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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:A finger on the pulse of the fly: hidden voices of colonial anti-tsetse science on the Rhodesian and Mozambican borderlands, 1945-1956
Authors:Mavhunga, Clapperton
Spierenburg, MarjaISNI
Periodical:South African Historical Journal
Geographic terms:Mozambique
External link:https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02582470709464747
Abstract:This paper examines perceptions of and interventions against trypanosomiasis in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and Mozambique during the period 1945-1956. The paper's geographical focus is mainly the junction of the Save and Lundi Rivers across which the Mozambique-Rhodesia border passed. In both countries, the focus of interventions was on the vector of the trypanosome, tsetse flies, rather than on attempts to control the disease by eliminating the parasite using chemical therapies. Research and strategies to combat tsetse flies, however, differed in Rhodesia and Mozambique. Research in Rhodesia focussed on the routes and means of spreading the infestation, as well as on the habitat of the fly. Tsetse infestation in the borderland was interpreted as an 'advance' of the fly from Mozambique into Rhodesia. In Mozambique, the main focus was on game as a vector of the fly. As a result, to the Portuguese authorities controlling the movement of game seemed more important than controlling the movement of people. The paper also pays attention to the role of Africans in the production of research and science, and in programmes to combat tsetse infestation. Notes, ref. [ASC Leiden abstract]