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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Nigeria's new constitution for 1992: the Third Republic
Author:Read, James S.ISNI
Periodical:Journal of African Law
Geographic term:Nigeria
Abstract:Nigeria's new Constitution, enacted in 1989 for implementation in 1992, closely reproduces the structure and most of the detailed provisions of the Constitution of 1979. Yet such similarity belies fundamental changes in the political system now in process of restoration. The present article notes the principal changes which have been made to the 1979 model to serve the needs of the 1990s. Most fundamental are the decisions to adopt a two-party system, to introduce a system of 'recall', applicable to members of all legislatures, and to enhance the powers and constitutional status of local government. Another fundamental difference from 1979 is that the new Constitution will provide for a federation of 30 states, instead of 19. A significant aspect of the transition to civilian rule in 1992 is the decision to follow a programme of phased implementation of the new Constitution, in accordance with a programme formalized by decree and under the supervision of a National Committee on Transition to Civilian Rule. Notes, ref.