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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:A milestone in the integration of personal laws: the new law of marriage and divorce in Tanzania
Author:Read, J.S.ISNI
Periodical:Journal of African Law
Geographic term:Tanzania
Subject:marriage law
Abstract:The Law of Marriage Act of 1971 in Tanzania is modelled in the main upon the draft Bill-appended to the Report of the Commission on the Law of Marriage and Divorce in Kenya. The diverse personal laws of marriage and divorce which were formerly applicable, are integrated. The diverse aspects are discussed successively in the sections: The background - An integrated law - Types of marriage; the basic question - The contracting of marriage - The unified registration of marriages, annulments and divorces - Property, rights and liabilities and status - Matrimonial proceedings - Children - Offences - Presumption of marriage - Miscellaneous rights of action - Conclusion. Notes. Resume en français.