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Periodical article Periodical article
Title:From Sacred Grove to Cultural Site: the Role of Socio-Economic Dynamics in the Conservation of 'Kaya Mudzi Muvya', Kenya
Author:Adongo, C.
Periodical:Journal des Africanistes: Revalorisation patrimoniale des sites naturels sacres (Kenya, Ouganda, Madagascar)
Geographic term:Kenya
Discipline:Anthropology & Ethnology
Subjects:Kaya Mudzi Muvya
Conservation - environmental
Abstract:This paper presents the findings of a study conducted in one of the sacred forests along the Kenya Coast - kaya Mudzi Muvya, now inscribed as a World Heritage Site. Like other sacred forests along the Kenya coast and hinterland, kaya Mudzi Muvya faces degradation threats as a result of a confluence of factors, ranging across social, cultural, economic, and political domains. Although still highly culturally and spiritually significant, anthropogenic pressures such as unsustainable resource harvesting puts the future of these sacred forests at risk. The purpose of this research was to explore social and cultural as well as economic influences in the sustainability of bio-cultural heritage at kaya Mudzi Muvya. (Journal Abstract).