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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Assessment of tourism associated activities for rural livelihood transformation
Author:Mkinga, Nolasco I.
Periodical:Utafiti (ISSN 0856-096X)
Geographic terms:Subsaharan Africa
national parks and reserves
External link:https://journals.udsm.ac.tz/index.php/uj/article/view/1351
Abstract:This article discusses the importance of tourism-associated livelihood activities of communities living adjacent to national parks in general and Saadani National Park (SNP), Tanzania, in particular. Studies from Botswana and South Africa show that poor people earn income from direct participation in tourism as hotel workers, guides, craft sellers, or transport operators. They also earn indirectly through the supply chain by selling the goods and services that the tourism sector needs. In SNP, activities associated with tourism include fishing, trading, tour guiding, tourism enterprises, art and craft, and direct employment. Constraints hindering communities from benefiting from tourism are: 1. the ineffectiveness of tourism policies implementation; 2. lack of support for involving women; 3. low numbers of tourists visiting SNP; 4. low levels of capacity development, especially of language, marketing and entrepreneurial skills; 5. inadequacy of financial capital; 6. inadequate education and training; 7. poor infrastructure; and 8. land conflicts. The author makes recommendations to address these issues, including better co-ordination of the Ministry of Tourism with other ministries and with NGOs or voluntary organizations. Bibliogr., sum. [ASC Leiden abstract]