinde, Marguerite (ed.) (2010)
Genre et changement social en Afrique
Paris: Archives contemporaines. Manuels. 122p.

Periodical articleAko-Nai, R.I. (2009)
Organizing for change: global initiatives and the growth of women interest groups in Nigeria
Legon Journal of International Affairs. Volume 6 #2. November. p. 89-106.

Periodical articleAttané, Anne (2009)
Quand la circulation de l'argent façonne les relations conjugales: l'exemple de milieux urbains au Burkina Faso
Abstract presentAutrepart. #49. p. 155-171.

Periodical articleBillaud, Anthony (2009)
Négociation et reconfiguration des pouvoirs locaux: la cas de la ville de Yoff au Sénégal
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #230. p. 169-185.

Periodical articleIgreja, Victor; Dias Lambranca, Béatrice (2009)
See this publicationThe Thursdays as they live: Christian religious transformation and gender relations in postwar Gorongosa, central Mozambique
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 39 #3. p. 262-294.

BookTeulié, Gilles; Joseph-Vilain, Mélanie (eds.) (2009)
Healing South African wounds = Guérir les blessures de l'Afrique du Sud
Abstract presentMontpellier: Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée. Les carnets du Cerpanac #7. 473p.

Periodical articleGuétat-Bernard, Hélène (2008)
Cultures du café et dynamiques des rapports de genre en pays bamiléké au Cameroun: effet de similitude avec la situation kikuyu au Kenya
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 61 #243. p. 339-354.

BookHouinsa, David Godonou (ed.) (2008)
See this publicationLivre blanc: femmes du Bénin au coeur de la dynamique du changement social
Cotonou: Laboratoire AMEN. 304p.

BookLoftsdottir, Kristin (2008)
The bush is sweet: identity, power and development among WoDaaBe Fulani in Niger
Uppsala: NORDISKA Afrikainstitutet. 264p.

Dissertation / thesisNdaya Tshiteku, Julie (2008)
See this publication'Prendre le bic': Le Combat Spirituel congolais et les transformations sociales
Abstract presentErasmus University Rotterdam. Ph.D. dissertation. Leiden: African Studies Centre. African Studies Collection #7. 250p.

Periodical articleAbidogun, Jamaine (2007)
See this publicationWestern education's impact on Northern Igbo gender roles in Nsukka, Nigeria
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 54 #1. p. 29-51.

BookChua-oon, Chuanpit (2007)
Girls' education and social change: a study of Kel Tamashek society in Timbuktu
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 384p.

Periodical articleGlotzer, Richard; Engberg, Lila (2007)
Teacher trainees in Ghana in the early 1960s: women and the teaching of home science
Abstract presentGhana Studies. Volume 8. p. 103-126.

Dissertation / thesisLemay, Anne-Marie (2007)
Le changement agricole et la dynamique familiale en milieu rural malien: exemple de technologies agroforestières
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 167p.

Periodical articleNdaya Tshiteku, J. (2007)
Sainteté et relations domestiques dans le Ministère congolais de la délivrance
Abstract presentRevue africaine des sciences de la mission = African review of mission studies. Volume 12 #22-23. p. 283-301.

Periodical articleSomolu, Oreoluwa (2007)
See this publication'Telling Our Own Stories': African Women Blogging for Social Change
Gender and Development. Volume 15 #3. November. p. 477-489.

Periodical articleHeyer, Amrik (2006)
See this publicationThe Gender of Wealth: Markets and Power in Central Kenya
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 33 #107. March. p. 67-80.

Periodical articlePeabody, Stanton (2006)
Women Who Made a Difference: A Special Record
Abstract presentLiberian Studies Journal. Volume 31 #1. p. 63-89.

BookPeretu, Benedicta Tariere (2006)
Les Africaines dans le développement: le rôle des femmes au Nigeria
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 244p.

BookBamidele, Bolade (2005)
Intimate talks
Ondo: Set and printed by Crofes Computers, Press & Publishers. 155p.

BookHartwig, Elisabeth (2005)
Rural African women as subjects of social and political change: a case study of women in northwestern Cameroon
Münster: Lit Verlag. Rurale Geschlechterforschung, Schriftenreihe angelas e.V. #6. 306p.

BookJohnson-Hanks, Jennifer (2005)
Uncertain Honor: Modern Motherhood in an African Crisis
Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 288p.

Periodical articleLobnibe, Isidore (2005)
See this publicationForbidden Fruit in the Compound: A Case Study of Migration, Spousal Separation and Group-Wife Adultery in Northwest Ghana
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 75 #4. p. 559-581.

Periodical articleMassart, Guy (2005)
See this publicationMasculinités pour tous? Genre, pouvoir et gouvernementalité au Cap-Vert: le foyer dans la spirale de l'ouverture et du changement à Praia
Abstract presentLusotopie. Volume 12 #1. p. 245-262.

BookMiescher, Stephan F. (2005)
Making Men in Ghana
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 323p.

Periodical articleVubo, Emmanuel Yenshu (2005)
See this publicationMatriliny and Patriliny between Cohabitation-Equilibrium and Modernity in the Cameroon Grassfields
African Study Monographs. Volume 26 #3. p. 145-182.

Periodical articleApusigah, A. (2004)
Engendering social change in Ghana: understanding the complexities of Ghanaian women's lives
Legon Journal of Sociology. Volume 1 #1. January. p. 1-18.

Dissertation / thesisNewcomb, Rachel (2004)
'Singing to so many audiences': negotiations of gender, identity, and social space in Fes, Morocco
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 287p.

Periodical articlePlatte, Editha (2004)
See this publicationTowards an African Modernity: Plastic Pots and Enamel Ware in Kanuri-Women's Rooms (Northern Nigeria)
Paideuma. Volume 50. p. 173-192.

BookRiel, Fransje van; Yekani, Nomfusi Vinah (2004)
The crowing of the roosters
Claremont: David Philip. 201p.

Periodical articleTsikata, Dzodzi (2004)
The Volta River Project and Tongu Ewe communities along the Volta Lake: a case of development's unintended consequences?
Abstract presentResearch Review. Volume 20 #2. p. 33-51.

BookVan Allen, Judith Imel (2004)
Free women: kinship, capitalism, gender and the state in Botswana
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 388p.

Periodical articleOlurode, Lai (2003)
See this publicationGender, Globalisation and Marginalisation in Africa
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 28 #3-4. p. 67-88.

Dissertation / thesisBecker, Cynthia Jeanne (2002)
Arts, gender and changing constructions of Amazigh (Berber) identity: the Ait Khabbash of southeastern Morocco, 1930-1999
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 434p.

Dissertation / thesisFish, Jennifer Natalie (2002)
Domestic workers and democratization: challenging the limits of transformation in the new South Africa
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 377p.

Dissertation / thesisLubkemann, Stephen C. (2002)
Situating wartime migration in central Mozambique: gendered social struggle and the transnationalization of polygyny
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 585p.

Dissertation / thesisMuhammad, Baqi'e Badawi (2002)
Manawashai basketry: famine, change, and creativity
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services.

BookMager, Anne; Blake, Michael (2001)
Masculinities in the making of gendered identities: a Getnet guidebook for trainers
Cape Town: Gender education and training network (GETNET). 63p.

Periodical articleModo, I.V.O. (2001)
See this publicationThe Changing Family Structure and Legal Lag in Lesotho: Implications for the Future
Abstract presentAfrican Anthropologist. Volume 8 #1. March. p. 69-84.

Periodical articleReveyrand-Coulon, Odile (2001)
Devenir des femmes biliyan et dynamique familiale
Abstract presentStudia Africana. #12. p. 105-118.

Periodical articleAda, M.J. (2000)
Women's hospitality and church's solidarity
Amka. #5. p. 14-19.

BookGagiano, Annie H. (2000)
Achebe, Head, Marechera: On Power and Change in Africa
Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers. 306p.

Periodical articleMboyi, N. (2000)
Spirituality and hospitality viewed from South Africa
Amka. #5. p. 9-13.

Periodical articleYaShalongo, M.; Kathindi, N.E. (2000)
God's hospitality and the Namibian situation
Amka. #5. p. 20-23.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1999)
Sexual reversals
Moto. #197. June. p. 20-21.

BookBehrend, Heike; Luig, Ute (eds.) (1999)
Spirit possession: modernity & power in Africa
Abstract presentOxford: Currey. 170p.

Periodical articleBenschop, M.; Trujillo, C. (1999)
Security of tenure: why focus on women?
Habitat Debate. Volume 5 #3. p. 7-9.

Periodical articleDako, Kari (1999)
Gender Roles as Indicators of Social Change in a Colonial Novel: R.E. Obeng's 'Eighteenpence: A Socio-Historical Source Material
Research Review. Volume 15 #1. p. 60-79.

Periodical articleMwalye, H. (1999)
Formation of women religious as agents of evangelization for the Church-as-family of God
AFER. Volume 41 #4-5-6. August-Oct.-Dec.. p. 267-281.

Periodical articleSeljeflot, S.B. (1999)
Migration and Human Development: A Case Study of Female Migration to Accra, Ghana
Bulletin of the Ghana Geographical Association. #21. July. p. 157-165.

Periodical articleMandour, I. (1998)
The politics of FGM in Egypt
Women's World. #32. p. 24.

Periodical articleOkemwa, P.F. (1998)
The criteria by which women should judge contemporary religious practices
Amka. #4A. p. 43-53.

Periodical articlePallé, Bernadette (1998)
Femmes et société civile au 21ème siècle en Afrique
Abstract presentQuest: An International African Journal of Philosophy. Volume 12 #1. June. p. 163-168.

Periodical articleTamale, S. (1998)
The limitation of affirmative action in Uganda
Women's World. #32. p. 15-19.

Periodical articleUka, M.O. (1998)
Status and roles of women in the house hold of God within the African context
Amka. #4A. p. 54-60.

Periodical articleZigomo, L. (1998)
Do We Have a Culture of Human Rights in Zimbabwe?
WomanPlus. Volume 3 #2. July. p. 3-5.

Periodical articleMcLoughlin, T. (1997)
Do professionals 'play' sport?
Zimbabwean Review. Volume 3 #2. April-June. p. 20-22.

Periodical articleNkhoma, Howard M.; Kirwan, Moira (1997)
Social Change and Widowhood: The Experience of the Tonga People of Northern Malawi
Religion in Malawi. #7. November. p. 12-18.

Periodical articleReimer, L. (1997)
Running fast on one leg
Zimbabwean Review. Volume 3 #2. April-June. p. 18-20.

Periodical articleSiekierska, E.; Grelot, J.-P. (1997)
Gender and cartography
Cartography and Remote Sensing Bulletin. #6. July. p. 73-81.

Conference paperDatta, Ansu (ed.) (1996)
Conflict and culture in Africa: proceedings of an international symposium held at Grand Palm Hotel in Gaborone, Botswana, December 4-6, 1995
Abstract presentGaborone: NIR. 109p.

Periodical articleKwesiga, J.C. (1996)
Charting women's path to the realisation of their full potential as human beings
Arise (Kampala, Uganda). #17. January-June. p. 3-7.

Periodical articleMukama, R. (1996)
A decade: honoured ACFODE spirit
Arise (Kampala, Uganda). #17. January-June. p. 32-35.

Periodical articleMukama, R. (1996)
A decade of donor-inspired action
Arise (Kampala, Uganda). #17. January-June. p. 9-10.

Periodical articleNwagwu, M.G. (1996)
The role of women in social transformation
African Christian Studies. Volume 12 #2. June. p. 46-54.

Periodical articleTuryomurugendo, J. (1996)
Women and civic education
Arise (Kampala, Uganda). #19. October-December. p. 28-29.

Periodical articleBarska, Anna (1995)
Aspects de la transformation culturelle dans la société algérienne
Abstract presentHemispheres: Studies on Cultures and Societies. #10. p. 103-112.

Periodical articleSimo, J.A. Mope (1995)
See this publicationStructures of Control and Power and the Implications for Social Change in a Western Grassfields Chiefdom
Abstract presentPaideuma. Volume 41. p. 83-91.

DVD / videoSuccab-Goldman, Christiane (ed.) (1995)
À Bamako, les femmes sont belles: un film
Abstract presentISKRA.

Periodical articleDei, George J.S. (1994)
See this publicationThe Women of A Ghanaian Village: A Study of Social Change
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 37 #2. September. p. 121-145.

Periodical articleHirschmann, David (1994)
Urban Women, Civil Society, and Social Transformation in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Rural and Urban Studies. Volume 1 #2. p. 31-48.

Periodical articleHunt, Danica L. Stein (1993)
The Changing Role of Women in African Music
Abstract presentUfahamu. Volume 21 #1-2. p. 41-59.

Conference paperProcek, Eva (ed.) (1993)
Changing roles of women in Botswana
Gaborone: Botswana Society on behalf of Supa-Ngwao Museum Society, Francistown. Occasional paper #6. 90p.

Periodical articleSilberschmidt, Margrethe (1992)
See this publicationHave Men Become the Weaker Sex? Changing Life Situations in Kisii District, Kenya
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 30 #2. June. p. 237-253.

Periodical articleMugyenyi, Mary R. (1991)
Media Rapped for Lack of Objectivity
Arise (Kampala, Uganda). #4. October-December. p. 10-14.

Search: su=social change
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