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Periodical issue Periodical issue Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Special issue on: Academic freedom in Africa
Editors:Khelfaoui, HocineISNI
Ogachi, Ibrahim Oanda
Periodical:Journal of Higher Education in Africa (ISSN 0851-7762)
City of publisher:Dakar
Geographic terms:Africa
Ivory Coast - Côte d'Ivoire
South Africa
Subjects:academic freedom
External link:https://www.jstor.org/stable/jhigheducafri.9.issue-1-2
Abstract:This special issue of the Journal of Higher Education in Africa re-addresses the recurring issue of academic freedom in Africa. Three themes that emerge from the articles are the rise of international donors and the dependence of African researchers on them, the hardening of political power against academic freedom, and the disappearance of public funding for research in Africa. Contributions: Introduction: Academic freedom in Africa: between local powers and international donors (Hocine Khelfaoui & Ibrahim Oanda Ogachi); The challenges of feminism: gender, ethics and responsible academic freedom in African universities (Amina Mama); Neo-liberalism and the subversion of academic freedom from within: money, corporate cultures and 'captured' intellectuals in African public universities (Ibrahim Oanda Ogachi); Academic freedom and the constriction of democratic space in Botswana: reflections from an academic-cum-politician in the university space (Taolo Lucas); Regulatory bodies, academic freedom and institutional autonomy in Africa: issues and challenges - the Nigerian example (Elijah Adewale Taiwo); Peer review mechanisms: the bottleneck of academic freedom (Elizabeth Ayalew); Liberté académique en question: contribution à la problématisation d'une notion à partir du cas estudiantin au Sénégal (Abdoulaye Guèye); Libertés académiques, syndicalisme et politique en Côte d'Ivoire (Goin Bi Zamblé Théodore); Pursuing excellence in a 'world-class African university': the Mamdani affair and the politics of global higher education (Isaac A. Kamola). [ASC Leiden abstract]