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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Scrambling for the promised land: land acquisitions and the politics of representation in post-war Acholi, northern Uganda
Author:Sjögren, AndersISNI
Periodical:African Identities (ISSN 1472-5851)
Geographic term:Uganda
Subjects:land conflicts
land acquisition
land tenure
External link:https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14725843.2013.868671
Abstract:In the wake of a return to relative peace in the Acholi region, northern Uganda, since 2006, land matters have taken centre stage. After having been displaced into camps for many years, people have started to go back home. Their return is complicated by many factors, including above all, land disputes. While the Ugandan constitution and land legislation protects customary tenure, the social and economic institutions that uphold this tenure regime have been severely weakened as a result of war and displacement. The combination of demographic changes following large-scale displacement and gradual return, social and economic conflicts emanating from poverty for the majority of the population and accumulation by a few, uncertain territorial demarcations as a result of changing and contested statutory and communal boundaries in the context of weak and subverted regulatory institutions, together deepen conflict over resources. This article analyses these issues by focusing on a case of land acquisition in Amuru, namely a bid by the Madhvani business group to access huge tracts of land in western Acholi for purposes of growing sugar cane. The article examines the heated debates and protests this case has generated, as played out by political representation in different arenas such as the media, courts and representative assemblies. Bibliogr., sum. [Journal abstract]