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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Road maps in resolving African conflicts: pathways to peace or cul de sacs?
Author:Khadiagala, Gilbert M.ISNI
Periodical:African security (ISSN 1939-2214)
Geographic terms:Africa
Ivory Coast - Côte d'Ivoire
South Sudan
Subjects:conflict resolution
African Union
African organizations
External link:https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19392206.2014.939891
Abstract:After a brief discussion of previous African experiences of mediation in protracted conflicts, five cases of road map-based mediation (in Darfur, Côte d'Ivoire, Libya, Madagascar, and North-South Sudan) are analysed to examine whether road maps are effective means out of the three challenges of coordination, ownership, and resources. Road maps are shown to be: (1) useful if they contain process and content components, if they are maps that allow both disputants and mediators to search for solutions; (2) provide important mechanisms for the coordination of conflict resolution efforts, including mediation. This is predicated on marshalling resources for effective mediation; (3) helpful in redefining coordination between the African Union (AU) and Regional Economic Communities (RECs); and (4) effective in providing elder statesmen such as Nyerere, Mandela and Mbeki with adequate institutional standing and anchorage to remain valuable actors in African mediation. As the AU and RECs emerge as prominent players in conflict resolution, the roles of elder statesmen lodged in these institutions is bound to grow. Finally, road maps alone cannot bring peace in protracted contests where parties are too far apart and where stakes remain zero-sum. Notes, ref., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract]