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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Locally Adapted Poverty Indicators Derived from Participatory Wealth Rankings: A Case of Four Villages in Rural Tanzania
Author:Van Campenhout, Bjorn F.H.ISNI
Periodical:Journal of African Economies
Geographic term:Tanzania
rural poverty
rural households
research methods
Economics and Trade
External link:https://jae.oxfordjournals.org/content/16/3/406.full.pdf
Abstract:Poverty indicators are generally identified on the basis of household consumption and expenditure data drawn from nationally representative household budget surveys. This study analyses the use of perceived wealth as an alternative for other monetary-based methods in the analysis of micro-economic poverty in traditional, isolated rural societies. More specifically, on the basis of participatory wealth rankings, it identifies covariates that could serve as poverty indicators. Furthermore, it checks the performance of these indicators when using a more conventional indicator of well-being. To do so, participatory wealth rankings were conducted in four villages - Ibatu, Ipilimo, Kilolo and Kisasa, Kasanga division, Mufindi district - in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. Then, a small questionnaire-based survey was administered to the ranked households to probe for possible poverty indicators that can broadly be classified under four categories, namely household characteristics, human capital, housing and durables, and productive assets. The results show that most of the routinely used poverty indicators remain valid, but for some, there are interesting differences. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract, edited]