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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Calculating the Contribution of a Structural Shift to Economic Growth in the Sudan: 1955-1967
Author:Ali, Mohamed A.
Periodical:Sudan Notes and Records
Geographic term:Sudan
Subjects:subsistence economy
labour force
economic development
Economics and Trade
Abstract:This analysis, using crude data and a simple framework, indicates that a shift of the labour force from the traditional sector to the modern sector raises productivity in each sector and contributes to overall economic growth. If this tentative conclusion is corred, then the traditional sector may constitute a pool of labour from which the modern sector can draw. This may provide the answer to the country's acute problem of shortage of labour. Therefore, policies that are geared towards proper and well-guided reallocation of labour between the traditional and modern sectors in the Sudan, may be the only answer to the country's short-run labour problem. Notes, tables.