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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Criminal law in the Africa of today and tomorrow
Author:Read, J.S.ISNI
Periodical:Journal of African Law
Geographic term:Africa
Subject:criminal law
Abstract:The English law descent of the criminal law which applies generally throughout each African territory traces back - except in Sierra Leone, where there is no code - to the Indian Penal Code of 186O, the Queensland Criminal Code of 1899, the Colonial Office model code drafted for East Africa (1927) and the Native Territories Penal Code (Cape of Good Hope Colony, 1886). Other links, besides the codes, with English law are discussed. South of the Zambezi a mixture of principles has resulted in an evolution of a new body of South African common law of varied origin. North of the Zambezi the majority of criminal cases, however, are tried by the African (local or customary, formerly native) courts. Integration of these dual elements is accepted in most African countries as an urgent objective.