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Search: su=personal narratives (form)
Found: 47 Record 1-47

BookBauer, Wolfgang (2016)
Die geraubten Mädchen: Boko Haram und der Terror im Herzen Afrikas
Berlin: Suhrkamp. 189p.

BookFonchingong, Rose Chia (2016)
Stifled justice in Cameroon: detained for six years without judgement
Bamenda: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 98p.

BookLevinson, K. Riva (2016)
Choosing the hero: my improbable journey and the rise of Africa's first woman president
Washington, DC: Kiwai Media. 191p.

BookAmony, Evelyn (2015)
I am Evelyn Amony: reclaiming my life from the Lord's Resistance Army
Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press. Women in Africa and the diaspora.

BookCondé, Maryse (2015)
Mets et merveilles
Paris: JC Lattès. 376p.

BookConte, Christopher (ed.) (2015)
Crossroads: women coming of age in today's Uganda
Abstract presentNorth Charleston, NC: Create Space. 172p.

BookFofana, Halimata (2015)
Mariama, l'écorchée vive: récit
Paris: Karthala. 158p.

BookFuller, Alexandra (2015)
Leaving before the rains come
New York: Penquin Press. 258p.

BookJansen, Ena (2015)
Soos familie: stedelike huiswerkers in Suid-Afrikaanse tekste
Pretoria: Protea Boekhuis. 574p.

BookMiled, Ilham Ben; Regaïeg, Najiba (eds.) (2015)
Voix de l'enfant et de la mère: ouvrage collectif
Abstract presentTunis: Arabesques éditions. 242p.

BookNgolo Lembe, Yvonne (2015)
Le parcours politique d'une femme
Paris: L'Harmattan. 151p.

BookZouari, Fawzia (2015)
Je ne suis pas Diam's
Paris: Stock. Parti pris. 158p.

BookAssociation Solidarité Féminine (2014)
À hautes voix
Casablanca: Éditions Le Fennec. 139p.

BookCrane, Jane L. (2014)
Half a piece of cloth: the courage of africa's countless widows
Santa Fe, CA: Hearkening Press. 257p.

BookFuchs, Elisa (2014)
Moçambique: marcou-nos para a vida: Grupo de mulheres internacionalistas 1980-1984 retratos e depoimentos
Ciedima. 150p.

BookJina, Zaheera; Asvat, Hasina (eds.) (2014)
Riding the samoosa express: personal narratives of marriage and beyond
Cape Town: Modjaji Books. 159p.

BookKorse, Piet (2014)
Kinderrituelen uit Afrika (Oeganda en Congo)
Oosterbeek: Piet Korse. 187p.

BookKut, George; Kut, Francis Okinja (eds.) (2014)
Stories of women building peace: transforming inter-ethnic violence in North Rift Region, Kenya
Nairobi: Coalition for Peace in Africa (COPA). 131p.

BookMalaika wa Azania (2014)
Memoirs of a born free: reflections on the rainbow nation
Auckland Park: Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd. 172p.

BookAbeiderrahmane, Nancy Jones (2013)
Camel cheese -- seemed like a good idea
Nouakchott: Nancy Jones Abeiderrahmane. 387p.

BookBen Mbarek Msaddek, Dalila (2013)
Je prendrai les armes s'il le faut: Tunisie, mon combat pour la liberté
Paris: Presses de la Renaissance. 175p.

BookJones, Peter (ed.) (2013)
Letters from Eritrea: refugee women tell their story
Kampala: The Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA). 34p.

BookKorse, Piet (2013)
In gesprek met Afrika
Oosterbeek: Korse. 195p.

BookOpou, Eugénie Mouayani (2013)
Une femme candidate aux élections législatives au Congo-Brazzaville
Paris: L'Harmattan. 105p.

BookThorpe, Jen (ed.) (2012)
My first time: stories of sex and sexuality from women like you
Athlone: Modjaji Books. 152p.

BookDiesel, Alleyn (ed.) (2011)
Reclaiming the L-word: Sappho's daughters out in Africa
Athlone: Modjaji Books. 201p.

BookHahn, Emily (2011)
Congo solo: misadventures two degrees north
Montréal: McGill-Queen's University Press. 274p.

BookLyddon, Laura; Perini, Chiara (eds.) (2011)
See this publicationVoices of survivors: the different faces of gun violence
London: International Action Network on Small Arms. 47p.

BookMakwemoisa, Anthonia (ed.) (2011)
The HerStory Project
Dakar: Amalion Publishing. 328p.

BookMoor, Corry de (2011)
Afrikaanse vrouwen: verhalen uit Mozambique
Amsterdam: www.mijneigenboek.nl. 160p.

BookTorku, Josephine Adwoa Ashia (2011)
When the men fell asleep: an account of experiences gathered as a student politician
Accra: TREC. 203p.

BookLeblanc, Marie-Thérèse (2010)
Eloge du métissage: récits de femmes en noir et blanc
Dakar-Fann: Panafrika, Silex/Nouvelles du Sud. 159p.

BookSalah, Rahmouna; Maamoura, Fatiha (2010)
Laissées pour mortes: le lynchage des femmes de Hassi Messaoud
Abstract presentParis: Milo. 248p.

BookBarungi, Violet; Twongyeirwe Rutagonya, Hilda (eds.) (2009)
Beyond the dance: voices of women on female genital mutilation
Abstract presentKampala: Femrite Publications. 157p.

BookCecil, Veronica (2009)
Bongo bongo bongo: I don't wanna leave the Congo: a memoir
Cape Town: Kwela Books. 253p.

BookGretschel, Hans-Volker (2009)
Von Kampwitwen und -waisen: Berichte aus den Internierungsjahren in Südwestafrika, 1939-1946
Windhoek: Klaus Hess Verlag. 294p.

BookHaward, Patricia (ed.) (2009)
Tragedies of Ugandan women and children, 1970-2000
Kampala: Fountain Publishers. Looking back. 145p.

BookAgiresaasi, Apophia (ed.) (2008)
See this publicationToday you will understand: Women of northern Uganda speak out
Nairobi: IRIN. 66p.

BookCameron, Kerstin (2008)
De hemel boven Afrika
Baarn: De Kern. 319p.

BookEl Bouih, Fatna (2008)
Talk of darkness
Austin, TX: Center for Middle Eastern studies, University of Texas. Modern Middle East literatures in translation series. 100p.

BookLiliwhite-Nwosu, Nkem (2004)
Divine restoration of Nigeria: eyewitness account of her trials and triumphs
Lagos: CSS Bookshops. 520p.

BookMaddy, Monique (2004)
Learning to love Africa: my journey from Africa to Harvard Business School and back
New York: Harper Business. 358p.

BookEgbeme, Choga Regina (2003)
Die verbotene Oase: mein neues Leben im Harem der Frauen
München: Ullstein. Ullstein Buch #36380.

BookWülfing, Cornelia von (2003)
Mein Leben als Königin in Ghana
Berlin: Ullstein Verlag.

DVD / videoMohamed, Akiedah (ed.) (1999)
Malawian kiss
Abstract presentPrimedia Pictures.

BookOddie, Catherine (1994)
Enkop ai: (my country): my life with the Maasai
East Roseville, NSW: Simon & Schuster Australia. 242p.

BookBoggie, Jeannie M. (1950)
Experiences of Rhodesia's pioneer women: being a true account of the adventures of the early white women settlers in Southern Rhodesia from 1890
Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia: Philpott & Collins. 286p.

Search: su=personal narratives (form)
Found: 47 Record 1-47

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