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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Child Out-Fostering and Other Factors Influencing Reproductive Behaviour in Botswana's Changing Society
Author:Langeni, T.T.
Periodical:Botswana Notes and Records (ISSN 0525-5090)
Notes:biblio. refs.
Geographic terms:Botswana
Southern Africa
Subjects:foster care
Peoples of Africa (Ethnic Groups)
Health and Nutrition
Women's Issues
Marital Relations and Nuptiality
Fertility and Infertility
Cultural Roles
Women and Their Children
Foster home care
child rearing
Family structure
External link:https://www.jstor.org/stable/40980246
Abstract:This article examines the influence of child out-fostering, the practice of delegating to other relatives the partial or full responsibility for child rearing, on reproductive behaviour in Botswana's changing society, where many traditional institutions, such as the extended family system with its advantages of shared child rearing, are disappearing. It is based on data from the Botswana Family Health Survey 3 of 1996. Multivariate regression analysis was used to isolate the factors significantly associated with the number of children ever born to women in Botswana. Contrary to numerous previous studies which associate child out-fostering with high fertility, it was found that in Botswana child out-fostering is negatively related to fertility. The results suggest a clear hierarchy in factors associated with fertility determination. These are, in descending order of importance, respondent's age at first birth, absence of infant and child mortality, being single, child out-fostering, participation in the labour force, urban residence, and having ever attended school. Bibliogr., sum.