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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Rhodesia: equal rights indefinitely postponed
Author:Read, J.S.ISNI
Periodical:Race Today
Geographic terms:Zimbabwe
Great Britain
Subjects:international agreements
Abstract:Although the White Paper 'Rhodesia: Proposals for a Settlement' embodying the terms agreed by the United Kingdom and Rhodesian Governments during the 1971 negotiations, purports to offer a solution to the difficult race relations issue, the attempt to reconcile the 'five principles' (Unimpeded progress to majority rule; Guarantees against retrogressive amendment of the Constitution; Immediate improvement in the political status of the African population; Progress towards ending racial discrimination, The British Government would need to be satisfied that any basis proposed for independence was acceptable to the people of Rhodesia as a whole) with the realities of power, results in some remarkable provisions and interpretations. According to the author the 'Proposals for a Settlement' amount to a blunt abandonment of a British responsibility and a blow to the state of race relations in Africa. Notes.