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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Forest investments and channels of contestation in highland Ethiopia
Author:Guillozet, Kathleen
Periodical:African Identities (ISSN 1472-5851)
Geographic term:Ethiopia
Subjects:land acquisition
foreign investments
External link:https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14725843.2013.868670
Abstract:Forest-based land investments affect rural livelihoods due to the interconnected nature of forest and agricultural incomes at forest margins. In Ethiopia, foreign investments in forests take many forms, including direct harvest of forest products, plantation establishment, forest conversion for agriculture and payment incentives for ecosystem services such as carbon. This paper uses document analysis and case-study evidence to identify and describe impediments to transparency and engagement with local communities in the context of foreign investments. Case-study evidence is based on 10 months of field research conducted in highland Ethiopia in 2009 and 2010. While private investment in Ethiopian forests is limited, a lack of citizen empowerment and transparent information inhibits local communities and advocates from effectively monitoring and protecting resource rights. The paper describes the tenure systems surrounding forests in Ethiopia today and examines two aspects of emerging forest investments in Ethiopia and highlights spaces within them for social transformation that might lead to more equitable benefit sharing. First, it describes the absence of a uniform definition of forestland, and a lack of clear institutional authority and information transparency surrounding land deals affecting forests. Second, it illustrates constraints to local citizen participation in decisionmaking. Bibliogr., note, sum. [Journal abstract, edited]