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Book Book Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Shared terrestrial ecosystems of East Africa: towards conviviality
Authors:Wakhungu, Judi W.
Sikoyo, George M.ISNI
Series:Transboundary series
City of publisher:Nairobi
Publisher:African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS)
Geographic terms:Uganda
Subjects:natural resource management
national parks and reserves
Abstract:The East African Community (EAC) has initiated a process to prepare common guidelines for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of shared terrestrial ecosystems of East Africa. The shared terrestrial ecosystems of East Africa include wetlands, forest ecosystems and protected wildlife ecosystems. Shared terrestrial ecosystems present an extended concept of cross-border or transboundary sharing across the international border of two or more countries. This concept assumes practical dimensions when management implications of a given system are considered. A number of shared terrestrial ecosystems were selected for this study: the wetlands ecosystem, which is represented by the Minziro-Sango Bay swamp forests located in southwestern Uganda and northwestern Tanzania beside Lake Victoria; the forest ecosystems of the Eastern Arc Mountains, Mount Elgon, and Loima-Moroto Hills (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda); and protected wildlife ecosystems such as Serengeti-Mara, Kilimanjaro-Amboseli-Longido, and Tsavo West-Mkomazi/Umba. Information is presented on the status of each of the ecosystems with respect to major resources, causes and impacts of resource degradation, key management issues, priority areas for management and major regional efforts to manage the ecosystems. Contributors: Jim K. Kairu and George M. Sikoyo. [ASC Leiden abstract]