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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Industrial subcontracting linkages in the Lagos region, Nigeria
Author:Ajayi, Dickson 'DareISNI
Periodical:The Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies
Geographic term:Nigeria
industrial organization
Abstract:Production subcontracting is the arrangement of the production process wherein firms externalize their manufacturing activities to other independent firms. This paper analyses the pattern of subcontracting linkages in the Lagos region of Nigeria within the currently held views of integration and industrial linkages. It uses data from a literature review as well as questionnaires and a reconnaissance survey, carried out in 1995 and covering all 15 industrial estates/areas and outlying firms in the Lagos region. The paper shows that, whether in terms of number or volume - calculated in monetary terms -, the spatial distribution of subcontracting varied markedly among the industrial estates/areas. Subcontractors and subcontracting were found to be concentrated in just a few of the industrial estates/areas. Intra-estate/area subcontracting was identified in seven of the industrial estates/areas. Inter-estate/area subcontracting links grew and became more complex in successive years. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract, edited]