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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:The influence of foreign trade conditions on the environment during the reform period in Tanzania
Authors:Mjema, G.D.ISNI
Kulindwa, K.ISNI
Periodical:Tanzanian Economic Trends (ISSN 0856-3373)
Notes:biblio. refs.
Geographic terms:Tanzania
East Africa
Subjects:environmental economics
Economics, Commerce
Foreign trade
sustainable development
Economic recovery
Abstract:Tanzania's 1986 trade liberalization policies have, to a considerable extent, been effective in improving export earnings. Promotional measures and other export incentives have proved to be an effective tool for stimulating nontraditional exports. However, in the case of some commodities - such as cotton, tobacco, tea and timber - the increase in exports has resulted in soil erosion and deforestation. The export of such environmentally degrading products from Tanzania has partly been encouraged by the tariff structures of Tanzania's major trading partners, which tend to be biased against processed or manufactured goods in favour of unprocessed agricultural and forest-based products. The authors recommend the incorporation of environmental conservation concerns in economic reform programmes and call upon the relevant authorities in Tanzania and the international community at large to take up the challenge of trade-offs for sustainable development. Bibliogr., notes, ref.